励志感悟 点亮生活的智慧:人生之钥   》 第1节:出生 Birth (1)      安·海宁·乔斯林 Ann Henning Jocelyn

     Birth (1)
第1节:出生 你听说过出生的神话吗?它所讲的并不是关于“你是谁”,它更像是一把帮助你解开“你认为自己是谁”的钥匙。 如果换一种出生状况,你都不会是现在的你。 哪怕,你是那个折磨了母亲三天三夜才出生的小家伙,以至于她发誓再也不生产,甚至后悔经历这一切…… 或者,你是家族中期待已久的、上天赐予的宝贝,全家人都用欢呼庆祝你的降生;再或者,你是私通后的产物,是原本要被终止却未能成功的“错误”,是母亲耻辱的记号。 或者,你是家里10个孩子中的第7个,甚至没人注意到你的降临?你太不起眼,以至于家人都回忆不起来你儿时的样子了。 或者,是母亲经过了痛苦和煎熬后生下的、代表着胜利的产物?

  Have you heard about the birth myth? It is supposed to hold the key, not so much to who you are, as to who you think you are.
  The birth myth is the story you’ve been told about circumstances surrounding your birth.
  It stands to reason that it makes a difference if you were born after three days of protracted labour, so agonising that your mother vowed never to bear another child, and never did…
  Or if you were the long-awaited heir hailed as a gift from heaven, whose birth was celebrated in floods of champagne;or the unwanted fruit of a shameful illicit liaison, born after a failed termination, to your mother’s bitter grief.
  Or perhaps you were the seventh out of ten, who slipped into the world almost unnoticed? So insignificant, even your family can’t recall much about it.
  Or a weakling saved against the odds amidst much tears and anguish: a triumph of life over affliction?

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第1节:出生 Birth (1)第2节:出生 Birth (2)第3节:出生 Birth (3)第4节:出生 Birth (4)
第5节:出生 Birth (5)第6节:童年 Childhood (1)第7节:童年 Childhood (2)第8节:童年 Childhood (3)
第9节:童年 Childhood (4)第10节:童年 Childhood (5)第11节:童年 Childhood (6)第12节:长大 Growing up (1)
第13节:长大 Growing up (2)第14节:长大 Growing up (3)第15节:长大 Growing up (4)第16节:长大 Growing up (5)
第17节:身份 Identity (1)第18节:身份 Identity (2)第19节:身份 Identity (3)第20节:身份 Identity (4)
第21节:身份 Identity (5)第22节:别人 Others (1)第23节:别人 Others (2)第24节:别人 Others (3)
第   I   [II]   [III]   页

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