  • high
  • tall
  • elevated
  • lofty
  • expensive
  • loud
  • high-priced
  • high-up
  • highness
  • loftiness
  • tallness
  • being tall
  • area of high barometric pressure
  • anticyclone
  • decency and honesty of feeling
  • emotional, moral and intellectual energy, eg as revealed in works of art
  • height
  • loftily
  • at or to a high position or level
  • your
  1.   "高买低卖"策略   "high buy low sell" strategy
  2. adj.  &,D{shy}的最高级   shiest
  3. adj.  &,n.抗高血压的   antihypertensive
  4. n.  &v.直线滑降, 速直道滑雪, 滑雪直线跑道, 速直线滑雪   schuss
  5.   (in debt)(债台)高筑   up to the eyebrows
  6.   (in debt)(债台)高筑   up to the eyes
  7.   (交易所)轧空头, 迫使卖空者用价补进   squeeze the shorts
  8.   (从郊区或郊外地)进城   down town
  9.   (令人)深莫测, 难以捉摸; 狡猾   as deep as a well
  10.   (价格)偏高[低]   on the high side
  11.   (价格)偏高[低]   on the low side
  12.   (作定语用)(肥料)成分的   high analysis
  13.   (升、斗等的)垫了的底   a raised bottom
  14.   (古罗马)《西彼拉占语集》; [喻]起初不想买后来反愿出价收买的东西   sibylline books
  15.   (商品)定价过无人购买   price out of the market
  16.   (因孤僻或傲)不和别人谈话, 不理人   not have a word to throw at a dog
  1. 通货膨胀中的一个阶段,价格以很的速度增长而货币迅速贬值。
    an episode of inflation in which prices increase at an increasing rate and currency rapidly loses value.
  2. 发型贵,穿着幽雅的洛丽塔·扬沿着螺旋梯款款走下的那个形象似乎令人难忘:然后,她开始向人们介绍1953~1961年期间每周播出的由她主演的电视节目。
    The image seems indelible:Loretta Young,elegantly coiffed and dressed, sweeping down a spiral staircase to introduce each episode of her weekly 1953~ 1961 TV show.
  3. 一个理性的社会总应该在正当盈利与暴利剥削之间有一条界限。否则,索罗斯们的伎俩反而会被尊为最智慧,理性则无立足之地矣。
    A rational society should draw a line between legitimate profit-making and exploitative profiteering, lest the likes of George Soros be hailed as the epitome of wisdom while rationality gets booted out the window.
  4. 想当初,罗贝尔·塞纳利曾把巴黎圣母院比做埃费索斯的著名的狄安娜神庙——被古代异教徒奉若神明并使埃罗斯特拉图斯名字永留于世——,认为圣母院这座卢人大教堂“在长度、宽度、度和结构上都远胜一筹”。
    How far it is from the epoch when Robert Cenalis, comparing Notre-Dame de Paris to the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, *so much lauded by the ancient pagans*, which Erostatus *has* immortalized, found the Gallic temple "more excellent in length, breadth, height, and structure."
  5. 那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的春天,那是失望的冬天;我们全都在直奔天堂,我们全都在直奔相反的方向--简而言之,那时跟现在非常相象,某些最喧嚣的权威坚持要用形容词的最级来形容它。说它好,是最级的;说它不好,也是最级的。
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age offoolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
  6. 当我们面临惊恐的局面时,我们的大脑会释放出肾上腺素及其他化学物质。这些化学物质会导致我们心跳加速、血压增(使血液流向我们的肌肉和大脑)、呼吸急促、消化速度放慢。我们会感到体内能量一阵快速涌流。
    When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
  7. 多星等高法
    multistar equal altitude method
  8. 更让人感到不安的是这些企业很多是家喻户晓和人们所信赖的公司,而涉嫌舞弊的竟是公司的最层决策者。
    This scandal is all the more alarming because the companies implicated were mostly trusted household names and the perpetrators were their highest level executives.
  9. 他们一般高.
    They are of equal height.
  10. 市场行情正处于转折点,众说纷云,有的甚至保持度警惕。
    The market is at turning point so that all appear some comments even highly alarming.
  11. 等海拔度海平面以上的度相等
    Equality of elevation above sea level.
  12. 市场行情正处于转折点,众说纷云,有的甚至保持度警惕。
    Market at turning point to all appearance some comment even highly alarming
  13. 给优者不利条件在英国,尔夫球中为均等取胜机会,让优等选手进行障碍性击球或让低等选手击球数减一次的有利机会
    In Great Britain, a golfing handicap of one stroke given to a superior player or an advantage of one stroke taken away from an inferior player's score in order to equalize the chances of winning.
  14. 每年有数百人死于速[警匪]追逐,情况越来越令人警惕。全国各地警察单位,各州以及联邦立法机关,正在限制疯狂的好莱坞式的追逐……。
    Increasingly alarmed by high-speed pursuits that are killing hundreds of people every year, police departments around the country, as well as state and Federal lawmakers, are clamping down on the wild, Hollywood-style chases…
  15. 不论哪一边获胜,我都同样兴。
    Whichever side won, I was equally pleased.
  16. 我们不能把级文职人员的薪水同经理们的薪水相提并论。
    We cannot equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives.
  17. 高次代数方程求根
    finding roots of polynomial equation
  18. 空荡荡的房子让他提了警惕。
    The empty house alarmed him.
  19. 下午两三点钟的时候,因当地处赤道附近又正是1月下旬的季节,所以气温达90华氏度以上。
    It was midafternoon, and being near the equator in late January, it was above 90 degrees.
  20. 纬线,纬度圈与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度低的许多假想线中的任意一条
    Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
  21. 对流层顶位于对流层和平流层之间的界限,其度从两极的约8公里(5英里)至赤道上约18公里(11英里)
    The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere varying in altitude from approximately8 kilometers(5 miles) at the poles to approximately18 kilometers(11 miles) at the equator.
  22. 矮人(尤指俾格米人)一种平均身低于5英尺(127厘米)的人种中的一员,尤其是指赤道非洲和亚洲东南部地区的矮人
    A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than5 feet(127 centimeters).
  23. 提起新加坡,许多中国人会联想到效政府、良好秩序、美食、旅游胜地——这些正面的标签已被不少游记、随笔和考察报告贴在了这个接近赤道的岛国身上。
    TO MANY people in China, Singapore is associated with efficient government, good order, tasty foods, and tourist's attractions — attributes given to the equatorial island-state by numerous travels, essays, and inspection tour reports.
  24. 贝达得:我认为产地的气候是至关重要的。例如:在赤道非洲或锡兰的海拔6000或7000英尺的地区生产的茶叶具有一定的品味,这可能是由于气候凉爽的缘故,或是海拔度的原因,而在那里低海拔处生长的茶叶就不行了,但是……
    I think that the climate plays probably the largest part here, and the tea, for example, that grows at 6000 or 7000 feet in equatorial Africa or in Ceylon, produces a certain flavor, possibly because of the coolness of the climate or the elevation itself, which is not available in tea which is grown in a lower elevation, but ...
  25. 他们的骑术都很超。
    They all showed extraordinary equestrian skill.
  26. 例如,生物科学方面的合成牛胰岛素、酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸的人工合成,农业科学方面的杂交水稻,能物理方面的正负电子对撞机,以及原子弹、氢弹和每秒1亿次运算的巨型计算机等的研制,“长征3号”运载火箭的发射,卫星通讯和超导研究等,这些方面都已跃居或接近国际先进水平。
    In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
  27. 地壳均衡地壳的均衡,以使趋向于抬大陆的力与趋向于降低大陆的力保持平衡
    Equilibrium in the earth's crust such that the forces tending to elevate land masses balance the forces tending to depress land masses.
  28. 层建筑带电梯的多层建筑
    A multistoried building equipped with elevators.
  29. 国王看见阿拉丁和公主非常兴。
    The king was glad when he saw Aladdin and Princess.
  30. 努力推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,为人类和平与发展的崇事业作出自己应有的贡献。
    We will work to expedite the establishment of a just and equitable new international political and economic order and make our due contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.
  31. 为提人类的安全、更好地施政、促进公平发展并尊重人权,联合国展开各种活动,并通过这些活动来帮助解决战争的根源问题,给世界增加一份安全。
    Through its activities aimed at promoting human security, good governance, equitable development and respect for human rights, the UN is helping to make the world a safer place by addressing the underlying causes of war.
  32. 坚持发展经济和控制人口两手抓,把控制人口增长,提人口素质,合理分布人口,开发人力资源,纳入西部大开发战略的总体规划。
    The policy of slow-down population growth, enhancement of population quality, equitable distribution of population, and the development of human resources should be incorporated into the said strategy so that a coordinated development of economy and population can be reached.