当这一行人开始走下教堂里的侧廊时,在坐靠背长椅的人中间有了一点骚动。 There was a slight flutter among those in the pew, as the procession began to ascend the aisle.
警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。 The police have been called in to quell a minor disturbance.
在假设软件开发较快的情况下,人们会认为软件方案将在计算领域独领风骚许多年,但随着软件开发的延迟变得更严重、更常见,以硬件为特色的方案开始优于同类软件方案。 Given the relative quickness of software development, one would think that software solutions would lead the computing agenda for many years.But as software delays have become more profound and commonplace, hardware-featured solutions are beginning to offer better solutions than their software counterparts.
在政治骚乱后,这座城市平静下来。 The city quieted down after the political disturbances.
煽动者引起或煽动分裂或骚乱的人;鼓动者 One who creates or stirs up factionism or sedition; an agitator.
骚动,动乱激动不安或狂暴的变化或发展的状态 A state of agitation or of turbulent change or development.
发生了一场抗议最近的通货膨涨/核武器的大骚乱。 A great agitation arose against the recent inflation/nuclear weapons.
军队中不能有任何骚动。 There shouldn't be any agitation in the army.
狂乱一种狂烈的精神骚动或疯狂的状态 A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.
因紧张的骚动或激动而颤抖 To tremble with nervous agitation or excitement.
群众引起骚动。 The mob raised a bobbery.
骚动或激动;颤动 Agitation or excitement; flutter.
他的关于种族隔离的谈话激起了骚动。 His talk about apartheid created agitation.
激动,骚动处在一种激动或不安的状态;激动 To be in an excited or agitated state; seethe.
使骚动;激动或不安 To make turbulent; excite or agitate.
使躁动、骚动或迷乱 To agitate, stir, or confuse.
工作时,性是一个非常敏感的问题,哪怕是性骚扰的一点暗示也会带来一场严重的官司。 Sex is a particularly touchy subject at work, where even a hint of sexual harassment can bring on a dam-aging lawsuit.
野心,进取心,和好名好权的欲望也是由于另外一些虫在作祟,弄得一个人心中骚动,到达目的的时候才肯罢休。 Ambition and aggressiveness and love of fame or power are also due to certain other worms giving the person no rest until he has achieved the object of his ambition.
这个由美国联邦政府赞助的调查小组称,大学生酗酒已经造成50万起伤亡事故和7万起性骚扰和强奸事件的发生。 The study supported by the federally estimated that drinking by college students contributes to 500,000 injuries and 70,000 cases of sexual assault or date rape.
这些孩子最终都能够在旷野中玩耍,不再受饥饿、疾病、愚昧无知、骚扰和虐待的折磨、威胁和蹂躏。他们不再需要去做那些负荷超越他们幼小年龄的承受力的工作。 The children must, at last, play in the open field, no longer tortured by the of pangs hunger or ravaged by disease or threatened with the scourge of ignorance, molestation and abuse, and no longer required to engage in deeds whose gravity exceeds the demands of their tender years.
许多政府都以捏造有“政治骚乱者”企图毁灭国家的伎俩来掩饰自己的无能。 The fiction that there are 'political agitators' wishing to destroy the country, is one in which many governments have taken refuge.
任何破坏西藏安定团结的活动,任何制造骚乱、策动闹事的违法行为,都是违背西藏人民根本利益的,必将受到严厉的打击。 Any activity sabotaging stability and unity in Tibet and any unlawful deed creating disturbance and inciting riots runs against the basic interests of the Tibetan people and will be cracked down on relentlessly.
为了减轻骚痒而进得抓擦。 scrape or rub as if to relieve itching.
发言引起了一阵骚动 That remark created a stir.
对……进行性骚扰;对……有下流的表示。 harass or assault sexually; make indecent advances to.
骚扰不断粗暴地侵袭;折磨 To attack roughly and repeatedly; harass.
怨天尤人,满腹牢骚(尤指无充分理由) Grumble repeatedly; complain, esp without good reason
他们渗透敌後以便骚扰敌军的调度。 They infiltrated behind the lines so as to annoy the emery replacements.
梦露对自己少女时期经历的性骚扰耿耿于怀。 Monroe complains too about her early adolescent experiences of sexual harassment.
那讲员的演讲引起了公开的骚动,而迫使他收回某些声明。 The speaker's speech produced a public katzenjammer which forced him to retract certain statements.
近年来西藏有一些僧尼被依法治罪,都是因为触犯了刑律,如参加骚乱,危害社会治安,扰乱社会秩序,搞打、砸、抢、烧、杀等犯罪活动,没有一个是因宗教信仰而被拘捕判罪的。 In recent years, some monks and nuns in Tibet received legal retribution because they infringed on the law. They were involved in riots that endangered social security and disrupted public order, engaged in beating, smashing, looting, burning and killing and carried out other criminal activities. None was arrested and declared guilty because of religious belief.
“呼啸”是一个意味深长的内地形容词,形容这地方在风暴的天气里所受的气压骚动。 `Wuthering' being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather.