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凯文·米特尼克 Kevin Mitnick科恩 I. Bernard CohenE·迈尔 Ernst W. Mayr
罗伯特·温伯格 Robert Weinberg威廉·卡尔文 William H. Calvin南茜·埃特考夫 Nancy Etcoff
斯蒂芬·伦丁 Stephen Lundin哈里·保罗 Harry Paul奥格·曼狄诺 Og Mandino
珍奈儿·提格 Juanell Teague麦克·约基 Mike Yorkey拿破仑·希尔 Napoleon Hill
乔斯 Jose劳伦斯·彼得 Laurence J. Peter阿尔伯特·哈伯德 Elbert Hubbard
埃丽卡·奥尔洛夫 Erica Orloff凯西·莱文森 Kathy Levinson金伟灿 W. Chan Kim
罗伯特·西奥迪尼 Robert Cialdini诺亚·戈登斯坦 Noah Goldstein玛蒂·兰妮 Marti Olsen Laney
托马斯•索威尔 Thomas Swowell薛龙 Ronald Suleski彼得•邝
杜桑卡•米赛耶维奇易社强 John Israel丹尼斯•舍曼 Dennis Sherman
A•汤姆•格伦费尔德史景迁 Jonathan Spence哈金 Harkin
托马斯·索威尔 Thomas Sowell罗伯特•帕克斯顿 Robert Paxton布赖恩•费根 Brian M. Fagan
罗兹·墨菲 Rhoads Murphey丹尼斯·舍曼 Dennis ShermanA·汤姆·格伦费尔德 A. Tom Grunfeld
杰拉尔德·马科维茨 Gerald Markowitz戴维·罗斯纳 David Rosner琳达·海伍德 Linda Heywood
威廉·H.麦克尼尔 William H. McNeill卡尔顿·约·亨·海斯 Carlton J. H. Hayes帕克·托马斯·穆恩 Parker LeRoy Moon
I·T·赫德兰 I.T. Headland沃尔特·拉费伯尔 Walter LafeberR.R.帕尔默 R. R. Palmer
乔•科尔顿 Joel G. Colton劳埃德•克莱默 Lloyd KramerA.拉尔夫·埃帕森 A. Ralph Epperson
蔡美儿 Amy Chua詹姆斯•洛温 James W. Loewen亚当•科恩 Adam Cohen
赛珍珠 Pearl S. Buck蒂姆•韦纳 Tim Weiner易劳逸 Lioyd E.Eastman
大卫·罗布尔 David Robles艾伦·韦恩斯坦安东尼·派格登 Anthony Pagden
巴巴拉·W.塔奇曼 Barbara W. Tuchman张盈盈 Ying-Ying Chang艾伦·金斯伯格 Allen Ginsberg
凯文·米特尼克 Kevin Mitnick
美国 二战中的美国  (1963年8月6日)
籍贯: 美国加州的洛杉矶

信息科学 information science《欺骗的艺术》

阅读凯文·米特尼克 Kevin Mitnick在百家争鸣的作品!!!
  凯文·米特尼克(Kevin David Mitnick),1964年生于美国加州的洛杉矶,米特尼克只有3岁的时候,他的父母就离异了。他跟着母亲生活,很快就学会了自立,但父母的离异在米特尼克幼小的心灵深处造成了很大的创伤,使他性格内向、沉默寡言。 他被称为是世界上“头号电脑黑客”。有评论称他为“世界头号黑客”。这位“著名人物”的技术也许并不是黑客中最好的,甚至相当多的黑客们都反感他,认为他是只会用攻击、不懂技术的攻击狂,但是其黑客经历是的传奇性足以站全世界为之震惊,也使得所有网络安全人员丢尽面子。
  第一次接触计算机: 在他十几岁的时候,米特尼克还买不起自己的计算机,他只能赖在一家卖无线电的小商店里,用那里的样品及调制解调器来拨号到其它计算机。
  凯文·米特尼克 - 经历
  连续的成功案例,令米特尼克信心大增。他将目标锁定到了美国联邦调查局(FBI)的电脑网络上。一天,米特尼克发现FBI的特工们正调查一名电脑黑客,便饶有兴趣地偷阅特工们的调查资料,看着看着突然大吃一惊:被调查者竟然是他自己!米特尼克立即施展浑身解数,破译了联邦调查局的“中央电脑系统”密码,每天认真查阅“案情进展情况的报告”。不久,米特尼克就对特工们不屑一顾了,他开始嘲笑这些特工人员,对几个负责调查的特工不屑一顾,并恶作剧地将他们的资料改成十足的罪犯。不过,凭借先进的“电脑网络信息跟踪机”,特工人员还是将米特尼克捕获了。当特工们发现这名弄得他们狼狈不堪的黑客竟是一名不满16岁的孩子时,无不惊愕万分。 由于当时网络犯罪还是很新鲜的事,法律上鲜有先例,法院只将米特尼克送进了少年犯管教所。他成了世界上第一个“电脑网络少年犯”。
  为尽快将起捉拿归案,1993年,联邦调查局设下圈套,利用一名被收买的黑客,诱使米特尼克犯案,以图再次把他捕获。米特尼克在不知内幕的情况下又一次入侵一家电话网,FBI在庆幸他们设局成功时,米特尼克却再次轻松进入FBI的内部网并很快快识破他们的圈套而逃之夭夭。为此,美国联邦调查局立即在全国范围发出了对他的通缉令。米特尼克因此成为第一个被美国FBI通缉的计算机黑客而引起世人关注。 1994年7月,米特尼克被《时代》杂志选为封面人物。媒体称其为无所不能,可以随时发动电脑战争的超人。此时他已被列入FBI十大通缉犯的行列。
  1994年12月25日,消失的米特尼克再次出手,这次他的目标是圣迭戈超级计算机中心。因为这次攻击,米特尼克获得了“地狱黑客”的称号。也因为这次攻击,米特尼克激怒了一位著名的计算机安全专家----下村勉,从而导致了他一生中最大的滑铁卢。 下村勉是一位日籍计算机专家,当时他负责圣迭戈超级计算机中心计算机数据的安全。米特尼克的入侵行为使他非常震怒,为挽回自己的损失和教训米特尼克,下村勉这位计算机高手决定利用自己精湛的安全技术帮FBI将米特尼克绳之以法。
  米特尼克的入狱,不仅没有让这个不安全的网络变得安全,反而让一群技术高超的计算机黑客结成了一个联盟。1997年12月8日,世界各地支持米特尼克的黑客们要求 美国政府释放米特尼克。他们宣称,如果要求得不到满足,他们将启动已经通过网络置入世界许多电脑中的病毒。令网络瞬间瘫痪。如果米特尼克获释,他们将提供病毒的破解法。黑客们甚至专门建立了一个叫“释放米特尼克”的网站(www.kevinmitnick.com),为他的出狱作倒计时。
  政府官员在越来越严重的网络安全面前,不得不请出米特尼克,希望他提供黑客攻击电脑网络的内幕信息,以提高政府电脑网络的抗黑客攻击能力。 现在米特尼克已经向政府保证改邪归正,不过他的传奇经历,已令他成为讫今为止黑客史上最出色的计算机高手。正如一位办案人员在评价米特尼克时所说的:电脑与他的灵魂之间似乎有一条脐带相连。这就是为什么只要他在计算机面前,他就会成为巨人的原因。
  凯文·米特尼克 - 主要成就
  2002年,对于曾经臭名昭著的计算机黑客凯文·米特尼克来说,圣诞节提前来到了。这一年,的确是Kevin Mitnick快乐的一年。不但是获得了彻底的自由(从此可以自由上网,不能上网对于黑客来说,就是另一种监狱生活)。而且,他还推出了一本刚刚完成的畅销书《欺骗的艺术》(The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security)。此书大获成功,成为Kevin Mitnick重新引起人们关注的第一炮。
  凯文·米特尼克 - 评价
  凯文·米特尼克 - 语录
  巡游五角大楼,登录克里姆林宫,进出全球所有计算机系统,摧垮全球金融秩序和重建新的世界格局,谁也阻挡不了我们的进攻,我们才是世界的主宰。 ——凯文·米特尼克

  Kevin David Mitnick (born August 6, 1963) is a computer security consultant, author, and former computer hacker.
  In the late 20th century, he was convicted of various computer- and communications-related crimes. At the time of his arrest, he was the most-wanted computer criminal in the United States.
  Computer hacking
  At age 12, Mitnick used social engineering to bypass the punchcard system used in the Los Angeles bus system. After a friendly bus driver told him where he could buy his own ticket punch, he could ride any bus in the greater LA area using unused transfer slips he found in the trash. Social engineering became his primary method of obtaining information, including user names and passwords and modem phone numbers.
  Mitnick gained unauthorized access to his first computer network in 1979, at 16, when a friend gave him the phone number for the Ark, the computer system Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) used for developing their RSTS/E operating system software. He broke into DEC's computer network and copied DEC's software, a crime he was charged with and convicted of in 1988. He was sentenced to 12 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release. Near the end of his supervised release, Mitnick hacked into Pacific Bell voice mail computers. After a warrant was issued for his arrest, Mitnick fled, becoming a fugitive for two and a half years.
  According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Mitnick gained unauthorized access to dozens of computer networks while he was a fugitive. He used cloned cellular phones to hide his location and, among other things, copied valuable proprietary software from some of the country's largest cellular telephone and computer companies. Mitnick also intercepted and stole computer passwords, altered computer networks, and broke into and read private e-mail. Mitnick was apprehended in February 1995 in North Carolina. He was found with cloned cellular phones, more than 100 clone cellular phone codes, and multiple pieces of false identification.
  Confirmed criminal act
  Using the Los Angeles bus transfer system to get free ride
  Evading the FBI
  Hacking into DEC system(s) to view VMS source code (DEC reportedly spent $160,000 in cleanup costs)
  Gaining full administrator privileges to an IBM minicomputer at the Computer Learning Center in Los Angeles in order to win a bet
  Hacking Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Sun Microsystems and Fujitsu Siemens system
  Alleged criminal act
  Stole computer manuals from a Pacific Bell telephone switching center in Los Angele
  Read the e-mail of computer security officials at MCI Communications and Digital
  Wiretapped the California DMV
  Made free cell phone call
  Hacked Santa Cruz Operation, Pacific Bell, FBI, Pentagon, Novell, California Department of Motor Vehicles, University of Southern California and Los Angeles Unified School District systems.
  Wiretapped FBI agents, according to John Markoff; although this is denied by Kevin Mitnick.
  Arrest, conviction, and incarceration
  After a well-publicized pursuit, the FBI arrested Mitnick on February 15, 1995, at his apartment in Raleigh, North Carolina, on federal offenses related to a 2½-year period of computer hacking.
  In 1999, Mitnick confessed to four counts of wire fraud, two counts of computer fraud and one count of illegally intercepting a wire communication, as part of a plea agreement before the United States District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles. He was sentenced to 46 months in prison plus 22 months for violating the terms of his 1989 supervised release sentence for computer fraud. He admitted to violating the terms of supervised release by hacking into PacBell voicemail and other systems and to associating with known computer hackers, in this case co-defendant Louis De Payne.
  Mitnick served five years in prison — four and a half years pre-trial and eight months in solitary confinement — because, according to Mitnick, law enforcement officials convinced a judge that he had the ability to "start a nuclear war by whistling into a pay phone". He was released on January 21, 2000. During his supervised release, which ended on January 21, 2003, he was initially forbidden to use any communications technology other than a landline telephone. Mitnick fought this decision in court, eventually winning a ruling in his favor, allowing him to access the Internet.
  Under the plea deal, Mitnick was also prohibited from profiting from films or books based on his criminal activity for seven years.
  Mitnick now runs Mitnick Security Consulting LLC, a computer security consultancy.
  Mitnick's criminal activities, arrest, and trial, along with the associated journalism were all controversial.
  Though Mitnick has been convicted of copying software unlawfully and possession of several forged identification documents, his supporters argue that his punishment was excessive. In his 2002 book, The Art of Deception, Mitnick states that he compromised computers solely by using passwords and codes that he gained by social engineering. He claims he did not use software programs or hacking tools for cracking passwords or otherwise exploiting computer or phone security.
  Two books explored the allegations: John Markoff and Tsutomu Shimomura's Takedown, and Jonathan Littman's The Fugitive Game. Littman made four main allegations:
  journalistic impropriety by Markoff, who had covered the case for the New York Times based on rumor and government claims, while never interviewing Kevin himself.
  overzealous prosecution of Mitnick by the government
  mainstream media over-hyping Mitnick's actual crime
  Shimomura's involvement in the matter being unclear or of dubious legality
  Further controversy came over the release of the movie based on the book by John Markoff and Tsutomu Shimomura, with Littman alleging that portions of the film were taken from his book without permission.
  The case against Mitnick tested the new laws that had been enacted for dealing with computer crime, and it raised public awareness of security involving networked computers. The controversy remains, however, and Mitnick is often cited today as an example of the quintessential computer criminal.
  Supporters of Mitnick have asserted that many of the charges against him were fraudulent and not based on actual losses.
  In 2000, Skeet Ulrich and Russell Wong portrayed Kevin Mitnick and Tsutomu Shimomura in the movie Track Down, which was based on the book Takedown by John Markoff and Tsutomu Shimomura. The DVD was released in September 2004.
  A fan-based documentary named Freedom Downtime was created in response to the corporate-based documentary Track Down.
  Mitnick is the co-author, with William L. Simon, of two computer security books:
  The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceiver
  The Art of Deception
  He and his co-author are currently writing Kevin's autobiography, to be titled "Ghost in the Wire"

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