  • border
  • margin
  • side
  • edge or border
  • edge, margin, side, border
  • Edge
  • boundary
  • fringe
  1. adv.  &a.朝海, 向海, 向海那一   seaward
  2.   (人行道设置的)防止拥挤的铁栏杆   crushbarrier
  3.   (使)倾斜, (使)一翘起   tip up
  4.   (场顺序制)彩色镶边   colour fringing
  5.   (妇女儿童戴的)宽边帽   a gypsy hat
  6.   (妇女穿在外的)紧身短裤   hot pants
  7.   (妻对夫的)枕训话, 私下训斥   curtain lecture
  8.   (子弹)无边有肩   rimless shouldered
  9.   (布的)毛边   a raw edge (of cloth)
  10.   (未切边的)毛边书   a book with rough edges
  11.   (纸的)毛边   deckle edge
  12.   (话)一齐涌到嘴边   rush to one's lips
  13.   (请乘客不要堵在车门口)请往里走   moveright down
  14.   (边缘)向内弯曲   necked in
  15.   (边缘)向外弯曲   necked out
  16.   (马的)蹄裂病; 焊缝缘裂纹   toe crack
  1. 在最近的一个早上,当人们发现迈克尔·h的时候,他正睡在兰开斯特郊区的圣保罗圣公会教堂的地板上。他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。
    Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
  2. 唉!可怜的公爵!他担负的工作简直是数沙饮海;一个人站在他一作战,就有1000人转身逃走。
    Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly.
  3. 等式的端等式两之表达式之一
    The expression on either side of an equality sign.
  4. 不论哪一获胜,我都同样高兴。
    Whichever side won, I was equally pleased.
  5. 现在两边都穷了。
    Today, they are equally poor in both aspects.
  6. 常微分方程边值问题
    boundary value problem of ordinary differential equation
  7. 与热带相关的、处于热带的或有热带特性(在赤道两的地区)。
    relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics (the region on either side of the equator).
  8. 中心点,中枢与一正多形各角顶点等距的一点
    A point equidistant from the vertexes of a regular polygon.
  9. 一个到线段末端或图形缘距离都相等的点。
    a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure.
  10. 有四个等三角形面的四面体。
    a tetrahedron with four equilateral triangular faces.
  11. 四个相等的平行四形;不是直角的等平行四形。
    a parallelogram with four equal sides; an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram.
  12. 来自于正六角形的两个完全等三角形组成的正多形。
    a regular polygon formed by completing two equilateral triangles from a regular hexagon.
  13. 六角星形把一个正六形的各延长相交成几个等三角形而得到的六角星
    A six-pointed star formed by extending each of the sides of a regular hexagon into equilateral triangles.
  14. “我要从这地方出去,送我回妈妈身。”阿拉丁对他说。
    "I want to get out of this place, take me home to my mother," said Aladdin.
  15. 有一天,阿拉丁正在街上走的时候,公主巴德瑞尔从身经过。
    One day when Aladdin was talking in the street. Princess Badrul passed by.
  16. 我们承诺建立一个开放的、公平的、有章可循的、可预测的和非歧视性的多贸易和金融体制。
    We are committed to an open, equitable, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading and financial system.
  17. 协议能确保世贸成员遵守世贸条款,因此对多贸易制度的有效运作至为重要。
    It is the linchpin of the multilateral system as it is the ultimate safeguard of an equitable rule-based framework.
  18. 在部长级会议结束乌拉圭回合多贸易谈判之日,如果某成员已实施了给权利持有人以公平报酬的制度,则可以维持其制度不变,只要在该制度下录音制品的商业性出租不产生实质性损害权利持有人的复制专有权的后果。
    If on 15 April 1994 a Member has in force a system of equitable remuneration of right holders in respect of the rental of phonograms, it may maintain such system provided that the commercial rental of phonograms is not giving rise to the material impairment of the exclusive rights of reproduction of right holders.
  19. 梅里第安美国密西西比州东部一城市,位于阿拉巴马州界附近,杰克逊东部。在1864年2月被威廉·t·谢尔曼将军的军队踏平。人口46,577
    A city of eastern Mississippi near the Alabama border east of Jackson. It was razed by Gen. William T. Sherman's troops in February1864. Population,46, 577.
  20. 多森美国亚拉巴马州东南部城市,靠近佛罗里达州界。1885年建立,是一个大农业区的贸易中心。人口53,589
    A city of southeast Alabama near the Florida border. Settled in1885, it is a trading center for a large agricultural area. Population,53, 589.
  21. 哥伦布美国密西西比州东北部城市,位于阿拉巴马州界,这个地区有许多南北战争以前的房屋。人口23,799
    A city of northeast Mississippi near the Alabama border. There are many antebellum houses in the area. Population,23, 799.
  22. 阿诺德·施瓦辛格在片中的表演确定了他后来的戏路。从20世纪80年代中、后期直到90年代,施瓦辛格饰演了更多这类令人惊叹的、极具票房号召力的角色:《魔鬼司令》(又译《独闯龙潭》)(1985)、《缘战士》(1986)、《终极战士》(1987)、《跑动者》(1987)、《冲出生死线》(1988)、《全面回忆》(1990)、《终结者ii》(1991)、《真实的谎言》(1994)和《蒸发密令》(1996)。
    Arnold Schwarzenegger performs in a career-shaping role that would soon lead to many more such formidable,box-office appealing characterizations in the mid to late 1980s and into the 1990s: Commando(1985),Raw Deal(1986),Predator(1987),The Running Man(1987),Red Heat(1988),Total Recall(1990),Terminator 2(1991),True Lies(1994)and Eraser(1996).
  23. 角顶三角形或者角锥的与其底相对且具底最远的顶点
    The point on a triangle or pyramid opposite to and farthest away from its base.
  24. 截平的尖端被截成一与底平行的平面的,用于锥形物或金字塔
    Having the apex cut off and replaced by a plane, especially one parallel to the base. Used of a cone or pyramid.
  25. 平截头体切割立体的两个平面之间的立体的一部分,如圆柱体或角锥,尤指与底平行的底或平面间的部分
    The part of a solid, such as a cone or pyramid, between two parallel planes cutting the solid, especially the section between the base and a plane parallel to the base.
  26. 二零零一年十一月,世贸组织于卡塔尔多哈举行第四次部长级会议。会上通过开展新一轮多贸易谈判。对此,香港特区表示欢迎。
    The HKSAR welcomes the launching of a new Round of multilateral trade negotiations at the WTO's Fourth Ministerial Conference concluded in Doha, Qatar in November.
  27. 他正跪在座位上,一望着列车窗外,一对靠过道坐的妈妈说话。
    " He was kneeling on the seat, looking out of the train window and talking to his mother, who sat on the aisle.
  28. 在过道那头,杜洛埃正站在通向候车室和大街的门,回头朝嘉莉那看。
    Down the aisle, toward the gate leading into the waiting-room and the street, stood Drouet. He was looking back.
  29. 最后,远处东是樊尚林苑及其七座四角塔楼;南是比塞特及其尖顶小塔;
    Finally, far away to the east, Vincennes, and its seven quadrangular towers to the south, Bic阾re and its pointed turrets;
  30. 没有平行边的四边形
    A quadrilateral having no parallel sides.
  31. 梯形一个有两条平行的四
    A quadrilateral having two parallel sides.
  32. 帆船上缘的斜桁垂下来的四形的帆。
    a quadrilateral sail suspended from a gaff.