当冒牌医生或江湖郎中 To act as a medical quack or a charlatan.
八十年代初期,中国队表明他们不仅能打亚洲式的快球,同时也有能力以令人无法抵挡扣杀击败对手,而不部分进攻是靠举世无双的运动员郎平来完成的。 In the early 80s, china demonstrated that not only did they play with the quickness of the Asian school, but they also had the power to terminate with unstoppable kills, most of which came from the best player of all times, Lang Ping.
她把帽子戴得吊儿郎当的。 She wore her hat at a rakish angle.
巴克写信给爱默生,希望爱默生说些有关他自己的事:---这个原来在「西联」机构传信的童役,不久便和国内那些著名的人物通信,像爱默生、布罗斯、臭利弗、郎菲洛、林肯夫人、休曼将军、和台维斯等。 Soon our Western Union messenger boy was corresponding with many of the most famous people in the nation: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes,Longfellow, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, Louisa May Alcott,General Sherman and Jefferson Davis.
如同雷蒙在《永别了,我的爱》中所述,"它是一个金发碧眼女郎。 As Raymond wrote in Farewell,My Lovely,“ It was a blonde.
他与一个漂亮的红发女郎结婚了。 He married a beautiful redhead.
“十五法郎,”拍卖估价人又叫了一次。 'Fifteen, ' repeated the auctioneer.
法郎的兑换价要调高. The franc is to is revalued.
那位衣饰富丽的年轻女郎在宴会上引人注目。 The richly fig out young woman stand out at the party.
那位衣饰富丽的年轻女郎在宴会上引人注目 The richly figged out young woman stood out at the party
父亲说他在豪华饭店时曾有应召女郎找上他 Dad said he was proposition by a call girl at the ritzy hotel
父亲说他在豪华饭店时曾有应召女郎找上他。 Dad says he is propositioned by a call girl at the ritzy hotel.
我们不喜欢轻佻女和调情郎,虽然有时我们表面上看似喜欢他们。 We do not like romp and flirt, though we may act as if we do sometimes.
妙龄女郎之作思考,有如青年男子之涂脂抹粉。 A young lady who thinks is like a youngman who rouges.
妙龄女郎之作思考,有如青年男子之涂脂抹粉。 A young lady who thinks is like a young man who rouges.
法郎比利时、贝宁、布基纳法索、布隆迪、科麦隆、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、刚果、吉布提、法国、加蓬、科特迪卡、列支敦士登、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马里、摩纳哥、尼日尔、卢旺达、塞内加尔、瑞士和多哥等国家的基本货币单位 A basic unit of currency in Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, France, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Switzerland, and Togo.
在此,剧中对这条美妙的鱼①赞颂备至,通过许许多多巧妙的影射,暗示这就是弗朗德勒的玛格丽特公主的未婚郎君,而他此时正满腹忧伤,隐居在昂布瓦兹②,自然料想不到耕作和教士、贵族和商品刚刚为他跑遍了天南海北。 Thereupon, a long eulogy on the marvellous fish, with a thousand delicate allusions to the young betrothed of Marguerite of Flanders— who at that moment was languishing in dismal seclusion at Amboise, entirely unaware that Labour and Clergy, Nobility and Commerce, had just made the tour of the world on his behalf.
他最怕是,初会或久别重逢的朋友,见面定要问一声几位令郎。 This was what he feared most: whenever he saw friends whom he met for the first time or those whom he had not seen for some time, they always asked how many children he had.
那可爱的女郎使他飘飘然。 That gorgeous girl sent him.
“你想拿这个作担保,要我借给你半个克郎?”舍洛克惊呼道,“可是这东西一个小钱也不值呀。” "Lend you half a crown with this as security?" cried Sherlock, "Why, it's not worth a doit."
当袁中郎有一晚在一本小诗集里,发见一个名叫徐文长的同代无名作家时,他由床上跳起,向他的朋友呼叫起来,他的朋友开始拿那本诗集来读,也叫起来,于是两人叫复读,读复叫,弄得他们的仆人疑惑不解。 When Yuan Chunglang discovered one night Hsii Wench'ang, a contemporary unknown to him, in a small book of poems, he jumped out of bed and shouted to his friend, and his friend began to read it and shout in turn, and then they both read and shouted again until their servant was completely puzzled.
在灼热的炉火前,新郎怀着敬慕的心情紧紧握着妻子的手,叙说他曾与一个淫妇鬼混过四十八小时的越轨行为。 Before the glowing fire the adoring bridegroom, his wife's hand clasped in his, tells the story of his one aberration, of his forty-eight hours'dissipation with a Scarlet Woman.
这样的人异教徒中有些人曾冒充过,如克瑞蒂人埃辟曼尼底斯罗马人努马西西利人安辟道克利斯和蒂安那人阿波郎尼亚斯是也;而基督教会中许多的古隐者和长老则确有如此者。 Such is found to have been falsely and feignedly in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Canadian, Numa the Roman, Empedocles the Sicilian, and Apollonius of Tyana; and truly and really, in divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of the church.
我讨厌他吊儿郎当地浪费时间。 I sicken at his dilly-dallying.
我记得以前曾在马路对过的阴影处见到过她。毫无疑问,我断定她就是人们婉称为“夜间女郎”的那种人。 I had seen her before in the shadows on the opposite side of the street and had recognized, without giving the matter much thought, that she was, almost certainly, of the sisterhood euphemistically referred to as “ladies of the evening”.
将法郎换成原来的美元 Change back francs into dollars
一个人看见一座百层高的大楼时,常常夜郎自大;医治这种夜郎自大的心理的最好办法,就是把他想象中的摩天楼搬移到一个小山边去,使他更确切地知道什么可以叫做“伟大”,什么没有资格叫做“伟大”。 A man seeing a hundred-story building often gets conceited, and the best way to cure that insufferable conceit is to transport that skyscraper in one's imagination to a little contemptible hill and learn a truer sense of what may and what may not be called "enormous."
把美金换成法郎;用劳力换膳宿 Exchange dollars for francs; exchanging labor for room and board.
郎姆酒是用甘蔗汁蒸馏制成的。 Rum is an alcoholic drink distilled from sugar-cane juice.
再说,李登辉与司马辽太郎的谈话,指国民党是“外来政权”等等,他对国民党有多少感情,实在难说。 In an interview with the late Japanese writer Ryotaro Shiba in 1993, he had called the KMTan alien authority that came to rule Taiwan.
我们接受你方对10000吨硫酸铵的还盘,即每公吨马赛船上交货价260法郎。 Well, we accept your counter-offer for the 10000 ton of ammonium sulfate, at 260 french francs per metric ton fob marseilles.
我们接受你方对10000吨硫酸铵的还盘,即每公吨马赛船上交货价260法郎。 Well, we accept your counter offer for the 10000 ton of ammonium sulfate, at 260 french francs per metric ton fob marseilles.