木贼属植物多种木贼属不开花植物,其茎中空有节,其叶狭长,有时十分小 Any of various nonflowering plants of the genus Equisetum, having a jointed, hollow stem and narrow, sometimes much reduced leaves.
警察人员的突然出现,使那几个盗贼大惊失色。 The robbers stood aghast at the sudden appearance of the policemen.
几个偷牛贼在偷农场的牛时,被牛仔们抓住,被私下绞死了。 Cattle thieves were stealing the rancher's cattle when the cowboys caught them and had a necktie party.
这场窃案之谜直至四年后才得以解开,窃贼和意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆馆长取得了联系并且索要一笔赎金。这幅画被追回了。 The theft remained a mystery for four years until the thief contacted the Director of the famous Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, and tried to get a ransom for the painting.
每个无赖不一定是盗贼;每个盗贼必定是无赖。 Every rascal is not a thief, but a thief be a rascal.
每个无赖不一定是盗贼;每个盗贼必定是无赖。 Every rascal is not a thief, but a thief is a rascal.
贼,无赖,流氓或恶棍 A thief, scoundrel, or rascal.
不一会儿,她听见窃贼渐渐地走近了,他的旅游鞋发出吱吱的声音……听见她妹妹卧室的门打开时合叶发出的嘎嘎声……还有刺耳的沉重的呼吸声,那可不是她自己的呼吸声! And in the next instant,she heard the squeak of the burglar's sneakers creeping closer.the whine of the hinges as her sister's bedroom door swung open...the rasp of heavy breathing that wasn't her own!
老鼠真贼。 Rats are really cunning.
不一会,警察就截住了他们的车,把这两个贼都逮捕了。 Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.
警察追捕窃贼。 The policeman ran after the thief.
无窝主就无盗贼。 No receiver no thief.
窝主窃贼皆盗匪。 Both are thieves, the receiver as well as the steal.
在殖民地半殖民地的中国,没有欧洲那样的社会改良主义的经济基础,所以除极少数的工贼之外,整个阶级都是最革命的。 Since there is no economic basis for social reformism in colonial and semi-colonial China as there is in Europe, the whole proletariat, with the exception of a few scabs, is most revolutionary.
“我可以很负责地告诉你,黎叔很生气,后果很严重。”<天下无贼> I can reliably inform you that, uncle lee is very angry. The consequences will be severe.
一个贼偷了我5美元。 A thief relieved me of $5.
那贼对自己的罪行痛悔不已;归还了珠宝并向警方坦白。 Repenting of his crime the thief returned the jewels and confessed to the police.
箭毒一种黑色的树脂提取物,可从几种热带美洲的森林植物中获取,尤指从南美洲的防己藤或乌贼属的某些种类中提取的,被南美洲的某些印第安族用作抹在箭矢上的毒药 A dark resinous extract obtained from several tropical American woody plants, especially Chondrodendron tomentosum or certain species of Strychnos, used as an arrow poison by some Indian peoples of South America.
他们决定清除[除掉]这些工贼[叛徒]。 They decided to get rid of these scabs[traitors].
擒贼先擒王。 To catch bandits, first catch the ringleader.
两个同夥的盗贼当时正在计画去抢银行。 A pair of thieves were planning to rob the bank.
那个贼不识好歹竟要抢劫一个女警察。 The thief made a misguided attempt to rob a policewoman.
悔恨与恐惧是一对孪生窃贼,将今天从你我身边偷走!。 Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.
那盗贼挥霍金银,露出了破绽。 The robber gave himself away by spending so much money.
他听任窃贼抢劫。 He connived at the robbery of the thieves.
怂恿盗贼抢劫银行 Abetted the thief in robbing the bank.
窃贼王子罗宾汉/侠盗罗宾汉 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
罗夫曼是个盗肉贼,他又有赃可销了。 Roffman is a cattle-rustler, and he'sgot some stuff for sale.
窃贼小偷,尤指夜盗者或撬盗保险箱者 A thief, especially a burglar or safecracker.