百科: 犹巨室﹐古指卿大夫之家。《书.梓材》"王曰'封,以厥庶民暨厥臣,达大家。'"孔传"言当用其众人之贤者与其小臣之良者,以通达卿大夫及都家之政于
漢英: 犹巨室﹐古指卿大夫之家。《书.梓材》"王曰'封,以厥庶民暨厥臣,达大家。'"孔传"言当用其众人之贤者与其小臣之良者,以通达卿大夫及都家之政于
one and all every mother's son all such woman; husband's mother everybody all we you they other people family of high ranking official great master master Your Majesty polymath authority everyone
漢法: 犹巨室﹐古指卿大夫之家。《书.梓材》"王曰'封,以厥庶民暨厥臣,达大家。'"孔传"言当用其众人之贤者与其小臣之良者,以通达卿大夫及都家之政于
one and all every mother's son all such woman; husband's mother everybody all we you they other people family of high ranking official great master master Your Majesty polymath authority everyone tous, tout le monde, chacun;
grand maître, autorité