  • alternate
  • complex
  • Wrong
  • uneven
  • mistaken
  • erroneous
  • bad
  • intricate
  • poor
  • interlocked and jagged
  • alternate
  • cross
  • stagger
  • misjudge
  • be out of alignment
  • inlay with gold
  • rub
  • make way
  • move out of the way
  • fault
  • mistake
  • error
  • blunder
  • cross
  • malocclusion
  1. n.  &adj.错义, 误义, 错义   missense
  2. vt.  &n.误用, 滥用, 用, 虐待, 误用   misuse
  3. vi.  (caviled, caviling)吹毛求疵, 无端找岔, 挑剔, 找岔子, 吹毛求疵, 找   cavil
  4.   (人)折回找过的路; 再试一试;【航海】放松(绳索等)   try back
  5.   (头脑等)充满了(误); 尽是(误)   as full(of errors) as an egg is of meat
  6.   (帐单上所标注的)漏除外, 漏不在此限   errors and omission excepted
  7.   (把事情)搞乱, 搞错   muddle up [together]
  8.   (有)说话的毛病[习惯]   foot-in-mouth disease
  9.   (猎犬)闻出(曾一度失的)嗅迹   hit off a fault
  10.   (猎狗)向没有猎物的树乱吠; 精力花在不该花的地方; 攻击了目标, 怪了人   bark up the wrong tree
  11.   (猎狗)追方向; [喻]迷失方向   be on a wrong [false]scent
  12.   (箭)脱靶, 离目标太远; 很不中肯; 完全误   far from the mark
  13.   (被迫)收回前言, 承认说   take back one's words
  14.   (被迫)收回前言, 承认说   swallow one's words
  15.   (赛马时)赌了马; 估计误; 支持失败的一方   back the wrong horse
  16.   (透入皮肤, 毒性剧烈的)神经乱性毒气, 中毒性毒气, 神经毒气   nerve gas
  1. 训练者必须利用这个经历性记忆从误中吸取经验,或者记住关键的步骤防止困难的情况下增加不必要的复杂性。
    Trainees must utilize this “episodic” memory to either learn from mistakes or to remember key moves that prevented troublesome situations that unnecessarily increase complexity.
  2. 在那个“臭”字上。
    What's wrong here is the epithet "stinking".
  3. 前一段出了点差没有什么了不起,不值得那么大惊小怪。
    Recently we have made some mistakes in our work, but that's nothing to be alarmed at.
  4. 误的开始;误的警报。
    a false start; a false alarm.
  5. 发出错误警报
    To raise a false alarm.
  6. 请擦掉黑板上的公式,它是的。
    Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong!
  7. 如果输入误,可使用delete按钮来向后删除
    If you make a mistake, use the delete button to erase backwards
  8. 他从文章中删去打印误的字母。
    He erased the misprinted letter from his article.
  9. 我的孩子,把这些字用橡皮擦掉。
    My boy, wipe these wrong words out with a pencil eraser.
  10. 陪你的女儿走过婚礼的走道,而你又知道她嫁了个误的男人,那种感觉真是可怕。
    Walking your daughter down the aisle toward what you perceive to be is the wrong guy for her is a horrible feeling.
  11. 他们声称他的意见是误的。
    They qualified his opinion as erroneous.
  12. 而这个非法的修饰符将在误文本中被明确指明。
    The invalid qualifier will be indicated clearly in text.
  13. 而这个非法的修饰符将在误文本中被明确指明。
    The invalid qualifier will be clearly indicated in the error text.
  14. elanguageerror:(10060)表示在处理由xml:lang标记标注的元素的时候发生误。
    E_languageError: (10060) Signifies that an error was detected while processing elements that were annotated with xml:lang qualifiers.
  15. 爱寻衅的人极富有好斗性的人,对于抗拒规定、规章或法律毫不犹豫的人,目的在于纠正一个显而易见的
    An extremely aggressive person who feels no qualms about defying rules, regulations, or the law in order to right a perceived wrong.
  16. 综复杂的量子物理学使我头疼。
    The details of quantum physice make my brain hurt.
  17. 那些航空公司营运不
    The airlines were doing pretty well.
  18. 。但第一季度不太好。
    Not bad, after a poor first quarter.
  19. 在接受访问时,他将苏联上月试飞成功的氢动力民航机比作1957年发射斯普特尼克。“我们又一次过机会,”他说,“我们只能希望下一届政府比这一届更注意氢[动力]”。
    In an interview, he compared the flight of the hydrogen-powered Soviet airliner last month to the launching of Sputnick in 1957. "Once again we've missed the boat," he said, "and we can only hope that the next administration will be more interested in hydrogen than this one has been."
  20. 如果他以为可以在我的面前摆架子,那他就大了。
    If he thinks he can come the quarterdeck over me, he's totally wrong.
  21. 从那时起,公司曾犯下了某些误,这是事实-笔记本电脑的设计在某点上脱离了常轨,使得戴尔取消了大多数生产线,导致了公司在1993年一个季度的损失。
    Since then, the company has made mistakes, sure--the design of its notebook computers got so off track at one point that Dell canceled most of the line, leading to the company's only quarterly loss, in 1993.
  22. 那个四重唱[四重奏](节目)也很不
    The quartette was not half bad, either.
  23. 让男人们表达情感的推动力是我们被认定为有感情,不,我们确实有一些,但隐而不露,若要表达出来就会破坏其真实性。
    The push for men to express their feelings presumes that we have feelings, and we do have a few, but they remain submerged, and the airing of them often violates their authenticity.
  24. 引起的问题现在没有了,只是她还会见熟人叫名字。
    Krickitt shows none of the motor problems that were apparent after the wreck,although she still has difficulty matching names with faces.
  25. 吹毛求疵,找碴常在细枝末节处找
    To find fault constantly and trivially; carp.
  26. 我俱乐部的成员认为询问帐单是极不礼貌的行为,即使帐单是明显了。
    The members of my club regard it as terribly bad form to query the bill, even if it's obviously wrong.
  27. 那些风派、溜派以及搞“地震”的人,那些误严重而又态度很坏的人,那些有问题没有查清的人,也不能让他们进领导班子。
    Those who always sail with the wind, who continually slide away from their mistakes, or who cause serious disturbances; those who have made grave mistakes and have a bad attitude; and questionable persons whose cases have not been cleared up.
  28. 他运动素质不错。
    He have quick reflex.
  29. 很快就找出错误
    Quick to find fault.
  30. 他运动素质不错。
    He learns sports quickly.
  31. 政客好比水银;当你要抓住他(的过)的时候,你会发觉并未抓到什么东西。
    A politician is like quicksilver; if you try to put your finger on him, you will find nothing under it.
  32. 南茜毫无目的地在纵横交大路与小径之间徘徊了几个小时。
    Nancy wander for hour aimlessly along the intertwining road and footpath.