Table of Classification of Wikipedia
Military classMedical Sciencecyclopedia
Agriculture classAstronomical Algorithm classSeveral types of surgery
the Eclectics, a school of thoughts flourishing in ancient Chinadissemination of sciencevegetation
animalinformation scienceScientists
environmental scienceBiologyGeology

Parent type: Biology

  Confucianism in the Song of portal points, the gateway points in Medical Jin and Yuan. View wen "typhoid fever would have to" order, knowledge of science and the Yi River Hejian science of war. View Dai Liang as "Zhu Zhenheng Biography", The Learning and Vision Danxi know and struggle for the Bureau of Science. However, there are theorems of Confucianism, and doctors is not fixed. Changing conditions is difficult to keep a. Therefore, as described in this record, and said unto Yan. Ming system for hospital 13 branches, is quite complicated pieces. The various family book, often a book and a few branches, sub-scribe difficult. Link to this era as the time. "Han Dynasty" by doctors, by the parties after the two room, fairy 2, misreading for future generations, so service bait guide, differences painted quite complicated and remove this note. "Zhou" A veterinarian, "Sui Zhi" contains "rule horses" and other nine, miscellaneous out medical books, the current from its cases, Appendix to this door, place to retreat the end of Jane. Humans while ignorance of the meaning of things also. "Plain pulse method" to do with treatment, this procedure several other income, it is recorded in vain.

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