美國 人物列錶
塞繆爾·烏爾曼 Samuel Ullman大衛・丹比 David Denby奧裏森・馬登 Ao Lisenmadeng
弗雷德裏剋-詹姆遜 Fredric Jameson愛德華•峠斯特羅諾瓦 Edward Castronova蘭道爾•門羅 Randall Patrick Munroe
埃勒裏·奎因 Ellery Queen艾黙裏·洛文斯 Amory Lovins塞繆爾 • 阿貝斯曼 Samuel Arbesman
剋萊頓-剋裏斯坦森 Clayton Magleby Christensen鮑勃•盧茨 Bob Lutz約翰·奈斯比特 John Naisbitt
威廉J.瑟勒 William J. Seiler道格拉斯·肯裏剋 Douglas T. Kenrick傑森·門德爾鬆 Jason Mendelson
布萊恩-本德爾 Bryan Bender瑪德琳-米勒 Madeline Miller蒂娜·峠西迪 Tina Cassidy
霍華德-W-巴菲特 Howard W. Buffett朱迪·加爾布雷斯 Judy Galbraith理查德·懷斯曼
威廉·巴特勒·葉芝約翰·基思·黙寧翰範思傑 Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran
提姆・布銳恩 Tim Breene肯·費雪於爾根·沃爾夫
塞繆爾·烏爾曼 Samuel Ullman
美國 二戰中的美國  (1840年四月13日1924年三月21日)

散文 prose《年輕 Youth》

閱讀塞繆爾·烏爾曼 Samuel Ullman在散文天地的作品!!!

塞繆爾·烏爾曼(Samuel Ullman)1840年生於德國,童年時移居美國。參加過南北戰爭,後來定居於拉巴馬州的伯明翰市。他是一位五金製品商,熱心公益67年如一日。在其生前的最後幾年,他曾日本得到一本書及其作品的錄音盒帶稿酬36,000美元,並全部捐贈給伯明翰市的一所亞拉巴馬州立大學作為奬學基金。



 Samuel Ullman (April 13, 1840 – March 21, 1924) was an American businessman, poet, humanitarian. He is best known today for his poem Youth which was a favorite of General Douglas MacArthur. The poem was on the wall of his office in Tokyo when he became Supreme Allied Commander in Japan. In addition, he often quoted from the poem in his speeches, leading to it becoming better known in Japan than in the United States.
Born in 1840 at Hechingen, Hohenzollern to Jewish parents, Ullman immigrated with his family to America to escape discrimination at the age of eleven. The Ullman family settled in Port Gibson, Mississippi. After briefly serving in the Confederate Army, he became a resident of Natchez, Mississippi. There, Ullman married, started a business, served as a city alderman, and was a member of the local board of education.
In 1884, Ullman moved to the young city of Birmingham, Alabama, and was immediately placed on the city's first board of education.
During his eighteen years of service, he advocated educational benefits for black children similar to those provided for whites. In addition to his numerous community activities, Ullman also served as president and then lay rabbi of the city's reform congregation at Temple Emanu-El. Often controversial but always respected, Ullman left his mark on the religious, educational, and community life of Natchez and Birmingham.
In his retirement, Ullman found more time for one of his favorite passions - writing letters, essays and poetry. His poems and poetic essays cover subjects as varied as love, nature, religion, family, the hurried lifestyle of a friend, and living "young." It was General Douglas MacArthur who facilitated Ullman's popularity as a poet - he hung a framed copy of a version of Ullman's poem "Youth" on the wall of his office in Tokyo and often quoted from the poem in his speeches. Through MacArthur's influence, the people of Japan discovered "Youth" and became curious about the poem's author.
In 1924, Ullman died in Birmingham, Alabama.
In 1994, the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the Japan-America Society of Alabama opened the Samuel Ullman Museum in Birmingham's Southside neighborhood. The museum is located in the former Ullman residence and is operated by the University of Alabama at Birmingham.


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