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  方志一词,起源甚早。《周礼》是一部专载古代设官分职的政典,原先的书名是《周官》。这部书说,古代有五类史官。其中的“外史”职责是“掌四方之志 ”(《周礼*春官》)。在《周礼*地官》中说得更明确:“涌训,掌道方志,以诏观事。”这可能是我国古籍中最早出现的“方志”一词。

  Chronicles the word, a very early origin. "Zhou" is a special set of ancient sub-level political officials based code, the original title is "Week official." The book said that there are five categories of the ancient historian. The "Unofficial History" duty "charge of the Quartet of the Chi" ("Zhou * Spring official"). In "Zhou * local officials," said more clearly: "Chung training, palm Road Chronicles, by Chao View of things." This may be the earliest Chinese ancient books in the "Chronicles" is used.
  Chronicles, also known as local history. As the name suggests, it is something special account of the historical texts of the world Quartet. China earlier Confucian classics, "Zhou" is a "Chronicles" rather as a source of local records of local history is a self. "Book of History" on the record of China's ancient times Fangyu, mountains and rivers, soil, products, Kung Fu, can be thought of ancient times in China Chronicles of a national. In addition, there's "Shan Hai Jing", "Hua Yang Guo Zhi" is the inheritance and development. Chronicles is divided into two categories: one for the national total chi, that is, the boundaries of strict records all over the country, customs, products, and towns, people, landmarks, monuments and art, etc., such as "Great Yuan Yi Tong Zhi", "Da Ming Yi Tong Zhi "" Great Qing Yi Tong Zhi "; Second, local history, that is recorded in one place (province, government, state, county, town, Temple) and other books relating to the above-mentioned items, such as" Exploitation in Annals "," Shandong Annals " "Shuntian Zhi", "Binh Dinh Chi State", "Jin County," "Town in Chi", "Li Li Zhi", "Lu Zhi," "Lingyin Temple chi" and so on. As the age-old, and some other reasons, the Eastern Han Dynasty had lost the previous Chronicles, after the Eastern Han Dynasty seen in the recorded multi-known as the "mind", "plan after" and other names, but it's also less spread in the world. After the Song Dynasty, "Chi" gradually replaced the "mind", "plan after" and other names. Ming and Qing dynasties, as emphasis on the central and local governments, increasing the number Chronicles, Yu voluminous voluminous trend, system is maturing into account the development of a regional encyclopedia of things past and present. Qing Emperor Yongzheng seven (1729), Sejong view of the new government around the country, state, county, continue to emerge, even ordered, "Annals of the world Chief Compilation", so the Yongzheng and Qianlong occasion Difangzhi wind filled the country, and Chronicles of prosperity to reach its peak phase, the preservation and promotion of Chinese ancient culture, its very Wei Gong, but also to prepare for the establishment of Local Chronicles conditions. Mid-Qing, a famous historian and thinker in the writing and editing Zhang Chronicles process, according to their revised book practice and summarizes the success or failure of previous annals established local history study. His famous "History through righteousness" special legislation has chapters focused on elaborating the ideas of its Local Records. Well-known historian Zhu Shijia in 1935 published "The Comprehensive Catalog of Chinese Local Chronicles" the first edition of the book, on the preservation and presentation of local history in China played a positive role. At present, the total existing blog, about 8000 kinds of local records about, which is unique in the world.
  Compilation of local history has a long history in China, about thousand species of ancient Chronicles. Jiangsu cultural atmosphere, and cultural development, local history over a thousand species, accounting for about 1 / 8. Chronicles of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is a province. Chronicles the history of the famous scholars in most provinces.
  Chronicles should be the history, geography of the new combination of local information science. Chronicles should be a strong independent value and significance. Is an ancient science, is a given new content and concept of the subject. From this point of view to examine the source of many ancient elements may include a.
  Chronicles district-based, comprehensive record of the natural and social aspects in past and present works. Also known as topography or local history. The ad contained rivers and lakes, shrines, monasteries, monuments, works of water transport, may fall within this zone. Chronicles general types: ① The situation in the country with a total integrated and unified Chi Chi. ② regional gazetteers, such as the province of Chi, Chi State, County, Office of Chi, and other local records. ③ dedication that mountain Buddhist temple, temple, college, tour sites, people, endemic areas of historical texts. Chronicles early origins. "Zhou Chun officials" have Unofficial History "palm Quartet Zhi Zhi" argument. To the Western Han and the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the term local records have been common. In the period of Qin Jin, Chronicles still in the formative stage. At that time, the contents of both style, Chronicles both the geography book, its title will rise as the topography, in mind. The contents of the main narrative region Fangyu state, mountains property, customs and culture. The existing contents of the first relatively complete with the Chronicles book "Vietnam must" (the legend for the Eastern Han Yuan Kang Suozhuan), appeared in this period. Sui and Tang dynasties, plans by the popular, to commemorate, remember the name of the local history books have developed. After the so-called plan to start over in order to mainly that territory, the mountains, the land, through a diagram shows a map of the appendage. Sui and Tang dynasties, plans have to been the main plan against a secondary, and even close to what was the nature of local history. Song to remember in history mainly as a branch of local history. Thus local history books until the early style of preparation, self-contained. Comparison of the Ming Dynasty Chronicles former and development and has increased the number and types. Yi Tong Zhi across the country, the provinces generally repair or total Chi Annals of the provincial government the following counties are also the many Local Records. In addition, there border Chi, Chi, etc., as well as towns and villages. The nature of the historical texts, clearly belongs to the history of the Ming Dynasty areas. Qing is the heyday of local history, not only all types and number, in the style and content are more substantial complete. Qing imperial edict to promote so many provinces and Local Records, repair landscape temple and garden are also many famous historical site of the dedication, but also repair relations Jin Chi, Salt chi, rural town Square, the city and other blog site. Qing another emerging local records. Compared with the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of chronicles, a much smaller scale, style most have followed the old local chronicles, but also some new content, such as attention to record production of agricultural businesses and people's living face, but also increase a variety of statistical tables and so on. China Chronicles, which reflect local characteristics, historical texts on time amended to include a wide range, with greater reliability and authenticity. Remained in local records (not including landscapes such as the dedication of Temple), 8500, among which the most Qing Dynasty, a total of more than 6000 kinds, 10 thousand volumes. In addition to possession of the book Chronicles domestic sub-libraries in foreign countries, there are many, some scattered in private for. After 80 years of the 20th century, the Chinese local records under the State Council of China by the Steering Group of local history led to the 1995 National newly published over 5,000 local history department.
  Ming and Qing study of the Local Records is to study the emergence and development of local history, nature and type, features and functions, consolidation and codification of theory and the use of the subjects.

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