
William Zhou周道模





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河东阳升2009-10-13 15:59:04


霞客行2008-07-18 15:16:12


William Zhou周道模2008-04-21 05:54:45


西方文学 Western Literature
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[English Essay] Live on Dreams

My first English essay, Please point out any mistakes for me, thanks! With the help of Mr. Hai, I've rewritten it once.

Live on Dreams

Dream is my sunshine, Spring rain, fresh flowers, charming songs, joyful dance and poetic wings. In my opinion, I can't live without dreams.

From the beginning of my life I dreamed every day, to the end of my life I will also dream every day .I dream every night and I dream of everything . Most of my dreams are beautiful , joyful , unforgettable . One night the sentence
"cry , cry , no stars in the sky…" jumped out of my dream , I got up at once and wrote down my first English poem . Some of my Chinese poems came from my good dreams , too. These dreams are the poetic Spring of my life . I often dream of beautiful girls. In these dreams , I can sing and dance with a pretty girl and then cuddle her , touch her and kiss her . We can spend a wonderful time together . That's a happy time of my life . Who is she? Maybe she is the goddess of my literature. She falls into my dreams from heaven and she shows me the way to the victory in the future . So many times did I fall into difficult positions in dreams, I always felt myself floating up and fly over the roofs of houses and escaped the troubles . These dreams are the natural force of helping me live on .

Sometimes I even dream in the daytime . While reading in the sun by the river under the willows, I like to sing ,dance and fly in mind. I like to write some essays , poems and
compose some songs . I would like to give my thanks to these daytime’s dreams , because some of my good literary works were born in these colourful dreams.

I will dream of everything in bed or in any other places day and night till the end of life . Oh, my darling , the valuable dreams , you love me and I also love you forever!

November, 20 th , 2006 , Guanghan .

2008-02-29 19:46:54
hepingdao ?2008-03-04 21:03:03?? Re: [English Essay] Live on Dreams 引用并回复

William Zhou周道模 写到:
My first English essay, I haven't translated it into Chinese. Please point out any mistakes for me, thanks!

this error is caused by the unstable nature of php language

阅览成员资料     hepingdao北美枫文集
Lake ?2008-03-04 21:07:20?? Re: [English Essay] Live on Dreams 引用并回复

hepingdao 写到:
William Zhou周道模 写到:
My first English essay, I haven't translated it into Chinese. Please point out any mistakes for me, thanks!

this error is caused by the unstable nature of php language

Can I reply now? Ok, try it.

Don't translate. Write it in Chinese. Smile

阅览成员资料     Lake北美枫文集
William Zhou周道模 ?2008-03-04 22:26:26?? 引用并回复

what's the meaning of the "php language"?

阅览成员资料     William Zhou周道模北美枫文集
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