在“三言”的影響下,凌蒙初編著了《初刻拍案驚奇》(刊於1628年)和《二刻拍案驚奇》(刊於1632年)各40捲,人稱“二拍”。凌蒙蒙初(1580—1644),字玄房,號初成,別號即空觀主人,烏程(今浙江吳興)人。18歲補廩膳生,後科場一直不利。55歲時,以優貢授上海縣丞,後擢徐州通判並分署房村。崇禎十七年(1644),李自成部進逼徐州,憂憤而死。他一生著述甚多,而以“二拍” 最有名。“二拍”與“三言”不同,基本上都是個人創作,“取古今來雜碎事可新聽睹、佐談諧者,演而暢之”(《二刻拍案驚奇小引》)。它已經是一部個人的白話小說創作專集。“捲帙浩繁,觀覽難周”(笑花主人《今古奇觀序》),故從中選取40種成《今古奇觀》。後三百年中,它就成為一部流傳最廣的白話短篇小說的選本。
“ 三言”所收錄的作品,無論是宋元舊篇,還是明代新作和馮夢竜擬作,都程度不同地經過馮夢竜增刪和潤飾。這些作品,題材廣泛,內容復雜。有對封建官僚醜惡的譴責和對正直官吏德行的贊揚,有對友誼、愛情的歌頌和對背信棄義、負心行為的斥責。更值得註意的,有不少作品描寫了市井百姓的生活。如《施潤澤灘闕遇友》、《蔣興哥重會珍珠衫》、《杜十娘怒沉百寶箱》、《賣油郎獨占花魁》等。在這些作品裏,強調人的感情和人的價值應該得到尊重,所宣揚的道德標準、婚姻原則,與封建禮教、傳統觀念是相違悖的。這是充滿生命活力的市民思想意識的體現。“三言”中的優秀作品,既重視故事完整,情節麯折和細節豐富,又調動了多種表現手段,刻畫人物性格。它的刊行,推動了短篇小說的發展和繁榮,標志着中國短篇白話小說的民族風格和特點已經形成。
Refers to the famous Ming Dynasty Legends five sets collectively, the "three words" that "Yu Shiming Yan", "Jingshitongyan", "Awaken the common saying" the collectively. The author is Ming Feng Meng. "Amazing Stories" is telling in this novel set in China, "first moment of surprises," and the "moment of surprises" and collectively. On the early Ling Meng. Three Words Feng Meng-long series of "Three Words" and "Yu Shiming Words" and "Jingshitongyan" "Awaken common saying" the three novels set in general. "Yu Shiming words," also known as "ancient and modern fiction," but "ancient and modern fiction" is actually "three words" the generic term. Amazing Stories Three words in each chapter tells a truth, but some sections of offensive language are many, while others fascinating story, such as "Awaken the common saying" a chapter in "exclusive courtesan oil merchant" about the heavy oil Lang Qin Looking for Father, courtesan lady looks for her husband during the two from the good from acquaintance to love the good stories. "Three Words" by your work, whether old papers Song or the Ming and Feng Meng intended for new work, both additions and deletions in varying degrees through Feng Meng and retouching. These works varied, and complexity. A condemnation of the feudal and bureaucratic integrity ugly officials praised virtue, there are about friendship, love, praise and treachery, betrayal act of rebuke. More noteworthy, a number of works depicted the lives of the people marketplace. Such as "Que Tan Shi Runze case of" Friends, "the Spatial weight will Zhenzhu Shan Brother", "Du Shiniang", "exclusive courtesan oil merchant" and so on. In these works, the emphasis on human feelings and human values should be respected, for a moral standard, the principle of marriage, and the feudal ethical code, runs counter to the traditional notion. It is full of vigor and vitality of the public manifestation of ideology. "Three words" in good works, not only to complete the story, plot twists and details of the rich, the mobilization of a variety of means of expression, characterization Characters in. It is the published, promoted the development and prosperity of short stories, marked the vernacular short fiction has become the national style and features.