List of Authors
Mu ZimeiNan FeiQi ZhiRou Shi
Ren HongSu YingyuanShang LüeSun Chunping
Sha TingTan ZhuZi YuexingkongWang Ruiyun
Wang YanWang DajinWen AnbaoWei Runshen
Wang ShuminWang ShengWang XiongWang Xufeng
Wang LixiongXing BoXiang DieXu Xu
Xia ZhijiangXi YangShe XiaoshenYu Daizong
She XiangyangYou FengweiYang XiaoxingShe Zi
Yu TianbaiYing LeiYan ZiZhang Li
Zhang ShishanZhang JieZhang ZiliZhang Xin
Wang HailingZhao MeiHong YingDeng Youmei
Zhang DachunZhou DaxinZhang HuiCeng Mingliao
Zheng YanyingZhong XiaoyangZhang YuZhou Hongbo
Zhang ManjuanZhang KangkangZhen RongCeng Jixin
Zhong LiheZi ChuPing JunChen Qixia
Mu Zimei
  (1978 AD)
First Name: 李丽

Diary and Letters《木子美日记》

Read works of Mu Zimei at 散文天地
  Muzi Mei (1978 -), whose real name is Li Li, "Muzi Mei" is the network name, graduated from Zhongshan University Department of Philosophy, Guangzhou, a media editor, now freelance. Muzi Mei in 2001 through the Internet to publish their personal web log sex diary "left a love letter", and in the ethical, legal, attracted wide scope of debate and controversy.
  "Left a love letter" and the one-night stand
  Muzi Mei after graduating from university in Guangzhou, open an individual column of a petty books, articles in different sexual experience based around the country all have a lot of readers, its "reputation within a small area" of the resultant breakthrough began more space emerge.
  According to the "love letter left behind" records, Muzi Mei way of indulgence and diverse: not only frequently change sexual partners, also had the face in front of friends and friends of friends sex. In addition, the journal content display, Muzi Mei does not refuse to participate in more male than female group sex party.
  Muzi Mei said that she only spare time "has a very human love --- love." There is also a hobby while she is experienced and details of this written and made public. But the first "left a love letter," Although the content of hot, spectators Queyuanburu now more popular only in the inner circle.
  Muzi Mei in the "left Love Letter" recorded with Guangzhou, a famous rock musicians of the "one-night stand" story. The story line drawing of the way, her music with the famous person's sex and then present the details of the incident a large number of spectators present, it is surprising is that this time she address him in the diary of the real names of the musicians, and their sexual skills and abilities are described. It is this diary, set off a firestorm on the Internet, so Muzi Mei, "a hit."
  This diary was quickly reposted "Xicihutong" forum, then a large wave caused by noise, Muzi Mei, and the musicians chasing the object of the news media, hide Chengdu, the musician told local media that his anger , said that with his one-night stand did not think the object is actually like "exposing sex" female editor.
  Under pressure, Muzi Mei once off "left a love letter", and many were forced to delete the diary. At the same time, she had opened a Guangzhou magazine column Petty was canceled. But in the past diary was gone, the new diary and continuously flow from her pen.
  Evaluation of the Characters
  Muzi Mei
  Muzi Mei alternative personality, private life without restraint. Muzi Mei Chong order to claim a comfortable regular hot water bath, to stay overnight in a man, sex is a common phenomenon of Muzi Mei ordinary things. Just so, then it fills Muzi Mei's surprise is that she could no contraindications to these experiences made public on the network, even those who have relations with a man she names write unreservedly. Even if this behavior will hurt each other, lead to the other's anger and revenge. Muzi Mei doing things can be described as bold and crazy to the extreme.
  Muzi Mei's three weapons: pseudo-Pioneer, Black petty bourgeoisie, sham-sensitive. Inclusion of these demagogic taste the taste of the cigarettes behind the words and the beautiful, dazzling show a gown Muzi Mei. Unfortunately, Muzi Mei's "avant-garde, Petty, sensitive" in her high-pitched sound somewhat aliasing noise, which most readers are still confused.
  Muzi Mei quickly became famous and controversial reason, one of the reasons is not only bold and straightforward in her diary, but also other public use real names.
  On the one hand, public sex object name Muzi Mei also has its positive side of society, she broke the dark psychology of some people, that is just the kind of surface, in fact Nandaonvchang's secretive relationship between men and women, for a social cause impact.
  On the other hand, consensual sex is a private act, though no written contract, but the contractual relationship with the convention. This disregard of the needs and feelings of others, unilateral acts of random open, will lead to personal crisis of confidence. If such acts open to expansion, but also on social contracts and partnerships in the adverse effect.
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