List of Authors
Liang LijuanPang BeiZheng XiangSi Ren
Tang ChaohuiHuang HaoMa ZhengTian Xiaofan
Xiao FanHai NanQin LinYi Zhuxian
Hu XinYu ChenglongYu MuZhang Gongping
Na GongboFeng YidaiHuang ZongyingLi Xuanhua
Chen JiaxiangBao WenqingGao MinGuo Chen
Xiong LianghuaCai WenWu YimengLi Dahua
Zhou CuilingYu GeJin YiShen Yiling
Zheng HongxiaWang XiaoboHuan LesongSong Anhui
Bai MingKong XiangyunJiang ZhuowenHan Danshan
Wang DongfangSun ChenFeng ChunlongZhu Hong
Cheng ShuweiZheng RuifengJie LifuWang Rizhong
Cai ZhijiangLi SaishenLiu ZhikunXu Qingquan
Chen PixianYang WuZhang JianShe Zhongmin
Ping XintaoQin LiwenWang PuWang Purui
Liang Lijuan
Township: 广东中山

Physical Education (PE) valiant fighter《何振梁——五环之路》

Read works of Liang Lijuan at 历史大观
Read works of Liang Lijuan at 百家争鸣
  Miss Liang Lijuan, from the pen stopped working after retirement in 1986, has published works include "from the inside to see the UK - a female reporter's knowledge," "Cambridge", "birds have to set", "He Zhenliang and the Olympics", "He Zhenliang China's Olympic Dream "(English version), has published a translation of" the closing ceremony of the bomb "," Juan Antonio Samaranch, the Olympic "," International Olympic one hundred years "and so on.
  The first book detailed disclosure of the 20th century, including 50 years in international sports organizations opposed to "two Chinas", 60's power of creating new games, 70's the International Olympic Committee to restore China's lawful seat in, and in 1990 held 11th Asian Games and Beijing's bid in 2000, the 2008 Olympic Games and other sports events in the insider details of the foreign exchanges. It is worth mentioning that the book in breaking the barriers to cross-strait exchanges and other sports with a unique description of the circumstances.
  The book from the "Prelude", "made its first bid," "Intermezzo", "second bid" of four parts, a true record of the process I experienced profound stories and anecdotes, about the Olympic Movement the spread and development of a long historical process, expressing the Chinese Century of determination and courage round.
  "Birds have to set", which sets most of her seen in the various genres of newspaper articles international topics. Some articles are in the tedious household chores to spend time writing, and sometimes in order not to disturb his family, she quietly hiding empty middle of the night to write. The broad set of topics covering broad content, good news on behalf of the Miss Liang Lijuan career.
  Experience the content of the book, it is especially acute, but between the lines reveals not only the feelings of her husband, also records the further development of China's Olympic glory.
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