Drama  yǐng shì film and television 

  píng lùn dramatic comment  chuán tǒng Beijing opera  fāng occident drama  zhōng guó huà Chinese Drama
  yuèdòu 中国话剧 zuòpǐn!!!

   jiù shí zhuān zhǐ xìqǔhòu yòng wéi huà shī děng de zǒng chēngwén xué shàng de gài niàn shì zhǐ wéi biǎo yǎn suǒ chuàng zuò de jiǎo běn běn de biǎo yǎn xíng shì duō zhǒng duō yàngcháng jiàn de bāo kuò huà yīnyuè 'ǒu děng
   cóng biǎo yǎn xíng shì shàng fēn wéi huà shī guǎng diàn shì jiē tóu huó bào děng
   cóng zuò pǐn nèi róng de xìng zhì shàng fēn bēi zhèng děng
   cóng shì qíng jié shàng fēn wéi duō děng
   cóng shí dài fēn fēn wéi shǐ xiàn dài

  Refers specifically to old opera theater, later as drama, drama, opera, ballet, drama, etc. general. Literature on the concept of drama is created by the drama script, that script. Performing a variety of forms of drama, common, including drama, opera, ballet, musical theater, puppet shows and so on.
  From the show form, can be divided into drama, opera, dance, drama, radio, TV, street theater, live drama, etc.;
  Content from the works of nature, can be divided into tragedy, comedy, drama and so on are;
  From the story, it can be divided into one-act play, multi-act play, etc.;
  From the time points, can be divided into historical drama and modern drama.

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