漢語方言 Chinese dialects 世界上使用人數最多的語言。
漢語拼音方案 the Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet
漢語拼音字母 the Chinese phonetic alphabet
漢語史 history of Chinese language
漢語的標準語是近幾百年來以北方官話為基礎逐漸形成的。它的標準音是北京音。漢語的標準語在中國大陸稱為普通話,在臺灣稱為國語,在新加坡、馬來西亞稱為華語。 在廣義上是指漢族的語言,狹義上指普通話,另外還有國語、華語、中文等稱呼都是指漢語。毫無疑問,漢語是世界上使用人數最多的一種語言,世界上大約有1/5的人使用漢語作為母語。漢語也曾對其周邊的國傢的語言文字産生過重要影響。例如日語、韓語、越南語中都保留有大量的漢語藉詞以及漢語書寫體係文字。漢語是一種中國語文。
都說漢語難學,其實漢語語言是很簡單的,漢語中無時態變化,動詞 形容詞也無變化,無連讀,語言簡練,發音清晰,語速緩慢。是很容易學的一種語言。難學的是漢字。
漢語的音節可以分析成聲母、韻母、聲調3部分。打頭的音是聲母,其餘的部分是韻母,聲調是整個音節的音高。把聲調也看成音節的組成部分,是因為漢語的聲調是辨義的。例如“湯、糖、躺、燙”4個字的聲母都是[tang],韻母都是[ang](方括弧裏是國際音標,表格裏的國際音標省去括弧),衹是因為聲調不同,意義就不一樣,在語言裏分別代表 4個不同的語素,在書面上寫成 4個不同的字。
聲母都是輔音。最復雜的韻母由介音、主要元音和韻尾 3部分組成。韻尾有的是輔音,有的是元音。北京音的輔音聲母有22個。介音有、[u]、[y] (同ü)3個。輔音韻尾有[n]和[ŋ],元音韻尾有[]和[u]。在組成音節的聲母、介音、主要元音和韻尾 4部分裏,衹有主要元音不能沒有,其餘 3部分都不是必須出現的。這種情形可以從表 1音節的成分舉的例字裏看出來。北京話的聲母見表 2北京話聲母,北京話的韻母見表 3北京話韻母。
該拼音方案主要用於漢語普通話讀音的標註,作為漢字的一種普通話音標。1958年2月11日的全國人民代表大會批準公佈該方案。1982年,成為國際標準ISO 7098(中文羅馬字母拼寫法)。
金尼閣,字四表,原名尼古拉·特裏戈,1577年3月3日生於今法國的杜埃城,當時為比利時領土,故金尼閣自稱比利時人,而陳垣等人亦稱其為“比利時人”。 1594年11月9日入耶穌會。1607年往遠東傳教,1610年(萬歷三十八年,即利馬竇卒年)秋抵澳門,翌年春詣金陵。隨郭居靜、高一志二神父學習華語(另一說從郭居靜及王豐肅)。郭居靜神父到杭州開教,他亦同行。後往北京報告南方的教務,深得竜華民的賞識。1613年去羅馬嚮教皇保羅五世“奏陳教務,並請準翻譯經典,司鐸用華言行聖祭,誦日課,教宗一一允準”,但因客觀情況未實行。但他是“第一個嚮教廷請準以中文舉行彌撒,行其他聖事,以及誦念‘日課’的”。
一、從簡略的回顧中,闡明從19世紀末發展起來的漢語拼音運動一開始就是與語言的統一、社會的發展、民族的團结緊密結合在一起的。歷史事實不止一次的證明,無論哪一種拼音設計,違背了漢民族共同語統一的發展趨勢,註定會以失敗告終。二、通過註音符號、國羅、北拉和漢語拼音方案的歷史淵源關係,具體說明方案在哪幾方面繼承和發展了這幾種拼音的主要優點並加以創新,從而總結了二十世紀前六十多年來中國人民創製拉丁化拼音方案的歷史經驗。三、通過對臺灣通用拼音與漢語拼音之爭的分析 ,揭示隱藏在這場發生在臺灣的激烈論戰的背後,其實質性問題是什麽。
以上兩類合體字裏的偏旁有的有表意作用,有的有表音作用。下邊一類的情形不同。 ③合體記號字。這一類合體字的偏旁既不表意,也不表音。這主要有兩種情形。一是由於字音和字義的變化,原來的聲旁和形旁已經不再表音、表意了。例如上文舉過的“給、等、 短”一類字。 另一種情形可以舉“章”字為例。 按照漢朝許慎《說文解字》的分析,“章”字從“音”從“十”。可是現在一般人說“立早章”(以區別於“弓長張”)的時候,是把它分析成“立”和“早”兩部分。其實從古文字看,“章”本來是一個獨體象形字,跟“音、十、立、早”都沒有關係。
中國幅員遼闊,人口衆多,方言情況復雜。下邊把漢語方言粗分為官話和非官話兩大類來說明。官話分佈在長江以北地區和長江南岸九江與鎮江之間沿江地帶以及湖北、四川、雲南、貴州4省,包括北方官話、江淮官話、西南官話幾個方言區。官話區域的面積占全國3/4,人口占全國2/3。官話方言內部的一致程度比較高。從哈爾濱到昆明,相距3000公裏,兩地的人通話沒有多大睏難。非官話方言主要分佈在中國東南部,包括吳方言(江蘇南部,浙江大部)、贛方言(江西大部,湖南東部,福建西北部,湖北東南部,安徽西南部)、湘方言(湖南大部,廣西壯族自治區北部)、粵方言(廣東大部,廣西壯族自治區東南部)、閩方言(福建,臺灣,廣東的潮州、汕頭,海南)、客傢方言(廣東省東部和北部,福建西部,江西南部,臺灣)。非官話區域比官話區域面積小,可是方言差別大,彼此一般不能通話,甚至在同一個方言區內部(例如浙南吳方言與蘇南吳方言之間、福州話和廈門話之間),交談都有睏難。漢語方言之間語音上的差別最大,詞彙次之,語法方面的差別最小。語音的差別在聲母的繁簡、輔音韻尾的多寡以及調類的區分上表現得特別明顯。例如吳方言塞音聲母有濁塞音[b、d、g]、不送氣清塞音[p、t、k]和送氣清塞音[pʻ、tʻ、kʻ ]3套,官話方言衹有後2套。廣州話輔音韻尾有[m、 n、ŋ、p、t、k]6個,蘇州話衹有[n、 ŋ、?]3個,北京話衹有[n、ŋ]2個。廣州話有陰平、陽平、陰上、陽上、陰去、陽去、上陰入、中陰入、陽入9個調類。北京話有陰平、陽平、上聲、去聲4個調類。煙臺話平聲不分陰陽,所以衹有平聲、上聲、去聲3個調類,是聲調係統最簡單的方言之一。
上文說漢語方言語音的差別大,詞彙和語法的差別小。這是從大體上說的。從細處看,詞彙和語法上相異之處也並不少。拿詞彙來說,政治、文化、科學方面的詞是全國性的,可是日常生活裏用的詞有許多是地方性的,因方言而異。拿語法來說,方言之間在詞法方面的差異比較明顯。例如人稱代詞和指示代詞的形式、形容詞的後綴、動詞和形容詞的重疊式、象聲詞的構造以及名詞後綴“子”和“兒”的表示方式(例如 “兒”杭州話用成音節的語素表示,而廣州話和溫嶺話用變調表示)等等在不同方言裏有時有相當大的差別。
方言之間句法上的差別可以舉“把”字句和反復問句為例。“把”字句是官話區方言裏十分重要的一種句式,可是粵方言和吳方言都沒有這種句式。例如北京話用“把”字的句子(把衣服洗幹淨),廣州話往往要用“動詞+賓語”的說法(洗幹淨件衫)。在大部分官話方言裏,反復問句的形式是“ V不V”(V代表動詞,例如:去不去│認得不認得)。可是在某些江淮官話和西南官話(例如昆明話)以及一部分吳方言(例如蘇州話)裏,反復問句的形式是“ 可 V”(可去│可認得)。
官話的明顯特點包括:失落了全部中古入聲,中古漢語中的“- p,-t,-k,-m,-n,-ng”韻尾現在衹剩下“-n,-ng”,但出現了大量兒化韻“-r”韻尾。原本連接“i,ü”韻母的“g,k,h”聲母已被顎音化成“j,q,x”聲母。官話話在失去清濁對立的過程中,沒有經過劇烈的聲調分化,但出現了中古平上去入以外的輕聲。因此,官話方言包含了大量的同音字以及相應産生的復合詞。上述現象在其他方言中比較少見。
閩南語(狹義的,即閩臺片閩南話)共有“-m,-n,-ng,-p,-t,-k,-ʔ”(貌似問號的國際音標是緊喉音。)在入聲 [-p/-t/-k] 消失之前,先發生‘入聲弱化’,[-p/-t/-k] 全部變成 ʔ。山西方言仍保有這種弱化入聲)”七種輔音韻尾。閩南語是漢語中聲調較復雜的方言之一,泉州音有8個聲調(不含輕聲),漳州音、廈門音、同安音、臺灣音通常有七個聲調(不含輕聲)。同時,閩南語也是保留中古漢語最完整的方言之一。泉州音和漳州音是其它支係的母語,閩(南)臺片的閩南語內部較為一致。廣義的閩南方言還包括海南話、潮州話、浙南閩語等,使用閩南語的人口大約為總數的4.2%。
晉語:在山西絶大部分以及陝西北部、河北西部、河南西北部、內蒙古河套地區等地使用,以太原話為代表,有入聲韻-- [-ʔ](這貌似問號的國際音標是緊喉音。在入聲 [-p/-t/-k] 消失之前,先發生‘入聲弱化’,[-p/-t/-k] 全部變成 [-ʔ])。其白讀係統與官話截然不同。以前(及現在的不少語言學學者)將其歸於官話。
以上說的是文學作品 。至於新聞報道、政府文告、公文、商業合同、甚至私人信件,往往還是用的文言。這一方面是傳統習慣使然,另一方面也是因為文言文有簡括的優點。這種情形,就全國範圍來說,一直延續到40年代末。1949年中華人民共和國建立以後,文言文才完全讓位給白話文。除了打電報和有意擬古以外,沒有人再寫文言了。
現代書面語開始形成的時候,曾經從舊白話小說的語言裏繼承了一些句式。這個階段現在已經結束。我們能看到的衹是一些遺跡。例如“在+處所詞”的構造可以放在動詞前頭(“在臺上坐着”),也可以放在動詞後頭(“坐在臺上”)。在北京話裏,前置的“在 ”用“跟”、用[āi] 或是 [tǎi],後置的“在”用[·tə],都不用“在”。用“在”的說法是從舊白話小說裏繼承下來的。
書面語在詞彙方面的特點是雙音詞的比重大。書面語雙音詞除了從文言裏繼承下來的一部分以外,大都是19世紀末葉以來100多年間新出現的。其中一部分是從日文轉藉過來的,另一部分是新造的。新創造的詞大都是利用原有的語素 (書面上就是漢字) 造成的復合詞。這種構詞方式是能産的,生命力很強。
在當今的英語社會,早期英文造字所遵循的拉丁詞根早字法也已逐漸被甩開了,類似以上造的 Sugessece,Yeabacteria可一點都不是笑話,日常生活中天天都有。商店裏不同品牌的巧剋力、糖果總會有不同的名字,有些名字在字典裏找不到,它們會隨某個廠傢的某種巧剋力糖的産生而産生,消亡而消亡。當一個澳大利亞人讀到這個詞時,他不會意識到這是北美某個地區的很受歡迎的一種糖果,多半衹能和中國人一樣搖搖頭罷了。
Chinese Dialects Chinese dialects in the world to use the largest number of languages. Chinese Phonetic Alphabet the Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Phonetic alphabet the Chinese phonetic alphabet History of Chinese language Chinese history One of the world's major languages. Is a Sino-Tibetan language, is the most important language in the language. In addition to outside the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Chinese is also located in Singapore and Malaysia. Native Chinese National People's Congress to about 13 billion (3000 million as a second language). Chinese is one of the working languages of the United Nations. Chinese as the world's unique hieroglyphic language, writing a high degree of unification and standardization, there is uniformity and standardization of modern Chinese grammar, although particularly large differences in dialect pronunciation, but the written language norms, there is no difference in dialect written communication barriers caused. Super dialects of Chinese on maintaining the unity of the Chinese nation has played a huge role. Chinese is an independent language of English. Chinese way is a kind of hieroglyphic writing Chinese characters. 54 written language used before exercise is called "classical" is a kind of Confucius used to "elegant language" based on written language. Fourth Movement promoted after the written Chinese is often referred to as "vernacular," that is based on the North, then the modern written language. Written in modern Chinese, classical Chinese is rarely used. Said Chinese difficult to learn, in fact, the Chinese language is very simple, no tenses in Chinese, verbs adjectives have no change, no tonal language concise, articulate, talks slowly. Is easy to learn language. Difficult to learn Chinese characters. Voice Chinese syllables can be analyzed into consonants, vowels, tones part 3. Heading is a consonant sound, the rest are vowels and tones is the pitch of the syllable. The tone is also seen as an integral part of the syllable, because Chinese is righteous tone is identified. Such as "soup, sugar, lying, hot," four words consonants are [tang], vowels are [ang] (square brackets is the IPA, the IPA table in brackets omitted), because the tone is different, meaning not the same language in representing four different morpheme, in writing, written in four different characters. Initials are consonants. The most complex vowel sound by the medium, the main vowel and coda three parts. Some coda consonants, some vowels. Beijing consonant consonant sounds 22. Medials there, [u], [y] (with ü) 3 个. Final consonants are [n] and [ŋ], Yuan Endings are [] and [u]. In the composition of syllables, medium tone, the main vowel, and coda Part 4, only the main vowel can not do without, and the remaining three parts must not occur. This situation can give the composition in Table 1 syllable word in the cases seen. Beijing dialect of consonants in Table 2 Initials, Finals mother Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, then the finals in Table 3 Vowels. 1918 issued by the then Ministry of Education, is the use of Chinese Characters in Mandarin phonetic alphabet developed a _set_ of phonetic alphabets. The letter to the main vowel and coda together with a symbol (for example: ㄠ = [au], ㄢ = [an]), embodies the traditional spirit of consonant vowel two points. Phonetic alphabet widespread significant influence. Taiwan has been in use ever since. Published in 1958, using the Latin alphabet Pinyin (Initials, Finals mother Beijing Table 2, Table 3 of the Beijing dialect vowel). Since 1978, Chinese names all use phonetic alphabet spelling of place names, place of Wade and other old-style spelling. Phonetic spelling syllable is the process of composition is in accordance with the laws of Mandarin syllables, the consonants, vowels combined with rapid continuous tone and fight a syllable. Pinyin is the gist: "before the sound (consonant) tone light and short (vowels) re, the two connected fierce slightest sound." Pinyin Mandarin to keep in mind when matching initial and final rule: Consonants n, l and the zero consonant with the opening call, Sarkozy call teeth, Cuokou call has put together relationship. Consonant f, g, k, h, zh, ch, r, z, c, s only with the open call, hekou call juxtaposition. Consonants j, x, q only teeth with Sarkozy calls, Cuokou call juxtaposition. Consonants b, p, m, d, t call juxtaposition of different Cuokou. Open call, hekou call finals with removing j, q, x outside the relationship between other consonants are put together. Cuokou call finals only with j, q, x, n, l and the relationship between the zero on_set_ has put together. Note also that time when the quasi-phonetic consonants, vowels and tones of the tone value. To read initials of the sound, do not read call pronunciation (teaching, in the back with a different consonant vowel sound called the call issued in pronunciation); make finals as a whole to read, not to rhyme head rhyme abdomen, coda decomposition and then open the temporary flattening; to see the transfer number, pronunciation tones. Spelling commonly used methods of the following: Rhyme two spellings - the finals as a whole, brought juxtaposition with consonants. Such as: h-ào → (Ho). Initial two spellings - first identify the initials of articulation, pronunciation posture gracefully, and then read the finals breath, makes up syllables. Such as: spelling bā (Pakistan), first shut lips, Biezhu breath, gracefully made b sound position, and a read out of a, a syllable. Three fight tonal method - is referred to with the syllables of sound into the sound, shellfish, and rhyme of three components, when running words into a phonetic syllable. Such as: qi-áng → qiáng (strong) Mediated co-parent and vowel sound connection method - is the initial and medium tone (referred mother) put together, which form a phonetic component, and then with the following vowel juxtaposition. Such as: gu-āng → guāng (light). Origin of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet No ancient alphabet, the use of tangent, that is, knowledge will be read with two words, take the first consonant, taking second in the finals, put together up on the line. Ancient China's Muslim Brothers do not learn Chinese, learn Arabic, but they used Arabic letters to spell spoken (Mandarin), so this is the first alphabet. Yuan Dynasty, Mongolia, the Tibetan ruler used to change the letters to spell Chinese and other languages, called pa Script. Although not specifically spelled in Chinese, but it is also considered a Chinese phonetic alphabet. Ming Dynasty, the Western missionary with the Latin alphabet spelling of Chinese, is the first Latin alphabet characters. Late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the ancient emergence of the word with a simple phonetic way of the performance of Chinese speech. Republic of China, the government formulated the "phonetic alphabet" is the concentrated expression of the system. Now Taiwan is still used. However, there has also been the Latin word spelling exercise, and, with the combination of left-wing political movement is very close. The People's Republic of China was established, the government immediately develop a "Chinese Phonetic Alphabet", is now using this package. The United Nations also recognized. Pinyin is the Chinese People's Republic, "Latin" of the program, written in 1955-1957 on the reform of the Chinese Pinyin characters Reform Commission, the Commission of the development. The program is mainly used for Mandarin phonetic pronunciation of the mark, as a Mandarin Chinese phonetic symbols. February 11, 1958 of the National People's Congress approved the program announced. In 1982, an international standard ISO 7098 (Chinese spelling of the Roman alphabet). At present, most overseas Chinese communities, such as Singapore, the use of Pinyin in Chinese language teaching. Chinese Phonetic Alphabet can be traced back as early as 1906, Zhu Wen Xiong's "Jiangsu letters" and 1908 Liu Mengyang "Chinese phonetic character book", as well as the national language of Rome in 1926 and 1931 the Latin word of Chinese characters. All of these characters are for the Hanyu Pinyin romanization scheme provides the basis for the development. In 1949, Wu Yuzhang letter to Mao Zedong proposed to be effective literacy, language reform swiftly. Letter of approval to the Guo Mao Zedong, Mao and others study, in October 1949 _set_ up the reform of Chinese characters Association, one of the tasks is to study the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet. 1954, The Association of Chinese characters into Chinese characters directly under the State Council Reform Commission, during which all received more than 1600 Chinese Phonetic Alphabet. Generally have such forms: Chinese Character Type Latin-style Slavic alphabet style Mixed form of several letters Shorthand style Design style Digital form The final decision to adopt the Latin alphabet as the Hanyu Pinyin system of signs to facilitate the international exchange and cooperation. 【Origin】 Pinyin 1583 Matteo Ricci came to China in Beijing in 1605 published "The West the word miracle," including "the letter and further sea, doubt that Shen" and four characters plus the Latin alphabet of phonetic article. Luo C under article characters contrast with the Latin translation of an order includes 26 consonants and 44 vowels of the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet. This is the first to use the Latin alphabet to the phonetic character of the publication, than the "small by" using the Arabic alphabet to the Chinese Pinyin later, "Little by" writing letters about the first attempts to Pinyin. "Western word miracle" of the original book is no longer easy to find, said the Vatican Library there collection. Kinney Court back to Europe, the speech to the Chinese mission to recruit the person, everyone is encouraged glamor attracted to vie with each other, so that the local church felt compelled to politely discouraged. Kinney Court in attracting and _select_ing talented people, has made undeniable contributions. At the same time the church library in China to collect books and bring the Pope is giving the book more than 7000 West Division ("Far West, said device map" is the original Kinney Court's 7000 book, bring one). In 1619, Kinney Court once again arrived in Macau. Kinney Spring 1621 cabinet "to Nanchang, Xuan You go Jianchang Shaozhou, visit the Senate. The following year went to Hangzhou to be difficult; in 1623, Kaifeng, Henan Province opened to teach the following year to the Shanxi", in 1625 went to Shaanxi. Wang Zheng, 1626 in assistance to complete the "Western Scholars" in three volumes. "Western Scholars" The purpose, according to his own account, "the Chinese people in three days proficient in Western writing systems." "Western Scholars" as in 1625, published in 1626 in Hangzhou, claiming to follow the system created by Matteo Ricci, the Ricci 25 with the letter "combination with each other, adding five words tone marks to spell all All the pronunciation of Chinese characters. This is a character with the Latin alphabet to the phonetic vocabulary, but also the first with a letter to the Chinese phonetic sounds of words. phonetic scheme used is based on Ricci modified program, called "Lee , the fellowship program. " "Lee, the fellowship program," The emergence of China was greatly inspired by phonological scholars. These two programs are the first Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, is "studying Mandarin tone" as the standard written for spelling Beijing sound. So Pronunciation becomes very simple, very structured, not only to always been regarded as the tangent complex, opened a so-called 'anti-unexpected but, unexpectedly, cut and cut' the easy way, and immediately got the Chinese better phonology home yearning for such a simple phonetic system of enthusiasm. "spelling of this novel approach to the Chinese scholars to a great inspiration. phonology scientist Fang Yi Ming said:" The word of the divergent also, that margin through and by ear . If something is a word, a meaning of each word, such as the Far West because the incident is the chorus. Sound made by the word, not weight not total, not View more Down? "Yang Qing scholars _select_ed Qi said:" Xin Mao families make ends meet on the Disparity of the old Kingo, the Jewish son of Yun Zhang, day out, "Western Scholars" to show I, I did not read the final volume, all words have a certain insight of the reason, because for some of the Act. "However, in two or three hundred years, Ricci and Kinney Court program is the use of foreign missionaries, not widely disseminated among the Chinese people. Party secrets (in Chile), "Elegance" as in 1639, the book said repeatedly cited "Western Scholars", such as saying "sound more Western, Central Plains and more do not have, when combined with the Atlantic such sub Siddham" eyes and ears capital "through the" "character of the divergent also, that margin through and by ear. If the matter is the word, one meaning of each word, such as the Far West because the incident is a chorus, sounds made by words, not weight not total, In particular, almost no more? "or that" because the incident is vocals, sound made by the word "(that is, advocates of the burgeoning Chinese Characters). Missionary approach shocked the Chinese phonology scientist, direct revelation they seek the help of the Western alphabetic character recorded sound system better description. Later Liu Xianting (after Zhuang) "new rhyme spectrum" that is, in this stimulation Zhuancheng, said Liu Qian Xuantong clearly recognized that "must be a phonetic analysis can only phonemes before they can form anywhere in the note sound ", Luo C," Ji-village in phonology, "an updated version of that book focused on is the" focus on the unity of the investigation Mandarin dialect. " Qian Xuantong even think that the "new rhyme spectrum," a book of the year (1692) Solid as a "National Language Movement" of the era. 1627, was again recalled, Hangzhou, Hangzhou from this focus on mission and in writing. "Chinese language has made reasonable writing style is superior, the Europa Almost all priests in the incompetent and those who. Its far, people all over the memory, their willingness to learn, though the disease stopped working, its always in the translation industry, or the translation of the Latin Writing for Science, or Science for the Latin translation, so proficient language, so conversations are good writing, whether classical or slang it. " Most of his work as a Latin, written in Chinese that is, in Shaanxi, "Western Scholars," a book. Kinney Court the second time China has brought a lot of foreign language books Shihai. Not only because of his personal love of books, follow the missionary Matteo Ricci, the road to create an academic, but also because Kinney House before returning to Western Europe, accepted the mission in China will make its extensive in Europe to collect books and to build churches and other places in Beijing Books Museum of the task. He came to this not only brought these Western people, so that future generations might be interested, he also has brought a whole library of books. It is said that these books are hardcover, without a repeat, include classic and Renaissance Europe, after theology, philosophy, science, literature and arts of the latest achievements. In order to collect new books and equipment, Kinney House Tour of Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and other countries, and finally collected the remnants of 7,000 hardcover books. I estimate the Guinness Book of books and equipment received from Europe in the time value of 10,000 gold coins. To this end, Kinney Court developed a huge translation program, contact the Aleni, Xu Guangqi, Yangting Jun, Li Zao, Wang Zheng, Tian and other Chinese and foreign joint translation by the publication of these books. Mr. Xiang Da, said the move: "Xuan Zang than the demand by Xi Zhu, cover much so." Unfortunately, November 14, 1629 in Hangzhou death (buried outside of generous well Jesuit priests Cemetery, term of the present town of Hangzhou West Lake District, Taoyuan Village left), "West 7000 book" Introduction to the Chinese intellectuals program abortion. Later, Li and Wang Zheng, who algae sporadic translation of some of the works, most of the books covered with dust, quietly lost. In 1938, Beijing Catholic order library building and found a "7000" in the remnants of hundreds, including Copernicus's "Celestial Bodies" and about the Kepler's "Copernican astronomy Summary" and other important science books. 1, movement and Mandarin and Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Pinyin spelling of Chinese national standard language is a phonetic program. Chinese national standard language in the late nineteenth century, the rise of the Chinese nation's social, scientific and cultural development of language exerted great influence in the modernization movement gradually built up. Language modernization movement initially refers to Hanyu Pinyin movement (then called "invented a character campaign, Simplified movement"), National Language Movement and the vernacular movement. Late Qing movement of the three languages of a common goal, that is by reforming language, education, social development and to meet the time needs of the development of science and culture, and then Enriching and revitalize the Chinese nation. Mandarin is the establishment and promotion of Chinese national standard spoken language of the sport, promote the use of the vernacular movement is able to replace the classical expression of the vernacular spoken as the official written language of the campaign. Three sports have their own pursuits, but the internal relations are very close. From an historical relationship that invented a word and led the first movement occurred Mandarin. Since then, the establishment of standard pronunciation in Mandarin, phonetic alphabet of the development, until the twentieth century Chinese fifties Standardization, Pinyin generation, are thus the same strain, complement each other. Therefore, our discussion has thus start. Pinyin movement as a prelude to going back to the late Ming, but led to massive Chinese Pinyin Chinese society movement, the direct reason is that Chinese people are still Mingxinkegu the "Sino-Japanese" national disgrace. Qian Xuan Tong that the "phonetic alphabet and the sounds of modern China" (1929) stated very clearly in the article: "1894 (Sino-Japanese War), China to Japan fought a battle, so junior insight, that non-reform politics, education, not self-existence in the world, but that universal education, that is, a problem occurs, then the difficulty of Chinese characters know, writing is also difficult. To solve this problem, another system of non-phonetic words is not new ... .... " Thus, "The implementation of simple words to search for universal education movement, the increasing prevalence of day ... ...." In fact, the text in the field of innovative thinking before this started thousands of years, sacred and inviolable character of high status has been shaken. Sino-Japanese War, the Qing government signed in Shimonoseki, Japan humiliating "Treaty of Shimonoseki," in addition to huge military compensation in addition to ceding Taiwan and Penghu. The time, government and shocked, inspired the community people, particularly the aggressive 精神 intellectual community, whose patriotic conscience is Dajia standpoint of scientific China causes of failure, agreed that "the revolution of Chinese characters, then Education must not be Puji, Guo Jia Duan Buneng prosperous." At that time , known as the "thinkers of the comet," the Tan on the first lead in calling for abolition of characters, use alphabetic writing. All walks of life rallied together to respond to, one after another up and create easy to learn, "invented a new word." Invented a word campaign late Qing Dynasty, Hanyu Pinyin is carried out campaigns in full swing this way again. However, Lu Zhang stupid design of the various Latin alphabet spelling program is still based mainly in Fujian dialect widely. He later submitted to the Faculty of the Qing government "China invented a letter" will therefore be considered "can not access the provinces," "unity of the provinces not dialect" and refuted. Soon after, a reflection of national trends invented a common language development program - Wang Chao's "Mandarin chorus letter" immediately stood out was. It was the most influential spelling "Beijing Mandarin tone", the letters form complete with Chinese characters radical. "Mandarin chorus letter" wide passage, over half in China, "by Beijing and Tianjin and Mukden, and Nanjing, Mandarin characters throughout 13 provinces." Wang Zhao himself has fully grasped the trend was the development of national language, he "Mandarin chorus letter" in the Preface clearly stated: "Language will go flat, should take to Beijing, then ... ... Beijing, then promote the most will be, twenty years before and Mandarin. officials are public and also, the public of the case, since the appropriate choice of its total size size more persons. "because of this, his" Mandarin chorus letter "was Peking Imperial University (the predecessor of Beijing University) chief teacher Wu Rulun the support and management science with Minister Zhang and Zhang Baixi petitioned the court with the" charter school "specified" in Chinese within a Division, attached into the Mandarin one, "because" States are owned by the same language ", the Qing Dynasty should be the" official language of the world sound unified. " They quickly petitioned the court's approval. Thus, Pinyin Mandarin unification movement led movement, and merged with the Mandarin, while the Unity Movement, to the government from the private ranks. After the Qing government in the Faculty of the "national language education" (1911), the provisions of Pinyin "simple words" used for two purposes: First, put together in Mandarin, the pronunciation of second Fanzheng Han, and adopted a "unified national language means the case" to require in Xuantong eight (1916) popular Mandarin. Did not expect this year in October, the Wuchang Uprising, 1911 Revolution broke out, the Qing government was overthrown. Thus, by referendum and adopted the "unified national language approach case" will become a dead letter. Determine the country sound, the development of alphabets, unified national language of movement, actually is the next national government in society and up. From the brief review of the above, we can see from the Chinese phonetic alphabet developed in the late nineteenth century movement, from the beginning and the unity of language, social development, national unity and close together. Proof of historical facts more than once, no matter what kind of alphabet designs, contrary to the language uniform trend is destined to fail. Zhang Lu stupid the first Latin based system of Romanization to spell Fujian dialect widely based "China invented a letter," because the "can not access the provinces," "unity of the provinces not dialect" is refuted. Subsequently, there Tongzhi jinshi Zhaotingmingguan Lao Nai designed almost all provinces the main dialect used in "Simplified Chinese full spectrum" (a Chinese-style phonetic strokes), "full spectrum" includes "Beijing Sound Spectrum" , "I would rather sound spectrum" (Nanjing dialect), "Wu sound spectrum", "Min broad-spectrum", etc., almost covering most of the dialect, and he also proposed a "go north south cited" idea: "Southern Man first on South Sound the spectrum of learning for application after your studies, then science Beijing sound to return and integration. "labor is declared Empress I have been summoned, he was into the" Simplified spectral record, "also received Royal Assent, allowing the" Faculty meeting played. " Even so, the Qing government still Faculty for "split language is not conducive to unity", and always hold the shelf, no discussion is not playing, but the community also his sharp criticism, that according to his means, "will make China more well with the text of the rule, "calling him the" chief culprit in splitting the language. " He invented a character movement control play a leading role Qing Lu stupid chapter, Lao Nai Wang Chiu three of us, especially labor is declared and for participating in the "Hundred Days Reform" being wanted "Qin Fan," the king of the alphabet according to their program of two fate, it is sobering enough. Second, Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and phonetic symbols, the National Law, relations between North and Latin America history In 1912, after the founding of the Republic, the Government continued to promote Mandarin. Upsurge in the implementation of Mandarin, Mandarin Accent through the "Beijing (Music) Country (Music) problem" great debate, from the "Beijing-based sound, both north and south" to the pure tone subject to Beijing's new country sound, its also renamed after the phonetic alphabet phonetic symbol and tool for introducing Mandarin to Mandarin into the normal and primary school language teaching, in a radio broadcast, film, drama and other fields to establish a solid position. From the perspective of academic development, in Pinyin movement emerged in different historical periods Mandarin phonetic symbols, Mandarin Romanization, so north of the new Latin words, until the late fifties the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, is clearly the development of relations between the succession line of succession. Chinese Phonetic Alphabet design fully absorbed in the past many phonetic design, especially Romania and North and Latin America countries valuable experience, and have listened to the views of all sides. While the program has its Unique Perspective of the Department. But more is learned and developed many of the history of phonetic design strengths. Grammar Most of Chinese monosyllabic morpheme (wash hands │ │ China │ loss). Morpheme and the morpheme can be combined into words (Ma + Road → Open + road │ → switch off). Some morpheme itself is the word (hand washing), some morpheme is not a word, morpheme can only together with the other composed of compound words (people → people → │ lose loss). Two-syllable words in modern Chinese accounted for the most. Most are two-syllable word in accordance with the above-mentioned result of complex ways. Writing From the moment we can see the first batch of text information ─ ─ counting the Shang oracle bone inscriptions, Chinese have 3,000 years of history. Because Oracle has a very mature character writing system, we can infer the occurrence of certain characters well years ago in 3000. The development of Chinese characters can be divided into two major phases. From Oracle to Xiaozhuan is a stage; of Han Dynasty official script from the following is another stage. The former is the scope of ancient writing, which belongs to the category of modern language. Generally speaking, from the official script to use today on modern Chinese characters did not change significantly. Chinese characters with Chinese relations, Chinese character is a morpheme words. From the structure of Chinese characters themselves look Chinese is ideographic, phonetic radical with (shape next to the sound side), and neither intended nor phonetic form of the sign language system consisting of. Origin of Chinese Characters in the picture. Produced in the early stages of Chinese characters, pictograms of the shape of the morpheme with the meaning it represents a direct contact occurs. Although every word has its own fixed pronunciation, but the shape itself is not phonetic symbols, alphabetic letters with different nature. Pictographic character is that it represents the pronunciation of morpheme onto it. With the evolution of shape, becoming less and less pictographic hieroglyphs. The result is shaped with the morpheme it represents lost in the original sense of the link. This time, shaped itself is neither phonetic nor semantic, into abstract sign. If the Chinese word for all this not by morpheme phonetic meaning of the sign is not representative of the table, then the character can be said to mark a kind of pure text. But is not the case. Chinese characters have unique characters and compound characters of distinction. Only single characters is a sign of pure text. Compound characters are combined by the result of independent characters. From the structure, said compound characters than a single high-level characters. Because of the unique composition of compound characters characters themselves though are marked, but when it is a fit composition of the word, it is a sound a sense of "character" of the capacity of. Compound characters can be divided into the following three categories: ② fit Associative. The ancients said, "just as Wu Ge," "hide the letter." For the "Wu" and "trust" the word, this interpretation is wrong. However, inside the Chinese system has caused in this way the word, such as "straight for the crooked," "bad for the Nao." This class is characterized by the word convergence is identical to the meaning of words to express the meaning of the compound characters. Very few such words, only individual examples. Chinese characters have been used to record more than 3,000 years of history, has been in use to this day, never stopped. In such a long period of time, the Chinese people's real life, not only for the service, and record the rich cultural information; even across national boundaries, are Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other neighboring countries to records by non-Chinese language. On the other hand, has long been criticism of Chinese characters are also disadvantages, the main character is that hard to believe, hard to write, difficult to mechanization (print layout, typing, etc.). Therefore, literacy, child literacy, education, culture, communication and so on, are not as phonetic and high efficiency. Compared with alphabetic writing, Chinese characters has its weaknesses, but also has its strengths. Chinese greatest strengths is the ability to transcend space and time constraints. Ancient and modern Chinese pronunciation is a lot different. However, to shape fairly stable in 2000, did not change much, meaning the change is relatively small, so an old Qin and Han people today can read part. If the ancient books is written with alphabetic writing, modern people would simply not understand. Some dialect differences are large, they can not talk, but written in Chinese characters, will be able to understand each other, the reason is the same. Simplified Chinese characters began 50 years of work. 1986 re-released "Master List of Simplified Chinese Characters" provides more than 2000 Simplified Chinese (including simplified radical analogy with words). This work has now come to an end, the future will remain stable within a period not to simplify. Been simplified because the text would undermine the stability, and simplify the number of characters after the original complex characters and not be abolished. The result is ever-increasing number of Chinese characters, instead of increasing the learning and use of the burden. Pinyin on the text of the question, has long been controversial. In theory, any natural language can be used phonetic records. However, due to dialect differences, in the promotion of Putonghua is not broad, practical results before use phonetic dialect area will bring great difficulties. In addition, Chinese long history and a large number of documents are recorded in Chinese characters. Once the change course, bound to the extensive use of in the literature have created some difficulty in social psychology and may cause fluctuations in national sentiment. In fact, prolonged use of Chinese characters that can be ideographic writing system, there can be a large number of homonyms in Chinese words, and this phenomenon does occur, and now corresponds to a syllable up to tens of hundreds of Chinese characters, if you use pinyin to record voice, there will not read them I can not understand the phenomenon, even after a long period of training can not completely solve this problem, so if you really want to work for Romanization, can not be completed overnight, in the Chinese developed to fit extent before, the best Latin-based program on hold. For instance, Mr. Lu's book "The Story of Ah Q" in the title of "Q" word, according to Lu Xun said to himself, but also by the influence of Latin. Latin Chinese can not be strong evidence of "Shi's History of Food Lion," Chao Shishi Shi Shi Shi Shi, L. Lion, vowed to eat ten lions. He often as the Lion City. 10 o'clock, ten lions at the market. Is when the city of Shi happened. He looked at those 10 lions, the use of arrows, so that is the ten lions to die. He bundled up the 10 lion carcasses stone chamber. Shishi wet, so that paternity swab's stone chamber. Shishi Shi, he then tried to eat those ten lions. Food when he realized that those ten lions were in fact ten stone lion corpses. Interpreting is a matter of. Notes Sterling is a food lion history written by the Chao restrictions article. The full text is 90 words, each word of Mandarin pronunciation is shi. This classical works and no problems in reading, but when read in Mandarin or Latin-based works, the problem appeared. This is a classical Chinese homophone many. This essay can be read, but if you read to someone else, he is in any case did not understand! Dialect China's vast territory, large population and complicated dialects. Below the thick dialect into Mandarin Chinese and non-Mandarin to illustrate the two categories. Mandarin located in the south bank of the Yangtze River and Yangtze River areas north of Jiujiang and Zhenjiang area between the river and Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou four provinces, including northern Mandarin, JAC Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin dialect area a few. Mandarin area of the region accounts for 3 / 4 of the population accounts for 2 / 3. Mandarin dialect relatively high degree of internal consistency. From Harbin to Kunming, 3,000 km apart, the two people who talk without major difficulty. Non-Mandarin dialects are mainly distributed in southeastern China, including Wu dialect (southern Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang most), Gan dialect (most of Jiangxi, Hunan, eastern, north-western Fujian, southeastern Hubei, Anhui, south-west), Hunan dialect (in Hunan Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region North), Cantonese (Guangdong most, southeast Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), Min dialects (Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Chaozhou, Shantou and Hainan), Hakka dialects (the eastern and northern Guangdong Province, western Fujian, southern Jiangxi, Taiwan). Non-Mandarin Mandarin area than the area of the region is small, but large differences in dialect, generally can not talk to each other, even within the same dialect area (eg southern Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu Wu dialect Wu dialect, between Fuzhou and Xiamen words between words), conversation are difficult. Chinese dialect differences between the voice on the largest, followed by vocabulary, grammar, the differences in the minimum. Voice of the difference in the on_set_ of the simplified, the size of final consonants, and tone class distinction was especially evident on. For example, Wu dialect plosive consonants are voiced stops [b, d, g], unaspirated voiceless stop [p, t, k] and aspirated voiceless stop [p, t, k] 3 _set_s, and Mandarin after only 2 _set_s. Cantonese final consonants are [m, n, ŋ, p, t, k] 6 个, Suzhou dialect only [n, ŋ,?] 3 个, Beijing dialect only [n, ŋ] 2 个. There Cantonese Tones Yangping, IIA, IIB, IIIA and IIIB, the IVA, the IVA and IVB nine tones. Beijing dialect has Tones IB and IIIA from mid falling tone 4 tone. Yantai, then level tone, regardless of yin and yang, only a level tone, rising tone, falling tone three tone classes is a tone system, one of the most simple dialect. As the modern and the ancient dialect of the Tones Tones very neat correspondence between the relations, so usually use the flat, on the go, enter the name of such ancient tones to mark the modern dialect tone. Note that the name of the Tones of the same dialect, does not mean that the same tone value. Such as Beijing, then the second tone is rising tone (35), Tianjin, then the second tone is a high level tone (55), and Hankou, then the second tone is tortuous tune (214). Syntactic differences between dialects can give "Ba" and repeated questions as an example. "Ba" is the Mandarin dialects very important area of a sentence, but the Wu dialect Cantonese and no such sentence. For example, Beijing would use "the" word of the sentence (clean clothes), Cantonese is often to use "verb + object" to say (clean piece of clothing). In most of the Mandarin dialect, the repeated questions of the form "V is not V" (V on behalf of the verb, such as: go or not │ recognize not recognize). However, in some of the JAC and the Southwest Mandarin Mandarin (for example, if Kunming), and part of the Wu dialect (such as Suzhou dialect), the repeated questions of the form "can be V" (to go │ can recognize). Chinese branch Chinese language contained in the issue, controversial in linguistics. There are two different views: One view is that Chinese and only Chinese language; the other that the Chinese, including Min, and Cantonese, Hakka, Wu, Gan, Xiang and other languages. Most scholars in China to support the former, while the majority of scholars outside of China, particularly in the West to support the latter from a linguistic point of view. Support the latter view argued that not a single Chinese language, but a cluster of interrelated relatives in different languages. Those who support the former view will be Min, Cantonese, Hakka, Wu, Gan, Xiang Chinese dialects such as, for example, Chao considered the standard language (Mandarin) is a dialect, Min, Cantonese and other dialects also. However, in practice, customarily called "dialect" with each other or with the standard can not communicate between the Chinese language more often than from the same language under the European languages but also far between. For example, a person will only be available in Spanish Spanish and Portuguese, another person will reach a communication, but one can only Cantonese and one can only shed light on when people are totally deaf understand what each other said. China under the Chinese branch of the different linguistic characteristics of the Chinese dialects is divided into the traditional seven. Within seven dialects in this, there are still areas of different sub-dialects. Sometimes these sub-dialects in the region of the user can not understand each other. Different dialect areas in the language of human consciousness is quite different. For example, one may use the Cantonese dialect of Hong Kong people feel and speak the Taishan dialect of Cantonese have a lot in common, although they may not understand each other. Geographical differences in the dialect is also very obvious. Mandarin in the north, northwest or southwest, then Mandarin area, several hundred kilometers apart from each other and the general oral communication, but certain parts of speech and vocabulary is also a great change; However, in many parts of southern China, especially in mountainous areas, may exist within the geographical scale oral communication difficulties between the dialects. Give an extreme example, such as Fujian province, the gap is only 10 km of local residents may have can not be freely exchanged verbal. Chinese dialects Mandarin, or Mandarin dialects: that of North China, Northeast and Northwest regions, most of Hubei, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, northern Jiangxi Province along the Yangtze River, north-central Anhui, Jiangsu and north-central dialect language used. Mandarin can be divided into North Mandarin, Northwest Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, JAC Mandarin, North Mandarin located in the north east of Beijing, then to represent the northwest Mandarin located in the north west to Xi'an, then to represent the southwest Mandarin located in the south west, If the representative of Chengdu, located in the south of Jianghuai Mandarin east of Yangzhou, then if the JAC representatives. Ya sound ancient period in the Central Plains of China in the five casually, dressed crossed, the differentiation into Middle Chinese voice. The modern "Mandarin dialect," formed in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Mandarin in the formation of later, North and South 分别 of development, and differentiated into South Mandarin and northern Mandarin for future Chinese generations of official language, the North Mandarin has a Modern Standard Base (continents, as Mandarin, Taiwan, known as Mandarin) . Use of this dialect accounts for 70% of China's population. Be pointed out that "Mandarin dialect", in the past referred to as "northern dialect," not confined to northern China. On the contrary, in southwest China and the Huaihe region belong to the Southern dialect Mandarin dialect. Mandarin obvious features include: loss of all the MC Entering, Middle Chinese in "- p,-t,-k,-m,-n,-ng" coda is left "-n,-ng", but emergence of a large number of children of Rhyme "-r" coda. The original connection "i, ü" and finals "g, k, h" has been palatalized consonant into "j, q, x" initials. Mandarin words in the loss of voicing opposition in the process of differentiation has not been dramatic tone, but there up into the square outside the Middle softly. Therefore, the Mandarin dialects contain a large number of homonyms and the corresponding compounds produced. The phenomenon is relatively rare in other dialects. Wu, or Wu dialect: in southern Jiangsu, southern Anhui, Shanghai and Zhejiang, the majority of regions. Typically represented by Wu in Suzhou dialect. Southwest of Anhui Province is affected by the Gan language, southern Zhejiang, if retained more features of the ancient Bai Yue, and even can not, and as typical of the Taihu Wu Wu calls. The number of users is about 8.4% of the total population. This dialect of consonants on the voicing distinction is a very distinctive features. But Wu retained fuzzy Middle Chinese entering tone. Hakka, or Hakka: Hakka in southern China and most widely used among She, including Guangdong, eastern, northern, western Fujian, southern Jiangxi, Guangxi, south-east and other places to Meixian it represented. Although a Southern dialect, but the Hakka immigrants moving south in the north formed. Hakka and thus retained some characteristics of medieval Central Plains words. Using the Hakka population of about 5% of the total population. Hakka dialect is characterized by level tone, rising tone, regardless of yin and yang, but the entering tone, falling tone Yin and Yang. Min, Min dialect, or: in Fujian, Hainan, Guangdong, eastern Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, a number of other overseas Chinese to use. Min's internal divisions as larger, usually divided into Minnan dialect (in Xiamen, then as the representative) and the Northern words, if Fujian (Fuzhou, then as the representative), and central Fujian Putian and dialects. Min of all dialects, the only incomplete and there is a direct correspondence Rhyming Dictionary of Medieval Chinese dialects, of which the most influential Taiwanese. However, according to research existing voice, sound system very close to the Min Ancient Chinese phonology. Cantonese: Cantonese as representative of some areas in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas Chinese has been used. Cantonese is the Chinese dialect in the tone one of the most complex, has nine tones (there are 10 pieces Guinan goulou tone). Also to retain the most complete medieval dialect of Chinese. Cantonese contains p, t, k, m, n, ng six final consonants. Differences within the little Cantonese. Using the Cantonese population of about 5% of the total. However, there is no mixing Cantonese Tone can be considered to retain the ancient Chinese Cantonese ingredients to early Wu, but later in the Min. Xiang, or Hunan dialect: in Hunan use. Classified according to whether to retain voiced initials, can be divided into two types of old Xiang Xiang and the new, which have been voiced initials Xiang Qinghua relatively close to the new Southwest Mandarin. Changsha, respectively, then (the new) and Twin Peaks, then (the old) to represent the user about 5% of the total population. The history of Hunan and Hubei provinces strongly influenced by northern cultures, so Xiang larger internal differences. And multiple periods of overlapping speech features in ancient Chinese. Gan, Nanchang, then as the representative, also known dialect, called as servant language. Sino-Tibetan languages are Chinese, mainly used for most of Jiangxi, Hunan, eastern, southwestern Anhui and other places. The number of users is about to use a population of about 51.48 million (see chart, previous data on 30 million is inaccurate), is the seven major dialect of Chinese. Gan language http://baike.baidu.com/view/775972.htm The following are several dialects constitute separate major dialect areas, are still controversial: Jin Language: Most of Shanxi and Shaanxi in the north west of Hebei, Henan, northwestern region of Inner Loop and other places used as the representative of Taiyuan, then there into the Finals - [-ʔ] (which looks like a question mark in the International Phonetic Alphabet is tight guttural. In Tone [-p/-t/-k] disappear before occurrence of 'entering tone weakening', [-p/-t/-k] all became [-ʔ]). The Mandarin pronunciation system and different. Previous (and now many linguistic scholars) to its attributed Mandarin. Ping words: use in some parts of Guangxi. Pinghua traditionally attributed to Cantonese, Guangxi Beijing in recent years been advocated as an isolated dialect words there. Hui words: southern Anhui, and Jiangxi and Zhejiang in the Soviet part of the adjacent regions. Previous (and now part of the linguistic scholars) to attributed Wu. History Chinese is the language of the world's most ancient one, is by far the longest common language for one of the languages. The evolution of Chinese history is a very interesting question. Chinese writing system - characters, non-phonetic, not as phonetic as directly aware of the history of a word with the pronunciation. Fortunately, the characters (especially the form of sound words), poetry, rhythm and the translation of foreign names can be found in effective information. Ancient Chinese According to legend, when the Yellow Emperor in the original "nations", Xia country when there are 3000, 800 weekly feudal lords, and the "five-party of the people speak the same language" ("Book of North Song"). Exist in the early Zhou Dynasty Ancient Chinese and medium-term (11 to the first 7 century BC), written records of the Inscriptions on the bronzes, "The Book of Songs," written by and part history book, "Book of Changes." According to "Book of Mean" twenty-eight chapters it reads: "Today got off with the track, and the writing, line homotopy." Can be seen during the Zhou dynasty began to implement a unified language. The early spring, found in the vassal state also recorded more than 170. To the Warring States period, the formation of "Minao", "Zhu Hou Lizheng, no unification on the King, ... ... words sound different, special forms of writing" ("Origin of Chinese Characters Syria"). 100 in the writings of philosophers used to be called "elegant language" in common language. "Ya Yan," Poetry "," book ", the Executive ceremony, are also elegant language." ("The Analects of Confucius described the") After the reunification of the Qin Dynasty, to further standardize the text to Xiaozhuan official language as an official. Middle Chinese This Chinese language used in Sui, Tang and Song Dynasty (7th century to 10th century), can be divided into "Qieyun" (AD 601) involved early, and "Rhyme" (10th century) reflected late. Karlgren this stage, known as "Ancient Chinese." Linguists have been able to reconstruct a more self-confident voice of Middle Chinese system. This evidence comes from several sources: a variety of modern dialects, phonology, and foreign language translation. As the Indo-European languages can be reconstructed from the modern Indo-European languages, as well as by Middle Chinese dialect reconstruction. In addition, the ancient Chinese writers spent a great deal of effort to sum up the Chinese language voice system, the information is still the basis for the work of modern linguists. Finally, the Chinese voice from the translation of foreign languages learned. Modern Chinese Modern Chinese is among the ancient Chinese and modern Chinese literature in the vernacular, represented by the early Chinese. Modern Chinese Modern Chinese dialects are based on the North, then to a model of modern Chinese writings for the syntax of Chinese. Written and spoken The difference between written and spoken language has been considerable. In the "54" period before the Vernacular Movement, the distinction between written and spoken language is in fact the distinction between ancient and modern languages. Case Study of the Tang and Song era, when the population of the vernacular that is they wrote the classical Chinese, that is, philosophers and "Zuo Zhuan", "Historical Records" and a wide range widely read poem in classical style for the template. This situation can probably push up to the Han Dynasty. Down lasted until the early 20th century. Wills 1925, Sun Yat-sen on or use of classical Chinese writing. However, in 2000 as the classical Chinese written language itself is also changing. Antique difficult after all the real thing, not after the people of the world can not imitate the old saying was spoken of. Han Yu's article was that there is significant parts of sub-Qin syntax. Qin Tong Cheng Qing prose writer in imitation of the text and prose writer of the article in the Tang and Song, the result will certainly be more heterogeneous. Liang Qing Dynasty classical Chinese written in a plain political essays. As easy to understand, all the rage, as newspapers and magazines are widely used. At present, Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese newspapers still follow most of this style. May 4th Movement carried out against the classical Chinese literary revolution raised to promote the idea of the vernacular. The movement swept the country, far-reaching. Few years, the vernacular literature on hold. But this vernacular literature is not really speaking the language, but do take the North Mandarin base and, with the Ming and Qing vernacular fiction considerable influence, also with varying degrees of Dialect and the number of new vocabulary and syntax Europeanization mixed style. Lu Xun's works can be used as such a style typical example. Above that the literature. As news reports, a government statement, documents, business contracts, and even private letters, often still use the classical. That was the traditional custom dictates, on the other hand also because of the advantages of classical Chinese has a nutshell. This case, the whole country, has been extended to the 40 end of the decade. 1949 The People's Republic of China is established, the classical Chinese was fully gave way to the vernacular. In addition to cable and other interested in archaism, no one had to write classical Chinese. As noted above, modern written Chinese is the language that contains many different levels of mixture components. In terms of syntax or vocabulary point of view it was. Take syntax, the written language with spoken language in addition to the same sentence that part, and some come from the classical Chinese, and later gradually melt in the written language, the part of a written sentence. Such as "conduct, to be given" is used quite frequently written a few verbs. The original meaning of these verbs have been empty, and the main function is to be placed in front of two-tone verb to suit the requirements of syntax and rhythm. This syntactic structure derived from the classical Chinese. "Conduct" of the formerly "OK" (further proposed office), "to" the formerly "plus" (strict control), "be" and "give" the formerly "I" (not prosecuted). In the classical syntax, the "line, plus, to the" front of the adverb must be followed with a single tone, resulting in two-syllable structure, the verb must also be behind the two-syllable. In the modern written language, the these verbs disyllabism, and back or a request with the two-syllable verbs, grammatical constraints is the same strain. Modern written language began to take shape when the novel was from the old vernacular language in inherited some sentences. This phase is now over. We can see only some ruins. Such as "word in + location" in the structure can be placed in front of the verb ("sitting at the table"), also can be placed behind the verb ("sitting on the stage"). In the Beijing dialect, the prefix "in" use "with" use [āi] or [tǎi], post-"in" with [· tə], are not "the." Use "in" argument is from the old vernacular novel inherited. Some written sentence is subject to foreign language (English, Japanese, Russian, etc.) directly or indirectly (through translations) of elections. In this context can give an important influence all written sentences grammatical phenomena as an example. Mentioned above, Chinese in the loose relationship between subject and predicate. Sentence is often the subject may not say so. Some sentences or no subject. Modern and Ancient Chinese spoken true. But the demands of modern written form should have a subject in a sentence. If no, would feel the structure is not complete, the logic is not careful. This is obviously affected by the Indo-European influence. The characteristics of written language in the vocabulary is a two-syllable word in the proportion. Two-syllable words written in addition to classical inherited from the outside part, are 19th century the 100 years since the new emerging. Some of them come from the Japanese lend, and the other is a new creation. The new words are mostly used to create the original morpheme (writing Chinese characters is) caused by compound words. Impetuous is Nengchan, and strong vitality. Chinese is accurate. I remember in my early school days, openly language textbook was written: "Walking the road is the Chinese pinyin inevitable trend." The most important one reason is that English can be typing, but Chinese can not. With the development of computer technology, keyboard input of Chinese characters has been far more than the English rate, and speed also been rapidly increasing. Can enter it in English? Seems not to be moved further delay. The development of Chinese Character of word formation wonderful workmanship. Prefix prefix, suffix suffix is commonly used in English word formation. Saccharose (saccharin) and Saccharomycetes (yeast) have the same Latin prefix, but remember they are not easy, even on the American people, at least I've tested a few speakers of English engineering graduate is the case. One-dimensional string-like structure is not eye-catching lead to a direct cause is unknown. How to graduate school, and even yeast and saccharin are not aware that someone is Jiaoren think? Group of words with Chinese characters to describe it concise. Even without eating saccharin, never used yeast uneducated Chinese, he also understand that saccharin may be sugar, "refining part of the" sweeter than sugar (although it inaccurate); yeast is "a can cause fermentation of the bacteria. " But the English can not be so simple group of words, even if the group am not unacceptable: saccharin = Sugessece = "Sugar" + "Essence" ("Sugar" and "spirit" together), yeast = Yeabacteria = "Yeast "+" Bacteria "(" fermentation "and" bacteria "together). Would that not be too much for it? One-dimensional string-like with phonetic word formation before the suffix is different from two-dimensional character through the way of configuration. For example: "Person" in nowhere in the four walls become "prisoners"; "Wood" in nowhere to be within the four walls of "difficulties"; "Lucy" - under the "Rain" days in Malaysia, "Road" to violence, "Lucy" in the rain under a; "M" (food-related) "Don" (Table Voice) = "sugar"; CHAI "rice" on the long "grass" = "bacteria"; "Wood" "forest" "forest" - are the tree, woods and forest means, but what kind of comparison Morphology better? Answer at a glance. In today's English Society, followed by the early English Characters and Latin roots as early as the word, has been gradually pulling away, similar to the above made Sugessece, Yeabacteria not be a little joke, daily life every day. Stores of different brands of chocolate, candy will always have different names, some names not found in the dictionary, they will with a factory production and generate some kind of chocolate, die die. When an Australian read the word, he does not realize that this is an area very popular in North America as a candy, as most Chinese people can only shook his head Bale. Preference information technology era character. I do not know whether you understand the "fuzzy math", "fuzzy control" or "neural networks" and other new disciplines? If you come into contact with, you will understand the human art, philosophy, sense of seemingly "precise", but actually they are beyond the current level of knowledge of mankind today can accurately describe the scope. With the ability to increase human knowledge, they gradually will be a whole new knowledge of human structure accurately grasp new subject cited above is the new knowledge structure off the episode. Oriental Art Chinese character embodies the philosophy of the Chinese nation's culture lies. Limited to the current technological level, it's wisdom we are still not fully understanding its excavation in the ascendant. This claim is not unfounded, after all, no one realized that 15 years ago, traditional Chinese publishing industry to be eliminated; 10 years ago people did not expect the input Chinese characters faster than the English, but also faster; 5 years before the press did not think the traditional media will be gradually phased out, "Nanfang Dushi Bao" with the century-old newspaper "Ta Kung Pao" stand on the same starting line, the Internet news rush codeword. Character who does not venture to assert, after a number of years program is not possible or not as good as English? Chinese characters are flexible, but need flexible people to use; character is smart, but depends on the development of smart people; character is full of wisdom, intelligent people need to realize her value. Pride for the Chinese! More convinced that the coming era of Chinese people's enthusiasm and confidence of Chinese cheered!