1. have crossed the deep,blue sea
  2. a matter of course
  3. have seen service
  4. copiously quote the classics
  5. jimjams
  6. humorlessness
  7. have fought a hundred battles
  8. an encyclopedic mind
  9. plan the world affairs
  10. shoestring
  11. easiness
  12. having experienced great changes in the world
  13. unfounded rumour; cock-and-bull story
  14. not to be found in the classics; be not well-known
  15. elaboration
  16. to continue to study even in old age
  17. work hard and carefully to keep one's business going
  18. to manage with great pain
  19. unfailing
  20. for years
  21. weird and uncanny
  22. rebel against the orthodoxy
  23. absurd and unreasonable
  24. sup sorrows by the ladleful
  25. go bananas
  26. Confucian masterpiece
  27. a man of both literary and military capacity
  28. to have experienced all sorts of hardships
  29. Pull through that ceremony
  30. World Survey
  31. Pewter Ming Jing
  32. Pool of frost
  33. The Ho bible
  34. Pool of sophisticated
  35. Saved by the lead foot
  36. Serious if
  37. Decent eight
  38. Military build
  39. Scripture Wei Wu
  40. longitude and latitude land
  41. From The River Road
  42. free accidently
  43. Little things without
  44. combed and arranged silk threads bellyful
  45. Hoary head Poor by
  46. Life After days
  47. Exhibition combed and arranged silk threads
  48. Fax sent by Po
  49. The right by-line anti-
  50. un- see theelephant
  51. having broad knowledge of Confucian classics
  52. Economics The only
  53. The only country
  54. Gave birth to jump without
  55. The voice of experience
  56. By Wu Wei-Wen
  57. Survey Corner
  58. Administer affairs The only
  59. Palestinian children by being
  60. conduct lacking brightness
  61. Passed away serious
  62. the Five Classics sweep the floor
  63. Classics
  64. s wild
  65. The Owls Gu Xiong
  66. Xiongjingniaoshen
  67. Wei Wu scripture
  68. In latitude by the State
  69. Days by ground weft
  70. The Secret of the element
  71. Upon winning gold
  72. According to the ancient cited by
  73. Research by the casting history
  74. By The marginalia
  75. Pillow membership through history
  76. pillow Confucian classics book
  77. Xunhejingqiu
  78. Canon Eight
  79. Enforcement by query and argue again and again
  80. Zijingzoushi
  81. Anti-Harper Road
  82. correct Canon pass through
  83. OECD anti-sense
  84. Washed by the rain by frost
  85. sermon version
  86. Without the words
  87. Mu line is heard by the
  88. Without the said
  89. Months and months for one or several years
  90. Hong large without
  91. Pool of rain
  92. to eat till full Administer affairs become
  93. Distinction from The Chi
  94. The next line repair
  95. determine Road by state
  96. By Wu Ping-man
  97. Duoxitanjing
  98. control one's desire conduct
  99. The state Weiguo
  100. Shoujingdaquan
  101. Govern the country
  102. Jingshibaizi
  103. The help Weiguo
  104. Jingqiuxunhe
  105. Yinzujiujing
  106. Duoqitanjing
  107. Large by Dafa
  108. Christmas without illusions
  109. Danmanbujing
  110. Festival indiscriminately without
  111. combed and arranged silk threads assist one's generation
  112. Hong luxury without
  113. Exaggerated, and unusual without
  114. After days of latitude to
  115. Routes are outlast
  116. Routes are for one or several years
  117. attracting attention careful
  118. Shejingcongquan
  119. Xiongjingniaoshen
  120. Pandaolijing
  121. Korean history by twilight
  122. story economics
  123. Paper by military ability
  124. Xiongjingniaoyin
  125. Xiongjingniaoye
  126. longitude and latitude multifarious
  127. deceive accidently
  128. On the Road by state
  129. The only way
  130. Jianjingshijing
  131. Look better by far to monk
  132. Not in the pit, to be wise
  133. After the pit, a Chilean
  134. At menstrual days, rivers by line
  135. After a loss a lesson