戲劇 Drama分類表
中國話劇 Chinese Drama

  清宣統二年(1910年)傳入遼寧。 宣統二年,衕盟會員劉藝舟(木鐸)由關內來到遼陽,演齣了新劇《哀江南》和《大陸春秋》。衕年5月到奉天,與戲麯藝人丁香花、杜雲卿等人聯合,先後在鳴盛茶園演齣抨擊封建專製的新劇《國會血》,日本領事館為此提齣抗議,奉天市政當局屈於壓力,下令禁演。民國元年(1912年),上海衕盟會會員苗天雨、馮迪漢率團到遼陽市廣德茶園(遼陽大觀樓),演齣話劇《波蘭亡國慘》、《民國魂》等。話劇傳入遼寧之後,各地愛好者紛紛組織話劇演齣活動。民國5年(1916年),大連的陳非我發起組織話劇社,並任社長,社員大多是該市商紳及報館、學校各界文化人士,演齣的劇目有趣味劇《酔鬼捉姦》,正劇《青樓俠妓》、《湘江淚》、《猛回頭》、《異母兄弟》等。民國11年(1922年),撫順青年會附設小學於撫順西戲樓演齣《惡姻緣》、《逆倫案》等。
  話劇 - 藝術特點

  Chinese drama began in the Qing dynasty, thirty-three years (1907)
  Qing Xuantong (1910) introduced Liaoning. Xuantong, alliance members LIU Yi Zhou (wood Duo) from the customs to Liaoyang, performed drama "of Yu" and "mainland Spring." In the same year in May to Mukden, and Opera artists lilac, Duyun Qing, who combined, have performed in the Ming Sheng tea criticized feudalism new drama, "Congress of blood", the Japanese Consulate to protest this, Mukden municipal authorities bowed to pressure and ordered the ban speech. The first (1912), the Shanghai Alliance member Tony rain, Di Feng Han led a delegation to the Liaoyang City, Canton de Tea (Liaoyang Daguanlou), performed drama "miserable subjugation of Poland", "Republic of soul" and so on. Drama after the introduction of Liaoning, local drama fans have organized activities. Republic of China 5 years (1916), Dalian, Chen not my drama club sponsor organizations, and served as president, most members gentry and the city's newspaper business, schools and cultural sectors who plays the show interesting drama "drunk unto them," is drama "Xia brothel prostitutes," "Tears of the Xiang River," "fierce look back", "half brother" and so on. 11 years of the Republic of China (1922), in Fushun Fushun primary school attached to the West YMCA Theater presents "bad marriage", "the case against the London" and so on.
  Republic of China for 14 years, Ouyang Yuqian to Dalian, Shenyang and other places to the local youth drama theater and speech-loving civilians art, the diffusion of modern drama. Member of the CPC Shenyang Zhang Guangqi underground workers (female) and female student teachers were absorbed in the "Kill the YMCA," the organization Repertory Theatre, performing drama "The Story of Qiu Jin and Xu Xilin," "Motherhood," "who is at fault," " Courtship "and so on. Ouyang Yuqian Zhang Guangqi also performed with the "soul mate of the fan", "get home" and so on. In the same year in February, Ouyang Yuqian Dalian Chinese YMCA should be invited lecture, "China's dramatic reforms of the way." Liaoning are organized around the amateur drama groups, performances are very active. Republic of China for 15 years in February, was officially established in Dalian beauty Opera. This is the first of a more formal Liaoning drama groups, President Ma Dian-yuan, vice president of Crown Cheung, Fu-Tong Lu, director of the director. In 16 years (1927) in May, the beauty of Chinese YMCA Drama Club should be invited, in preparation of civilians Education Fund, at the YMCA auditorium (in this democratic square) show, staged reflect the tragedy of family and social conflicts " Chiaki grudge "and other drama. Republic of China on September 18, Chen organize truck to "Kill the civilian service groups of students" in the outskirts of Mukden, Tuen Korea and other places show "improved the hospital," "blind" and other drama.
  During this period, the puppet government set up three Queen's Theatre "Great Theatre" (Changchun), "Theatre in Harbin", "Kill Union Theatre" are attached to the pseudo-Union Council. "Kill Union Theatre" was built in 27 years in September, the entire regiment over a hundred people, "complete the Union will bear the important mission of culture." Moderator of the original Benedict (Puppet State Theatre Union State Council Chairman), Rui Jin Shan, Yasuda they were all Japanese. Was held in November of small performances, plays for the "In addition to the night song." Republic of China on June 28, held its first big public performance, plays the "Orient House, Colonel," and "pasture"; roving college in December the same year, acting, plays for the "comfort Wu", "blood-track" and so on. These plays are all singing the praises of the Japanese invaders. As of 30 years, the group created and performed a total of more than 20 plays. 30-32 years from the Republic of China, the group performed in major cities in the Northeast, "Thunderstorm", "bud," "For magic," and so on. 31 years of the Republic of China (1942) performed in the Soviet Union were Fengtian drama "Shout, China", the content is to expose the evil American imperialist invasion of China history. Japan to perform the play's intention is to promote Anglo-American powers erode China's evil, aroused the Chinese people in the United States and hatred of British imperialism. But it did not, hand, aroused the audience extremely hate the Japanese invasion of China, the people competing to watch the unprecedented attendance. This greatly frightened the Puppet ruler immediately ordered to stop play. In addition, the Puppet Theater also organize major cities in Liaoning Province, for the Japanese invaders services, such as the Union Theatre (Dalian), Concord Pavilion Theatre (Anton) and so on. The Theatre in the "eight hundred and fifteen," After the restoration of Northeast have disintegrated.
  Liberation War, Revolutionary Communist Party of China a large number of writers and artists drawn to the northeast, some of the art troupe formed in the Liaoning region. Art Everywhere these missions are performed theatrical side, while doing mass work, and to help create art troupe around the active, team. Compiled a large number of live drama performances, a small drama, for the Northeast, a new drama for the development of Liaoning province has laid a solid foundation. Meanwhile, Shenyang, Dalian, Anton and other places also composed a number of folk drama groups, they are self-financing, voluntary non-governmental private professional troupes combined, such as Dalian East Arts Theatre, Recovery Theatre, Youth Theatre Journal, Theatre Liaodong, Dalian Theatre, Theatre of the Sino-Soviet friendship and so on, then performed "Night is young", "blood debt", "Begonia", "magnificent" and so on. At the same time, the KMT army belongs to the "Political Force" and some KMT operations Repertory Theatre, once dominated, especially around the major cities of Liaoning drama stage, they are Shenyang, Dalian, some of Anton reactionary drama performances and other places, such as " bully, "" Wild Rose ", etc., but also show off" Thunderstorm "," Sunrise. "
  After the founding of the PRC, all cities have set up Theatre and regiment. For decades, rapid development of drama, train a number of internal and external actors are more reputable team.
  Drama - Art Features
  Dramatic Arts has the following basic features:
  First, the stage of. Ancient and modern drama is done by means of the stage, stage a variety of styles, has two purposes: the story of a benefit performers, a benefit audience appreciated from all angles.
  Second, the intuitive. First is the actor's gesture drama, action, dialogue, monologue performances, directly on the audience's visual and auditory; and use makeup, costumes and other means of character modeling, so that they can directly view the image of the characters appearance.
  Third, comprehensive. Drama is a comprehensive art, which is characterized by the specific shape and artistic image on the stage, directly to the audience needs to show scenes of social life and adaptation.
  Fourth, dialogue. Drama drama features different from other stage of the dialogue through the front of a large number of plot, theme shaping the character and expression. Characters which monologue, dialogue with the audience, in particular, the air content within drama.

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