tāmendàsìsànbùfǎlúndàfǎdewāilǐxiéshuō, quèmánhéngdìbùzhǔnbiérénfābiǎoyòulǐyòujùdebùtóngyìjiàn。 Unbridled in advocating the absurd heresies and fallacies of Falun Dafa themselves, they have willfully obstructed others from airing different opinions, though reasonable and substantiated.
zhěnggèdìqiúkěyǐróngnàderénkǒu, zhàoyěmánshídàiyúlièzhěmendejìsuànkǒngpàbùdàoyībǎiwànrén, zhàoxùmùshídàimùyángréndejìsuànkǒngpàbùdàoyīqiānwànrén, zhàoyuánshǐnóngyèshídàinóngmíndejìsuànyěkǒngpàbùhuìdàoyīyìrén; The savage, the hunter, and the fisherman, according to his own calculation, would not find room enough for one million persons, the shepherd not for ten millions, the raw agriculturist not for one hundred millions on the whole globe; and yet two hundred millions are living at present in Europe alone.
qízúyǐjiājùběnguójiējíduìlìhézhōngguómínzúfǎnkàngdeyīnsù, jízhànzhēngzhītuìbùxìnghéyěmánxìngyīyīnsù, yìshàngwèizàochéngzúyǐgēnběnfáng 'àiqíjìngōngdeqíngkuàng。 The reactionary and barbarous nature of his war, a factor which intensifies both class antagonisms within Japan and the resistance of the Chinese nation, has not yet brought about a situation which radically impedes his advance.
yǐlìngrénxiǎngqǐshírénzúdecánrěnxíngwéiwéitèdiǎn; tānlán、 yěmán 。 marked by barbarity suggestive of a cannibal; rapaciously savage.
wǒmenqiánglièkàngyìzhèzhǒngyěmándeqīnlüèxíngwéi。 We protested strongly against such barbarous aggression.
shìde, wǒquèshímánlěide。 Yes, I am, rather.
shòudàotāpéngyǒudeyěmán 、 bùgōngpíngdeduìdài; bùgōngpíngdejiāoyì。 received raw treatment from his friends; a raw deal.
míngxiǎndeyěxīn; míngxiǎndebàonù; yǐnǐmánlìzǒngyòuyītiānhuìhàisǐmǒugèrénde。 naked ambition; raw fury; you may kill someone someday with your raw power.
hǎozàijiāngshéng、 biānzǐ、 chēfūhéwèishìdeliánhéxíngdòngyòurúxuāndúliǎoyīfènzhànzhēngwénjiàndedàolǐ。 nàwénjiànjìnzhǐshànzìxíngdòng, yīnwéitākěyǐdàdàzhùchángyěmándòngwùyěyòusīxiǎngdelǐlùn。 Reins and whip and coachman and guard, however, in combination, had read that article of war which forbad a purpose otherwise strongly in favour of the argument, that some brute animals are endued with Reason;
zàibǎshìjièshàngdíduìchóushìdeguójiājùzàiyīqǐbìngbǎyěmándezhànzhēngpāojìnlìshǐdelājīxiāngdezhìgāowúshàngderènwùzhōng, àolínpǐkèjīngshénqǐzhefēichángzhòngyàodezuòyòng。 Olympism plays a vital part in the supreme task of binding together rival nations, and relegating the barbarism of wars to the past.
rán 'érdì 'èr, yóuyúrìběnshèhuìjīngjìdedìguózhùyìxìng, jiùchǎnshēngliǎorìběnzhànzhēngdedìguózhùyìxìng, tādezhànzhēngshìtuìbùdehéyěmánde。 Secondly, however, the imperialist character of Japan's social economy determines the imperialist character of her war, a war that is retrogressive and barbarous.
ruòbùshìjùzuòjiājiāndǎoyǎnkūntíng · tǎlúndìnuòzàibǎimángzhīzhōngchōuchū 12 gèxiǎoshíshuōfúyuēhàn · tèlāwò 'ěrtǎzàitāde《 dīsúxiǎoshuō》 zhōngshìyǎnyǐnjūnzǐzhíyèshāshǒuwénsēntè · wēigé, zhèwèiqiánchāojíjùxīngyěxǔxiànzàiháishìyīwèishǔyúpōxínggāogēnxiéhéjīnbiǎoliànshídàideràngrénhuíyìqǐláiháimánxǐhuāndexīrìdàwàn。 If it weren't for the fact that writer-director Quentin Tarantino took 12 hours out of his hectic1 life to convince the former superstar to play heroin-addicted hit man Vincent Vega in his Pulp Fiction,Travolta might have remained a fond throwback to the era of platform shoes and gold chains.
nǐde 'érzǐhéwǒmensuǒyòudegùkèzuòduì, tāzhēnshìgèmánbùjiǎnglǐderén! Your son is making enemies of all our customers; he's a real rogue elephant!
yěmánrénzhēngfúliǎoluómǎ。 The barbarians conquered Rome.
luómǎbèiyěmánrénzhēngfú。 Rome went down by the barbarians.
nǚjīnglǐmánhéngdìduìdàitādezhíyuánmen, jiēguǒhǎojǐwèibùgànliǎo, yīnwéitāmenwúfǎrěnshòunàzhǒngdàiyù。 The manageress rode roughshod over all her staff and several left because they couldn't stand such treatment.
yěmándezuìxíng; cánrěndetòngdǎ; cánrěndekǎodǎ; sīdàlínduìfùnóngdecánrěnduìdài; yěmándegōngjī; yěmándejiǎotī。 a barbarous crime; brutal beatings; cruel tortures; Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks; a savage slap; vicious kicks.
dàoqíchéngwèiyúwēiqítuōchéngyǐxīdekānsàsīzhōuxīnánbùchéngshì, bàng 'ākěnsèhé。 1872 niánjiànchéngyúshèngfěixiǎodàozhīshàng, bùjiǔchéngwéiyěmánércáozádeniúzǎichéngshì, jūmínzhōngyòurúhuáiyàtè · yǐ 'ěrpǔjíbātè · mǎsītè 'ěrsēnzhèyàngdechuánqírénwù。 rénkǒu 21, 129 A city of southwest Kansas on the Arkansas River west of Wichita. Laid out on the Santa Fe Trail in1872, it soon became a wild and rowdy cow town whose residents included such legendary figures as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. Population,21, 129.
dìzhùmánhéngdìchuǎngjìnwūlǐ。 The landlord entered rudely into the room.
yěmándejíqíyěmánde, cánrěnde Extremely ruthless or cruel.
xiōngbàoderénmánhéngwúlǐde、 xiōngcánderén An unprincipled, ruthless person.
cánbàodíshìbīngyěmándìchōudǎfúlǔ。 The brutal soldiers beat their prisoners ruthlessly.
nǎgèyěmánrénbùhuìtiàowǔ。 ” Every savage can dance."
wèikāihuàde, yuánshǐde; yěmánde Uncivilized or barbarous; savage.
yīzhǒngcánrěn、 yěmán 、 yuánshǐ、 dexíngwéi。 a brutal barbarous savage act.
bàoxíngyěmán、 cánbàoxíngwéi A cruel or savage act.
yěmándechángxiāngxiōng 'èdehuòmiànmùzhēngníngde Savage or threatening in appearance.
xīcìkèlìfūdàhǒuyīshēng, mánxìngfāzuò。 thundered Heathcliff with savage vehemence.
xuèxǐyěmánde、 bùjiāqūbiédeshāchuō; dàtúshā Savage, indiscriminate killing; a massacre.
xiōngměngde, cánrěndeyòuyěmándehécánrěndexìngzhìde; xiōngměngde Having a savage and violent nature; ferocious.
míxìnshèngxíngyúmánzúzhījiān。 Superstition is rife among the savage tribes.
yěmán , cánbào; sàngshīrénxìngyěmáncánbàodejǔzhǐxíngwéi Savage brutality or cruelty in actions or conduct.