至于主教的额外开支,以及请求提早婚礼费、特许开斋费、婴孩死前洗礼费、宣教费、为教堂或私立小堂祝圣费、行结婚典礼费等等,这位主教都到有钱人身上去取来给穷人;取得紧也给得急。 As for the chance episcopal perquisites, the fees for marriage bans, dispensations, private baptisms, sermons, benedictions, of churches or chapels, marriages, etc., the Bishop levied them on the wealthy with all the more asperity, since he bestowed them on the needy.
在最近的一个早上,当人们发现迈克尔·h的时候,他正睡在兰开斯特郊区的圣保罗圣公会教堂的地板上。他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。 Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
唉!可怜的公爵!他担负的工作简直是数沙饮海;一个人站在他一边作战,就有1000人转身逃走。 Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly.
癌一种扩散性的恶性肿瘤,由于上皮组织向身体其它区域转移而形成 An invasive malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to other areas of the body.
哎呀,我的死跟我的身份不相称呢。 Alas, I am dying beyond my means.
我的猫是懒惰的化身。 My cat is the epitome of laziness.
他认为猫是懒惰的化身。 "In his eye, the cat is the epitome of laziness."
王平:既是学校本身发展的需要,也是适应时代的需要嘛。 Wang Ping: That is the result of the development of the university. It is also the needs of the epoch.
硅谷犹如一块磁铁,把许许多多秉赋特出的工程师、科学家、企业家从世界各地聚集来这里,一起追求成名致富,并投身于技术革命的大潮,其影响及于人类,必将远超过划时代的欧洲文艺复兴和产业革命.。 Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock to in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.
无产阶级在普遍激动的时代、在推翻封建社会的时期直接实现自己阶级利益的最初尝试,都不可避免地遭到了失败,这是由于当时无产阶级本身还不够发展,由于无产阶级解放的物质条件还没有具备,这些条件只是资产阶级时代的产物。 The first direct attempts of the proletariat to attain its own ends, made in times of universal excitement, when feudal society was being overthrown, these attempts necessarily failed, owing to the then undeveloped state of the proletariat, as well as to the absence of the economic conditions for its emancipation, conditions that had yet to be produced, and could be produced by the impending bourgeois epoch alone.
紧接着这个发现之后,他又在她身上发现了几个同样叫人怄气的地方。 To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.
把机械发明视为文明本身对吗? Is it right to equate mechanical invention with civilization itself?
发怒时身体膨胀的大型非洲蝰蛇。 large African viper that inflates its body when alarmed.
矮人(尤指俾格米人)一种平均身高低于5英尺(127厘米)的人种中的一员,尤其是指赤道非洲和亚洲东南部地区的矮人 A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than5 feet(127 centimeters).
提起新加坡,许多中国人会联想到高效政府、良好秩序、美食、旅游胜地——这些正面的标签已被不少游记、随笔和考察报告贴在了这个接近赤道的岛国身上。 TO MANY people in China, Singapore is associated with efficient government, good order, tasty foods, and tourist's attractions — attributes given to the equatorial island-state by numerous travels, essays, and inspection tour reports.
在马术比赛中,男女以平等的身份相互竞技。 In equestrian,male and female compete against each other on an equal basis.
在一九九七年的各项亚洲锦标赛中,本港选手在羽毛球、篮球、健身、保龄球、单车、马术、剑击、柔道、划艇、壁球、乒乓球、三项铁人赛和滑浪风帆等项目共赢得9面金牌、11面银牌和13面铜牌。 Hong Kong athletes in badminton, basketball, bodybuilding, bowling, cycling, equestrian, fencing, judo, rowing, squash, table tennis, triathlon and windsurfing won a total of nine gold, 11 silver and 13 bronze medals at their respective Asian Championships in 1997.
身体的平衡状态 A state of bodily equilibrium.
当他拘谨地向前走的时候,他将注意力都集中在她的身上。 As he strode self-consciously on Alan focused his mind on her.
我们必须准备在精神上和身体上使这些孩子们有条件迎接他们将面临的各种考验。 We must equip the children mentally and physically to meet the trial they will face.
健身器材;健身中心 Fitness equipment; fitness centers.
“我要从这地方出去,送我回妈妈身边。”阿拉丁对他说。 "I want to get out of this place, take me home to my mother," said Aladdin.
有一天,阿拉丁正在街上走的时候,公主巴德瑞尔从身边经过。 One day when Aladdin was talking in the street. Princess Badrul passed by.
我的全身一阵颤栗— A shudder comes o'er me-
在很短的时间内,就使卖淫这种在旧中国屡禁不绝、严重摧残妇女身心和侮辱妇女人格的社会痼疾绝迹,社会面貌为之一新。 In a very short period of time, the sale of sex, a chronic social malady that seemed impossible to eradicate in old China and which seriously damaged the physical and mental health of women and degraded their dignity, disappeared, enabling society to take on a brand-new outlook.
为了保护公民身心健康,维护社会治安秩序,最终消除毒品危害,中国政府高度重视并大力开展禁吸戒毒工作,采取强制戒毒与社会帮教相结合的综合戒毒治疗康复措施,努力教育挽救吸毒人员。 To protect the physical and mental health of Chinese citizens, maintain public order, and wipe out once and for all the scourge of drugs, the Chinese government attaches great importance to and vigorously carries out the work of drug prohibition and the rehabilitation of addicts. To this end, it has adopted comprehensive measures for the rehabilitation of addicts, and their treatment and recovery, integrated with compulsory measures and social help and education, in a concerted effort to eradicate drug abuse and save drug addicts.
1959年在西藏进行的民主改革,彻底废除了长达700多年的政教合一、贵族僧侣专权的封建农奴制度,昔日百万农奴和奴隶获得了人身自由,成了新社会的主人。 The democratic reform which took place in Tibet in 1959 eradicated the feudal serf system marked by the combination of government and religion and the dictatorship of nobles and monks, thus tens of thousands of serfs and slaves under the old system got their personal freedom and became masters of the new society.
因为他是智谋,而不是用巫术,所以,虽然他出身于最破旧的雪屋,却登上了首领的位子,在以后的岁月里,他的臣民过着幸福的生活,没有人因为饥饿而在夜里暗暗哭泣。 Because he used head craft instead of withcraft, he rose from the poorest igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed his people w ere happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.
身体竖直。 Lift torso up erect.
七十五岁了,他的身躯还是挺直的。 At75 he is still erect.
突然俯身低下从垂直方向上相对高的位置降到低的位置 A sudden drop from a relatively erect to a less erect position.
某人的身体下落到一个较低或竖直向下的位置。 drop oneself to a lower or less erect position.