圖片名稱: 予以事係御史臺獄,獄吏稍見侵,自度不能堪,死獄中,不得一別子由,故作二詩授獄卒梁成,以遺子由,二首 Be something censorate prison system, prison officials seemed to have invaded, since the degree is not worthy, died in prison, do not be a child by pretending to two beams into poetry granted jailer to left child by two

相關詩詞: 予以事係御史臺獄,獄吏稍見侵,自度不能堪,死獄中,不得一別子由,故作二詩授獄卒梁成,以遺子由,二首

相關圖片: 予以事係御史臺獄,獄吏稍見侵,自度不能堪,死獄中,不得一別子由,故作二詩授獄卒梁成,以遺子由,二首 Be something censorate prison system, prison officials seemed to have invaded, since the degree is not worthy, died in prison, do not be a child by pretending to two beams into poetry granted jailer to left child by two

資料來源: http://www.mshw.net/

圖片描述:   探秘蘇東坡之情感東坡九- 文化體育- 眉山網-眉山新聞網-主流媒體 烏臺詩案,無疑是蘇軾人生中重大
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