1. irregularity
  2. irregularity
  3. to have both merits and demerits, advantages and disadvantages, or gains and losses, etc.
  4. Scattered mixed
  5. Reference back to the turning
  6. Ceng Shen homicide
  7. Douzhuancenheng
  8. Suspect letter half
  9. Pulling in trees
  10. see through body
  11. Moonset cross reference
  12. Mulichenshen
  13. Life Participation Chen
  14. Participation chen Maoyou
  15. Mencanlijing
  16. Participation Wu complex
  17. Chenshenmusheng
  18. Yuemoshenheng
  19. Canwucuozong
  20. Be tall enough to reach to the sky
  21. Shenqianyiheng
  22. Two trees
  23. Events such as constellations shen (Orion) and shang,(Antares),which never appear at the same time
  24. Ancient trees
  25. Constellations shen (orion) and shang,(antares),which never appear at the same time Danger
  26. Participation cross the turning
  27. Scattered mixed
  28. Participation Chen life
  29. denigrate half
  30. Chencenmuli
  31. Zhuogushenjin
  32. Households Cao enroll