他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。 He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo.
停机坪飞机机库及建筑物端饰前及周围的铺过的临时跑道 The paved strip in front of and around airport hangars and terminal buildings.
还有沿岸街,店铺星罗棋布,屠宰场的剥皮作坊鲜血淋漓; the quay with its thousand shops, and its bloody knacker's yards;
规划人员把曾经人来人往的船码头变成了雅皮士的水上活动场所,并且制订了颇受争议的恢复唐人街店铺的条例。 Planners turned the once-bustling Boat Quay into a yuppie watering hole and set rules for the controversial restoration of Chinatown shop houses.
码头、湖滨马路、公园、精美的店铺、热闹的街道、老城区的小街小巷及其2000年的历史,都等待人们去探寻。 Quays,lakeside promenades,parks,elegant stores and lively streets and alleyways in the old part of town and its 2000-year history wait to be discovered.
店主向那些恐怖分子行了贿,免得他们来糟蹋他的店铺。 The shop owner paid off the terrorists so that they would not come to wreck his shop.
铺有精细煤渣的赛道。 a racetrack paved with fine cinders.
跑道铺设用来赛跑的道路 A course laid out for racing.
跑道铺设用于赛跑或赛马的道路 A course laid out for running or racing.
地板上铺的是草席,只有起居间铺了一块薄薄的破地毯。 The floors were covered with matting and the hall laid with a thin rag carpet.
铺设新铁轨 Lay new railroad track.
铁路客车或卧铺车厢 A railroad parlor car or sleeping car.
铺设或修理铁路轨道的工人。 a workman who lays and repairs railroad tracks.
他们铺设了一条横贯山区的铁路。 They drove a railroad through a mountainous district.
筑路碎石用于铺路面或用于填塞铁轨枕木间空隙的碎石 Broken stones used for road surfaces or railroad beds.
道碴用来铺公路或铁路路基的粗砂砾或碎石 Coarse gravel or crushed rock laid to form a bed for roads or railroads.
具有轻率铺张的特征。 marked by rash extravagance.
北温带的一种平铺覆盆子,具有黄色或橙色的浆果。 creeping raspberry of north temperate regions with yellow or orange berries.
层舱可为六位乘客提供卧铺。 As absent because of a recent bereavement.
积极开展雨水利用工作,做好汛期雨洪的拦截及回灌工作,结合山前绿化、片林绿化、砂石料场整治、绿化铺装、郊区湿地系统建设等,补充、涵养地下水源。 At the same time, storm-water will be developed as alternative water resource to supplement and nourish the source of ground water. Main approach will be interception and recharge during the flood season through the forestation in front of the mountains, the plantation with tree patches, the treatment of sand/stone farms and the development of wetland system.
室外就餐处与住宅相连的常常铺以石板等的门外空地,用来进餐或娱乐 An outdoor space for dining or recreation that adjoins a residence and is often paved.
有光滑的顶的规则的石头;曾经用来铺路。 rectangular stone with curved top; once used to make roads.
从当铺将我的表赎回来要多少钱? How much will it cost to redeem my watch from pawn?
当铺里可赎回的货物。 redeemable goods in a pawnshop.
他从当铺赎回他唯一的一件上衣去参加婚礼。 He redeemed his one and only suit from pawn to attend a wedding.
然而,随着目前关于伊拉克战的报道铺天盖地,"记实电视"被赋予了新的定义。家长该怎样将孩子们的视线从暴力画面上移开呢? But now that coverage of the war in Iraq has redefined "reality television," how can parents best shield their children from the violent images?
高耸于维多利亚时代房屋店铺之上的是新开发的市中心高大的办公楼群。 Above the victorian houses and shops tower the monster office blocks of the redeveloped center.
屋顶需要修理(如重新铺瓦). The roof needs redoing, eg retiling.
水泥铺的混凝土路面。 concrete pavement is sometimes referred to as cement.
到一九四七年重新颁布的三大纪律八项注意,内容上也有修改,“上门板”、“捆铺草”,改为“不打人骂人”、“不损坏庄稼”,“洗澡避女人”、“不搜俘虏腰包”,改为“不调戏妇女”、“不虐待俘虏”。 When the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention were reissued in 1947, some revisions were again made in the content."Put back the doors you have taken down for bed-boards" and "put back the straw you have used for bedding" were replaced by "do not hit or swear at people" and "do not damage crops"."Do not bathe within sight of women" was changed to "do no take liberties with women", and "do not search the pockets of captives" became "do not ill-treat captives".
她想重新铺设她新房子的地毯 She wants to relay the carpet in her new home
铺设或维修屋顶的工匠。 a craftsman who lays or repairs roofs.