作者 人物列表
埃米尔·路德维希 Emil Ludwig冯亦代 Feng Yidai
陈丕显 Chen Pixian周而复 Zhou Erfu
瓦列金·别列什科夫 Valery Kim Do Leshkov戴维·洛克菲勒 David Rockefeller
吴清源 Wu Qingyuan王云五 Wang Yunwu
毛子水 Mao Zishui史次耘 Shi Ciyun
熊公哲 Xiong Gongzhe吴瀛 Wu Ying
凯瑟琳·卡尔 Cathleen Carl王静芝 Wang Jingzhi
阿加莎·克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie阿诺德·本涅特 Arnold Bennett
西蒙·波娃 Simone de Beauvoir贝托尔特·布莱希特 Bertolt Brecht
阿尔贝·加缪 Albert Camus川端康成 Kawabata Yasunari
柯南道尔 Arthur Conan Doyle达夫妮·杜穆里埃 Daphne du Maurier
丁玲 Dingling玛格丽特·杜拉斯 Marguerite Duras
伏尼契 Ethel Lilian Voynich埃尔文·布鲁克斯·怀特 Elwyn Brooks White
伊迪丝·华顿 Edith Wharton爱德华·摩根·福斯特 Edward Morgan Forster
海明威 Ernest Hemingway弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德 F. Scott Fitzgerald
威廉·福克纳 William Faulkner约翰·高尔斯华绥 John Galsworthy
高尔基 Maksim Gorky安德烈·保尔·吉约姆·纪德 André Paul Guillaume Gide
谷崎润一郎 Jun'ichirō Tanizaki罗斯拉夫·哈谢克 Jaroslav Hasek
亨利·米勒 Henry Miller亨利·詹姆斯 Henry James
赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯 Herbert George Wells阿道斯·赫胥黎 Aldous Huxley
杰克·伦敦 Jack London詹姆斯·凯恩 James Mallahan Cain
让·热内 Jean Genet芥川龙之介 Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
井上靖 Yasushi Inoue约瑟夫·康拉德 Joseph Conrad
卡夫卡 Franz Kafka克劳斯·曼 Klaus Mann
老舍 Lao She玛·金·罗琳斯 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
玛格丽特·米切尔 Margaret Mitchell毛姆 William Somerset Maugham
露西·蒙格玛丽 Lucy Maud Montgomery尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基 Nikolai Ostrovsky
马塞尔·普鲁斯特 Marcel Proust钱钟书 Qian Zhongshu
埃里希·马里亚·雷马克 Erich Maria Remarque罗曼·罗兰 Romain Rolland
沈从文 Shen Congwen斯蒂芬·茨威格 Stefan Zweig
埃米尔·路德维希 Emil Ludwig
作者  (1881年1月25日1948年9月17日)

阅读埃米尔·路德维希 Emil Ludwig在历史大观的作品!!!
阅读埃米尔·路德维希 Emil Ludwig在小说之家的作品!!!
Emil Ludwig

埃米尔·路德维希(Emil Ludwig、1881年1月25日-1948年9月17日)是德国瑞士作家,以名人传记历史著作闻名于世


  1. ^ An Interview with the German Author Emil Ludwig 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Date of Interview: December 13, 1931 Date Published: 1932 Publisher: Co-Operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the U.S.S.R., Moscow Transcription/Markup: Brian Reid Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive (2007).



Emil Ludwig (25 January 1881 – 17 September 1948) was a German-Swiss author, known for his biographies and study of historical "greats."


Emil Ludwig (originally named Emil Cohn) was born in Breslau, now part of Poland. Born into a Jewish family, he was raised as a non-Jew but was not baptized. “Many persons have become Jews since Hitler," he said. "I have been a Jew since the murder of Walther Rathenau [in 1922], from which date I have emphasized that I am a Jew.” Ludwig studied law but chose writing as a career. At first he wrote plays and novellas, also working as a journalist. In 1906, he moved to Switzerland, but, during World War I, he worked as a foreign correspondent for the Berliner Tageblatt in Vienna and Istanbul. He became a Swiss citizen in 1932, later emigrating to the United States in 1940.

At the end of the Second World War, he went to Germany as a journalist, and it is to him that we owe the retrieving of Goethe's and Schiller's coffins, which had disappeared from Weimar in 1943/44. He returned to Switzerland after the war and died in 1948, in Moscia, near Ascona. In 1944, Ludwig wrote a letter to The New York Times where he urged that "Hitler’s fanaticism against the Jews could be exploited by the Allies. The Three Powers should send a proclamation to the German people through leaflets and to the German Government through neutral countries; threatening that further murdering of Jews would involve terrible retaliation after victory. This would drive a wedge into the already existing dissension of the generals and the Nazis, and also between ultra-Nazis and other Germans.”

During the 1920s, he achieved international fame for his popular biographies which combined historical fact and fiction with psychological analysis. After his biography of Goethe was published in 1920, he wrote several similar biographies, including one about Bismarck (1922–24) and another about Jesus (1928). As Ludwig's biographies were popular outside of Germany and were widely translated, he was one of the fortunate émigrés who had an income while living in the United States. His writings were considered particularly dangerous by Goebbels, who mentioned him in his journal.

Ludwig interviewed Benito Mussolini and on 1 December 1929 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. His interview with the founder of the Republic of Turkey appeared in Wiener Freie Presse in March 1930, addressing issues of religion and music. He also interviewed Joseph Stalin in Moscow on 13 December 1931. An excerpt from this interview is included in Stalin's book on Lenin. Ludwig describes this interview in his biography of Stalin.

Ludwig's extended interviews with T.G. Masaryk, founder and longtime president of Czechoslovakia, appeared as Defender of Democracy in 1936.

French and English editions of works by Ludwig

The following French editions of Emil Ludwig's books were published in the period 1926–1940: Biographies: Goethe (3 volumes), NapoléonBismarckTrois TitansLincolnLe Fils de l'HommeLe Nil (2 volumes). Political works: Guillaume IIJuillet 1914VersaillesHindenburgRooseveltBarbares et MusiciensLa Conquête morale de l'AllemagneEntretiens avec MussoliniLa Nouvelle Sainte-Alliance.

Biographies of Goethe, Napoleon, Bismarck and Wilhelm Hohenzollern are available in English from G. P. Putnam's Sons (New York and London).

Emil Ludwig was – and remains – renowned for a popular biography of Napoleon published in English in 1926, just after it was published in Germany in the original German, while Ludwig was still living there. This book is still quite readable today – Ludwig has a rare gift of evoking a vanished era in straightforward plain prose. The book has a rare quality of immediacy, as if what Ludwig writes of were almost current history. Napoleon was published by a New York publishing house renowned for titles of intellectual and scholarly interest in its day, Boni & Liveright.

  • Leaders of Europe, Ivor Nicholson and Watson Ltd. (1934), translated by James Murphy
  • Bismarck
  • Cleopatra
  • Diana
  • Genius and Character
  • Gifts of Life
  • Goethe
  • Hindenburg William Heinemann Ltd. (1935), translated by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • July '14
  • Wilhelm Hohenzollern
  • Nine Etched from Life
  • Lincoln
  • Napoleon
  • On Mediterranean Shores
  • The Practical Wisdom of Goethe
  • Schliemann
  • Son of Man (Jesus)
  • Talks with Mussolini
  • Three Titans
  • The Davos Murder
  • Defender of Democracy
  • Masaryk of Czechoslovakia
  • The Nile: The Life-Story of a River, The Viking Press (1937), translated by Mary H. Lindsay
  • Mackenzie King. A Portrait Sketch (1944)
  • Rembrandts Schicksal (1923)
  • Three Titans: Michael Angelo, Rembrandt, Beethoven. (1930)

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