图片名称: 予以事系御史台狱,狱吏稍见侵,自度不能堪,死狱中,不得一别子由,故作二诗授狱卒梁成,以遗子由,二首 Be something censorate prison system, prison officials seemed to have invaded, since the degree is not worthy, died in prison, do not be a child by pretending to two beams into poetry granted jailer to left child by two

相关诗词: 予以事系御史台狱,狱吏稍见侵,自度不能堪,死狱中,不得一别子由,故作二诗授狱卒梁成,以遗子由,二首

相关图片: 予以事系御史台狱,狱吏稍见侵,自度不能堪,死狱中,不得一别子由,故作二诗授狱卒梁成,以遗子由,二首 Be something censorate prison system, prison officials seemed to have invaded, since the degree is not worthy, died in prison, do not be a child by pretending to two beams into poetry granted jailer to left child by two

资料来源: http://www.mshw.net/

图片描述:   探秘苏东坡之情感东坡九- 文化体育- 眉山网-眉山新闻网-主流媒体 乌台诗案,无疑是苏轼人生中重大
/ 2 图片

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