Table of Classification of exist fashion
distaff skiesmorality of marriage and familyOunce oz. sex life
lie fallow entertainmentpreserve one's health; keep in good health Healthdiurnally facial
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Parent type: exist fashion

  Sex life means to satisfy their sexual needs fixed or sexual contact and sexual intercourse.
  Should know that sex is a very sensitive, very specific topic, it is human behavior in a variety of the most common and natural phenomenon of normal existence. It is purposeful, is a natural process. Sex, including hugging, kissing, caressing, sexual intercourse and so on. Everyone of human sexuality is reproduction and development of human society one of the basic elements. Sex life is highly covert, should be specific and exclusive, and is a very serious noble act. Of course, sex itself has dual nature, we need to promote high ethical standards that have sex, and resolutely opposed to low-level dirty, irresponsible sexual behavior.
  Correct treatment of the hymen
  Rupture of the hymen: after sexual intercourse because the hymen rupture is usually in the traditional concept of Bianba hymen is intact as to whether she had sex only test method. In ancient Greece, the bride and groom during the wedding, there are two called "Ma Shite" of women to follow, as the melon breaking witness. The so-called "broken melon", is the groom white towel wrapped around his left finger, and then _insert_ed into the female vagina, if there is blood on the handkerchief that was a virgin, confirmed by the Ma Shite. As the bride before the wedding, a bath is Ma Shite help, some have been sexually abused girls will buy Ma Shite, first blood with birds and other animal blood into the vagina, to confuse the man. In our history, "Yuan Red" is also a popular and inspection. Although the "test Zhen" Song have specific examples, but the early works of Jin Chen had mentioned that the examination. Many literary works, writers in describing the wedding night, they often make some "experience of red" the delicate description. In some villages, past the older daughter seems very concerned about whether a virgin, often using various methods to teach the man to verify. They have paid, is that whether the woman's hymen rupture to the hymen to identify whether the woman was at fault Chen. Shi Zhen concept in modern society, although gradually weakened, but in some people, especially the minds of men, but can not say no. Self-esteem the most precious: a young girl of course, self-esteem, it should not and hair sexual relations. But if he does inevitably happen, or do not turn too much baggage. While sexual intercourse hymen will break, but the hymen is broken is not caused by sexual intercourse, strenuous exercise, vaginal administration, some of the heavy manual labor can be induced rupture of the hymen. Childhood ignorance of a foreign body into the vagina and masturbation, also cause the hymen rupture. Between the hymen and virgin and can not be equated. Between the hymen rupture and disorderly conduct, can not indiscriminately equated. But in general, most unmarried women not healthy sexual relations before, the hymen is intact, the wedding night will be "see red." After all, brought up in traditional Chinese culture has a hymen man complex, so the young girl must not have sexual relations with people easily, but also in their daily lives to protect themselves from the hymen rupture in the non-normal circumstances. Besides the presence of the hymen, dirty things to prevent the outside world into the vagina, the hymen is a good man and apes of the vaginal part of the bottom of a narrow vaginal orifice film. Can be as sexual intercourse and other reasons such as damage, leaving the hymen marks (carunculae hymenales). From Mueller's pipes (broad tubal) originated in the vagina and urogenital sinus vaginal vestibule, in the event of the course is opened up by two, so the junction of the two remaining second half of the opening of membrane - hymen.
  Hymen is a woman in the vagina and vaginal vestibule of the boundary Department, around the vaginal opening of a film-like organization. Also known as vaginal membrane.
  Smooth ride for the first time sex
  Attention to sexual health
  Body clean and shape the United States is to promote the sexual measures, must pay attention to the genitals of health, both sides must clean the external genitalia, sexual life of women to solutions of urine after a urinary tract infection can be reduced. Sexual stimulation must be gentle movement, comfort for the degree, do not touch the urethra and anus, menstrual period must not be sex life, the wedding should be as much as possible to avoid menstrual period. Pregnancy, puerperium can not be sex life.
  Requested information on the site are familiar with genital
  Female sex organ is the vagina, remember not to the urethra, anus as a vagina for sex.
  Wedding should not be excessive drinking, not fatigue
  Excessive drinking is often the beginning excitement, after a suppression period, can not complete the sexual life, fatigue may reduce sexual pleasure, not even the sexual life will be reluctantly to life for the future of the shadow.
  Sex should not be too frequent
  Sex life will consume energy, not too frequent. However, several sex wedding night is also common to both sides not feel fatigue is appropriate. After the sleep sex life is important, some say sex is more important than food after the sleep. In addition, we should also pay attention to nutrition, especially protein supplement, milk, meat, fish, eggs are high-quality protein, but also eat more fruits and vegetables. Generally do not need high-level tonic such as ginseng, deer horn, etc..
  Travel Marriage Notes
  Recently, more and more travel for marriage, travel must choose clean hotel, bedding must be clean. Travel must be Qinhuan underwear, toilet paper and washing to lower body with enough towels, utensils. Baths must be sterile. Travel is generally more tired, should reduce the frequency of sexual activity. Not in the open air sex.
  Sex time
  Many people are sleep before, so that less of sleep. Night parties often can not sync. Affect sleep. Generally not carried out in the morning, sex life, the two sides is always the need to rest after the work would affect the sexual energy.
  Activities filled with the love, affection, attachment, gentle, have a very good feeling, sometimes a way or misconduct will result in this or that problem. The following eight cases of sexual life is very possible, experience must correctly handle these situations.
  Correct handling of sexual accidents
  1. Sexual life most allergic hypersensitivity is due to the cream latex and other contraceptives and drugs suited, women often feel vaginal irritation, burning. Once allergic reactions, can be water, wet towels or paper towels wipe or lavage to remove residual liquid, cream and the like, and then wash in warm water.
  2. Spasm and pain may be due to movement and sexual lives are too intense and over-stretch the muscle. Way to avoid sexual foreplay to full, action should be gentle. The event should be stopped until the symptoms subsided.
  3. Contraception with the decline in almost all married couples have experienced condom or diaphragm rupture fall accidents. Correct approach is: twice within 72 hours after oral contraceptives; if the condom off in vagina, just pull out and you can gently pinch the roots.
  4. Diaphragm does not come out and sometimes take more drastic action will be deep into the diaphragm, making it difficult to remove. In this regard, take squatting, and then hold your breath abdominal contraction, diaphragm will be pushed out to be enough to get the position, he will remove it.
  5. Pelvic congestion female sexual arousal, the large influx of pelvic tissue formation of blood congestion state. At this point, you should be supine, the hips with a pillow booster for half an hour, 3-4 times daily, can help the blood reflux, if necessary, Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
  6. Urinary tract infection in general, up to 4-5 times per week, or every time of life too long are counted in the "excessive" in the column, caused by excessive bacteria invade the urethra sex life and even up the bladder, causing urinary tract infection.
  7. Neck pain and neck stiffness or pulled muscles prone to sprains, a towel twisted into an available around the neck around and fasten both ends to support the head and reduce the burden on the muscles.
  8. Back sprain normal sex life should not have pain. Sex life back muscles back pain more common in relatively weak women, treatment is immediately bent side, a pillow between your knees and local cold compress.
  Note the first postpartum sex life
  Pregnancy and postpartum in a stage of life, was forced to stop, until finally giving birth, and end up son, perineal wound healing, and sexual life can also be lifting the ban, and yet there are many women in the first sex life appear in the perineal wound dehiscence, because the termination of the sexual life of pain with their words, "really disappointed!." What is the reason for this? Shanghai Renai Hospital of Gynecology Yuanzhu Ren said:
  First, postpartum recovery may be related to sexual life time. Perineal incision wound usually takes 7 days to heal, and seam removal. At this point, the surface structure of the perineum is healed, but the deep muscle and fascia can take 6-8 weeks to repair. If the early resumption of sexual activity can lead to wound dehiscence, bleeding. Yuan Zhuren to remind those that cause perineal tears in women with particular attention to their wounds more vulnerable to infection, preferably in a medical examination to determine the sex life has been healed before you start.
  Second, with his wife's general condition, and if the physical weakness of his wife, malnutrition, anemia, or inflammation of the wound, these will delay wound healing time, early sexual activity can easily result in wound dehiscence.
  Third, the situation may be related to wound closure. In addition to the epidermis with perineal sutures, the inner layer of muscle, subcutaneous fat layer were sutured with catgut. Since the absorption of human tissue catgut significant individual differences in the quality with catgut, the perineum is strict disinfection and other issues will also affect the absorption of human tissue, delayed wound healing.
  Fourth, of course, as the man his wife in late pregnancy, postpartum abstinence longer time, once the restoration of married life, often violent action, this can easily lead to perineal injury, bleeding, dehiscence.
  Therefore, we have to wait postpartum perineal wound healed completely behind the recoverability of life. First sex, the husband moves to be gentle, when to resume married life or sex life after the discovery of vaginal bleeding, seek medical attention immediately, Mok for "shy" and stop the bleeding trouble himself hastily, so as not to delay treatment.
  Sex life of 83 other known
  In the Chinese language in ancient times, the "sex" in the title indeed grew. These words appear in different times and in different contexts have different meanings, showing the richness of Chinese language and people on the "sex" in different historical periods of moral judgments.
  1】 【sexual intercourse since the most recent formal written language, often used in medicine.
  2, 【love】 West to the word.
  3, 【love】 Mr. Yang Jiang made use of the word favorite.
  4, 【】 made man of the ancients that the purpose is to continue the family line, it shows in the past people of "Happy" and "health" to ignore the two functions.
  5, 【】 modern sex life written language. People have sex as a way of life.
  6, 【】 modern written language behavior. A sociological term, maintaining a neutral moral judgments.
  7, 【】 Ibid sexual activity.
  8, sexual intercourse】 【ancient written language, multi-purpose medicine. The privacy of sexual activity is.
  9, atrial】 【written language, traditional medicines are used.
  10】 【intercourse written language, traditional medicines are used.
  11 Intercourse】 【written language, people and animals common. There is a clear sexual contempt.
  12, 【】 image of Duke, said on behalf of the ceremony, non-old saying. Ceremony for the Duke's, so that the gift of the Duke of Zhou, the Duke of Zhou ritual core of man on ethics, human relations and core couples intercourse, so it is said.
  13】 【Duilun elegant mating said on behalf of. The original Confucian term loan after Buddhism, and then lend to men and women after mating.
  14】 【rape of women and forced sexual relations, legal language. The patriarchal society of sexual crimes.
  15】 【gang rape of two or more men raped a woman at the same time the behavior of legal language. Male society of extreme description of the crime.
  16】 【sodomy old saying, which means men rape men, legal language. Strong over the weak sexual humiliation.
  17】 【Shun evil woman agreed to under the improper activities. Common law. This behavior has been a lot of people today questioned whether it also constitutes a crime is suspected.
  18, 【】 image of the word adultery, which means a lot.
  19, 【】 ancient written language of adultery, both men and women willing to have sex. Common law. But now being questioned.
  20, hooked up】 【"adultery," the saying goes.
  21, a relationship 【】 "sexual relations" Abbreviations.
  22】 【sexual immorality written language, derogatory, common in literary works.
  23, Lane】 【into the language of early vernacular fiction.
  24】 【cloud probably read, "Dream of Red Mansions" all remember the term. Very image, very romantic.
  25】 【go to bed the most straightforward formulation.
  26, 【】 image on behalf of said bed.
  27】 【feel trapped, "True Story of Ah Q" in the name. It shows the creativity of the Chinese literati.
  28, No.】 【Big prostitutes industry terminology.
  29, shelling】 【prostitutes industry terminology. Have this modern poet wrote a poem.
  30 wells】 【image description.
  31】 【drilling a description of the sexual process.
  32】 【drilling verb, by the generation of the image. Dodo the stop, with the meaning of test.
  33 holes】 【verb, by the generation of the image.
  34, feeling nervous】 【playing with the "hole."
  35, cultivated】 【metaphor.
  36, hard】 【metaphor.
  37, reclamation】 【metaphor. A good study of the Virgin.
  38, to break new ground】 【metaphor. Very funny, people say "virgin", "maiden" and when there is not even a trace of contact with nature.
  39】 【sowing metaphor.
  40, vat】 【trace and metaphor.
  41, slipped child】 【play metaphor. Emphasized the feeling of sliding movement. Example: Today, how do you out so much water? Straight shot slip child.
  42 things children】 【saying.
  43】 【do solid work of children is the most practical activities.
  44, said on behalf】 【out thing, with slightly derogatory.
  45, 【】 from Taiwan, a weekly event the same name novel, the hero grocer tired all day, had to compress to a weekend sex activities, so it is said.
  46 Ibid】 【big thing a few. Popular literature.
  47, 【*】 While speaking of indecent, but almost all men and women used. It is actually close to the body. Savage, sexy.
  48, dry】 【meaning there is a vent.
  49, 【Japan】 The most popular language. According to some sexologist research, there are some national to "eat" and "day" as the same words. Also research, many nations are using this "word" to mean sexual activity.
  50, X】 【Day parade with 【*】 the same. .
  51, 【】 degenerate into an exercise scolded. Originally used by men, and now the girls are also used, of course, to "rely on."
  52, do】 【gentle on behalf of the said.
  53, 【get】 equivalent to do.
  54, 【full】 saying.
  55, 【stack (sound)】 do not know how to write, but people say the word West, meaning very rich.
  56, No.】 【stack Ibid.
  57, 【g】 sound: ke, this reduced to grams of characters. Parts of an image of young people say, the boys always say.
  58, 【】 operating the switch by the word sound, and now has become a definite article.
  59, 【】 Exercises turn all sound words, relatively gentle, mostly used by women, usually alone, emotionally.
  60】 【to another "cut" transition from a point in another formulation.
  61】 【_insert_ commonly used words on the network. Some of the network name is called a plug.
  62, _insert_】 【medical terms now.
  63, upper body】 【folk politely say. Always talk to a woman in the back, said she had let so and so to the upper body.
  64】 【also said on behalf of. Often a woman after sex is not enjoyable, on the tired man, I have to! Should never underestimate the weight of these three words I would like it enough to make some men terrorized!
  65, 【Office of the common man is a woman in the post-conquest of others say.
  66, what a】 【that a vague sexual expression.
  67, that thing】 【Ibid.
  68】 【that point slightly derogatory thing.
  69, 【69】 image by substituting. Non-traditional sex, but loved by men and women for fashion, is often used by gay way. But decent people in this way is spurned, that is not decent behavior.
  70, 【99】 image by substituting. Back into style.
  71, XX】 【love the words written on a cover-expression, is scared of the times people used the expression.
  72, ML】 【sex abbreviation. The following is the name of animal mating
  73, mating】 【written language.
  74, a chain】 【dog fighting a civil right image of a dog mating statement.
  75, from the Yangzi】 【dogs mating on a civil argument.
  76】 【Dog & dog mating dog a civil claim the image.
  77, Alarm Cat】 civil mating an image of the cat saying, because when the cat wants to mating calls miserable, so it is said.
  78, 【】 folk from pigs fed an image of the mating statement, because when the pigs to mate almost always stick together, so it is said.
  79, 【playing tired of Swine "from the tired," another way of saying.
  80, sub】 【Shao fish mating of an image view, mating is not due to direct contact with the fish, so it is said.
  81, egg】 【foot of a private image of the chicken mating statement.
  82】 【mating animals mating formal written language.
  83, animal mating】 【Nao Chun Pan said, because animals usually mate in the spring, during mating movements, abnormal behavior, so there is that.
  Five strokes to mobilize women love emotions
  Indeed, as many men want their woman in bed Jiao blow climax after another, but a considerable number of men having sex in their own time or attachment size problem on the furniture. In fact a woman is very emotional creatures, the sex of the simple piston Yundonghuozhe Da a long time brother and 不能 helping them achieve the pole, the opposite Youshi fatigue or discomfort but may also raise impatient (Psychological Pursuit of course 少数 female sexual Chu Wai Chun ).
  Therefore, up to a woman really emotional, so that they feel is the most easily excited and easily reach the peak of the fastest and best way to orgasm. Unfortunately, many men like the single shot straight on sex flirting in front of the steps either to skip or ignore the chaos that is a hasty touch rubbed the wrong, in fact, if you are clever to use natural means can a woman lit the fire of desire, then you fingertips beat burning, but intercourse is only a matter of course the final step, the energy is released to ignite it, then in the end in bed with that flirting means to do the following, we compare several bar.
  First, the tongue of the entertainment
  Oral sex for modern men and women should no longer be a strange way sex, mutual oral sex before sexual stimulation is a rapid accumulation of exciting, powerful weapon. One may say, you said let the woman emotionally it? Oral sex is not a simple physical arm? In fact, more women oral sex for men, women and a man willing to have oral sex or passion there are very few skills, of course, this behavior may still exclude women, but once they try a few times, I believe They would like this feeling, because not only physical stimulation, more of a man to pay his own as a joy, shy, moving and well-being, these mixed together, enough to let your inner woman emotions surging up to quickly excited. But be noted, first to pay attention to technique, which can learn from other articles. The second is not Taimian Jiang, to let the woman to accept rejection. The third is not too long, so as to avoid the external female genital infection. Oral sex between husband and wife may be just an entertainment tool, but it can certainly give mixed between men and women enjoy the feeling of happiness.
  2, finger dance
  3, wild beauty
  Men taste, such as storms, such as showers unreasonable over the woman's head broke off, without any explanation of your body by the Under arrogant attitude, and strong physiques, as women feel that they are wind in the grass, leaving from each other, but enjoy the thrill of being torn, this is not abnormal for a considerable number of women, wild men sometimes let their own style into the exciting high-speed rail. As the nature of women is a bear who, their instinct is stronger desire for the opposite sex, so when a man full of rough-style action, often make women produce great satisfaction, as well as their ability on the other side is the temptation to self-confidence All this excitement enough for a woman. Of course, the need to explain, rough not rough, nor is it easy movement, while a dominant feeling, as not of rape (of course some women do have rape unconscious, but still a minority, and is too rough do not become a prelude to the simple and crude behavior), so techniques of crude is generally pave the way in the situation after the operation, then rain, your rough just to convey a signal you love each other, rather than the information you are beast. So rough can be very beautiful, as long as you grasp the level of attainment.
  4, the temptation Cantabile
  Dirty jokes, lewd stories, tantalizing hints of what language is more likely to move than women, and women are inherently vulnerable to the lure of language, clever I like spring will never lack a man woman, romantic love, then, nauseating to the dregs But if the situation allows a woman such as silk eye, heart, such as cakes, Tuier soft, the body of water do really become a wonderful man ah, do not believe silence is golden in the bed of the creed, the only way a woman you feel boring, language, which sentence is indeed the case, was able to mobilize women innermost desires, so difficult to control the excitement of a woman, she becomes eager to sex, want your next step, then the subsequent behavior does not have ripened fruit? So, if your mouth is stupid, then quickly buy a few of the jokes Daquan Daquan and then catching some love it, although not as good as the professional expert powerful language, you too can make your woman happy. Remember that women always like to love it, even if these words could not be more fake fake, as long as she loved that, she can still intoxicated with fly overhead, and it is not, if you have a good a good voice, then Let sing love songs, a lot are, and nice song and language, can make a woman obsessed with them. OK, so to satisfy your woman right, with your seductive voice harvest perfect woman.
  5, the flashbacks
  Elderly sex life
  Old to 70 years of sustainable living
  Most of the sexual life of the elderly can continue to more than 70 years, some of them can be kept to 80 years old, 90-year-old individual still requirements. According to medical reports, and even 90-year-old, male testicles still produce some sperm. Jiangxi Province, who retired on 146 city survey of sexual function in men 65 to 70 years old, there is no requirement and only 12%.
  Not over his sixtieth of the old, the age of sexual growth will not immediately ruin, loss of reproductive function only, while the reproductive function and sexual function are two different things.
  Abstinence does not prolong life insurance fine
  Elderly sex life need not be limited to night
  From the time that the young period of life, usually after going to bed at night, and this time is not necessarily suitable for the elderly. Old fatigue, after a day of activities, night watch TV, you feel fatigued, how could sexual life interested in? Therefore, the elderly on housing issues slept after, or in the morning get up before. Of course, according to their individual circumstances. Sex experts believe that the elderly have sex, not only at night, what the timing of impulse came, as long as living conditions permit, you can at any time.
  From the number of terms, the capacity should be subject to the male body. Ancient "by Su-Nu" said: "person-years 20 persons, on the 4th of a discharge; 30 persons, on the 8th of a discharge; 40 persons, on the 16th of a discharge; 50 persons, on the 20th of a vent, the French also. "Therefore, it can refer to this number, 60 to 65 years of age to 2 to 3 weeks 1 suitable; 65 to 70 years of age to 4 to 6 weeks for the proper 1. Good health, according to sexual desire and shorten the time and increase the number of appropriate. In short order afterwards to obtain sexual gratification, the body does not feel fatigue or discomfort prevail.
  Note the elderly have sex
  Strength: old people, action should not fast, not fierce, should be sweetness and light, soft and slow; time not long.
  Position: the lateral as well, to save your energy; head discomfort or dizziness, headache, should cease sexual intercourse, lie down and rest, drink tea.
  Food: Housing beforehand not to drink too much can not overeat or drink, in the prior emptying of urine.
  Accident prevention: should control their emotions, to avoid over-excited and hasty actions, to slow.
  With the good: old couples sexual intercourse, the most important match is good, especially in the sex in advance and not botch, to your grace I love, mutual caring, can make sexual harmony. Male erection in case there is not slow or erectile strong, weak and even failed to understand the woman, not complaints from, or will add to the psychological burden of the man, resulting in sexual intercourse failed. Therefore, once a temporary obstacle, the man not to stress, can suspend the sexual intercourse, take a break, and then cultivate emotional, so when the sexual impulse generation further.
  Disharmonious sexual life, doing the psychological adjustment
  Many couples often disharmonious sexual life, is not happy and worried, serious and even endanger the marriage. The reason most are psychological aspects. This could be adaptive from the following aspects:
  1, sexual harmony, to use love as the basis. The purpose of marital sex life, not just having children, but also husband and wife in the love life is an important part, for the purpose of love is to share and express their love for each other.
  2, make love to pay attention to the process. One expert pointed out that sexuality: marital sex life, just like in sports, like, you should not only be interested in the final result should be more interested in the process of activities. Otherwise, it will cause tension in the process of marital love intercropping, but not reach orgasm.
  3, in time for the expression of feelings of love. Sex experts said the couple make love, you should promptly tell each other their sexual feelings, help each other understand the sensitive parts of the skills and access to sexual pleasure.
  4, for love means to diversify. Stereotyped sex life, lead to the tedious sense. Renovation to the ever-changing, so as to enhance their sex lives fresh and attractive to a more harmonious sexual life, and charming.
  5, to create a good atmosphere for love. Couples having sex, should be prepared in advance, such as pre-bath, sent their children to sleep so early, but also more and more about making people love the excitement of the topic.
  6, harmonious sexual life requires efforts on both sides. Some of the couple should read books like the knowledge base to understand the psychological and sexual physiology of men and women of different characteristics in order to complement each other, inspire each other to enjoy a fulfilling sex life.
  Disharmonious sexual life may lead to insomnia
  The survey found a large number of American physiologist, sexual life is not perfect is an important reason why some people insomnia. When a person who is in the sexually active period of time not to vent, the nervous system will be in a highly nervous excitement, so sleep would come one after another. Therefore, many men used to insomnia, if not because of too much work pressure and too many things to consider, it may be related with sexual repression.
  Ami's husband, insomnia, Ami as one concerned about her husband's health, always worried about the same room with her husband too much will affect his health, then sub-bed and slept with her husband, only two talents back to bed Saturday, do not want to overlook her husband have such illnesses. So, Amy and her husband no longer adhere to bed and sleep hours, many things began to go with the flow. People would have thought that after two weeks of treatment her husband's insomnia is not a self-healing.
  Women love attention, while men pay more attention to sex. Men often "do not cry easily," but often venting through the sexual life to fear, suffering, pessimism, and other emotions. Their pain, sex life is to make them feel good way to comfort and safety. So when her husband take the initiative to approach you when depressed, the wife may wish to adopt a sexy body language to let him believe that he can talk to you all.
  Many women in order to show his love for her husband, often as a child, like her husband, let him not cook food to mouth, virtually played a "maid" role. Began, men also like to be cared for, but if the husband in a long time to be spoiled, to be concerned about the environment, the wife will gradually weaken the role of his wife, her husband's way more difficult to deal with her sex.
  Therefore, the wife learns to master her husband's "emotional" great benefit of marriage.
  The health hazards of life on several occasions
  According to "Health Al-Hayat" reported on many occasions of life, is within a day or an evening with two or more sex life. Multiple sex life is detrimental to health.
  1. For both men and women, the physically larger will result in consumption. The long, necessarily lead to physical and mental state, thinking ability, memory, analytical skills decline.
  2. Because of the continuous and repeated occurrence of impulses, both men and women will increase the control of nerve and organ burden, frequent fatigue that will cause sexual dysfunction, sexual function caused by "premature aging."
  3. Men often repeated sexual life, will extend ejaculation time. For a second sexual ejaculation time there certainly longer than the first. This laid-induced impotence, no ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, sexual pleasure without the hidden danger.
  4. Men's sex life should not be after a period, that of life for some time after the stimulus is no longer react. Will extend the life of many of its refractory period, also easily lead to sexual function decline.
  5. Frequently repeated sexual men, due to repeated and persistent sexual organs to congestion will induce prostatitis, Seminal other diseases, resulting in perineal discomfort, back pain, there will be blood fine. Women often repeated sexual life, sexual organs is always in congestive state, will induce pelvic congestion, lower body heaviness and discomfort.
  6. Regardless of gender, number of sexual life, sexual satisfaction is definitely worse than the one before, so likely to cause psychological effects that their own sexuality problems, eventually may lead to psychogenic sexual dysfunction.
  Not all the wild sex life
  Journey do not always give the same feeling, same is true for sex. China Sexology Boshi Wei University of Hong Kong, said that many countries are specifically introduced to the theme of sex tourism activities, to create a romantic environment for couples to move a lot of child support. However, in the enjoyment of sex fresh and beautiful environment, we should especially pay attention to safety and health.
  Vivaldi, said, first of all, the wild sex life should not always try. Although the beautiful natural environment is very easy to inspire lovers of passion, but health is always a guarantee that the first element of sexual health. Environment, warm, clean hotel is the best choice.
  Second, to the hot spring resort travel is the choice of many couples. Vivaldi reminded that the bath environment likely to result in cross-infection, especially women, must be confirmed before the public bath soak sterilized. Although the hotel will be prepared to clean towels, but better to carry your own towel. Women bathing shower after the best way to choose the final cleaning.
  In addition, the travel time is not enough clothes washing is inevitable. Dr. Wei stressed that, due to travel or live in poor sanitary conditions fatigue, coupled with frequent sex life, women most vulnerable to urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis etc disease so serious that it caused infertility. Therefore, we must pay attention to sexual health, change and wash underwear to ground.
  Finally, the excitement of travel is likely to cover up the body's fatigue, therefore, even in the honeymoon, the sex life must be restricted in order to not feel tired the next day, the spirit of good and prevail.
  Nine sex position
  A Angels-style
  He sit with his hands up on both sides, legs straight. You face him, sitting across him, knees. When he fully entered, you try to bend the body, the hands on the floor for balance.
  Advantages: You can fully control the speed and angle of _insert_ion, master began. To achieve a strong G-spot orgasm, if possible, after the body bend, and with both hands supporting the weight, it can put one or two pillows under his head so that he can more clearly see your face.
  B-type back
  He lay down, legs straight, the first delegation of a pillow so that he could see the action carried out. You sit across him, for his legs, hands palm for support. When you twist from his grasp your thighs or buttocks.
  Advantages: You can totally control everything, including speed and angle, and thus easier to achieve the G spot orgasm, but he also willing to easily "sit back and enjoy."
  Table C-type push
  He leaned against the chair, feet comfortably open the soles of the ground. You are sitting across the middle of the North to reach out touch the desktop, leveraging his hands, his feet hanging in the air. He held on to a small circle your hips to swing, you are close to the legs.
  Advantages: Unlike a typical paparazzi-style. Here the knee will not find it difficult to position, he can comfortably take you into the climax, and in-depth touch every inch of insurance Road, to move up and down and circular motion. He can even look at your own risk stems into your body and increase pleasure.
  D sideswipe type
  Your side of the pillow, he knelt down in your hip, the upper body to lean forward to separate your feet knee to _insert_.
  Advantages: close to your thigh with both sides, can bring him more pleasure. In addition, this angle can be _insert_ed deeper, especially for small risk stems shorter men. When you stimulate the G point, he can also touch your chest.
  E windmill
  You and his side in the same direction, you sit low to the body, his legs clamped to his arm for support after. Then he used his legs around your waist and lose your legs swinging gently.
  Advantages: This position will be shallow _insert_ion, can focus on risk Road to stimulate the first third of the sensitive location, and the top of the nerve endings in the penis.
  F rowing style
  Let him lie on a comfortable and sturdy chair, feet slightly open, and then you sit cross above him, facing him, after the knees, legs toward his chest open, and supporting. Let him grasp your hips or thighs, you will lose back and started moving around.
  Advantages: typical female on male under the posture, you can easily control the speed or the circle action, because both sides are very close, kissing or caressing each other simultaneously.
  Starfish-type G
  Let him sit on the floor, his hands supporting the body from the back, feet comfortably straight. You sit between his legs, back him, and knees and spread his legs, feet the ground. Intercourse, the risk of him making a slight circular motion to move the stem while tightening the muscles of your insurance Road.
  Advantages: You can continue to play a dominant role, and get a better angle to stimulate the G point. At the same time, and can use both hands to stimulate his testicles, he can also touch your thighs and neck and other sensitive areas.
  H sit cross-legged style
  He sat cross-legged, you face him, sitting in his middle, surrounded by his legs slightly bent hips, arms or back of each grab hold of each other, and before and after the move, near the height of speed.
  Advantages: Both sides can also control the speed, first slowly, suddenly speed up or enhance the depth of _insert_ion, and then slow down to extend the pleasure before orgasm. This position and can easily stimulate the formation of a nuclear point of risk.
  I Stand
  You stand against the wall, legs slightly separated, for him, he lifted your legs up on his hip, put your body upgrade, and then twist.
  Advantages: As long as there is a wall, you can place him in any intimate act. In addition, as your legs overlap, vaginal narrowing, and thereby also increase his pleasure.

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