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I met Laozi twice

I met Laozi twice

Once in Pictured Rocks by Lake Superior
an old fisherman with a big backpack
surpassing my hiking pace

I ran forward to him and asked about the distance to the lake shore
“4 miles down from here”
You carry a heavy backpack and outpace us, may I ask how young you are
He said in the backpack is his catch this morning, 4 fish, with big smiles
I wanted to taste the local food so bad since I got here
so I offered to buy two if he’s willing to let go his catch

He said: The best compliment is you truly enjoy these fish...
(he did not even have slightest talk of money)
“There are plenty in the lake, crystal clear water
I come everyday, I am retired from the world”

So, you walk 8 miles back and forth everyday? - “Except snow seasons.”
What do you do with your fish? - “I keep some and give to friends the rest.”

That evening, while I prepared the fish,
I gradually realized I need to wash and clean my ears, too
for I insisted paying him, in vain

I met Laozi again
He has changed into a biologist in Fern Canyon
He approached me while I was taking pictures of a fern wall
said like to take pictures for us with his camera
and send to me when he is out of the canyon a week later

I hesitated but went along;

he told me he was a retired professor
He told us more about every plant we crossed…
We were the last ones to leave the canyon and it’s getting dark
I figured it must be difficult to get food supply out in the wildness
I offered some chips in my car and a ride to his camp
to save him from the rough road walking alone
He said, “no I would not miss this wonderful walk”

8 days later
I received the photos he took for us
I begin to feel dumb by offering him a ride

Last night I met them both in a dreamland;
one as a fish and one as a fern, no doubt at all.

2014-07-10 11:41:35
散文诗 Poetry in Prose
Chinese Poetry