  • pretty
  • rough
  • Quite
  • very
  • unreasoning
  • barbarians
  • barbarous, savage
  • bullying
  • reckless
  1. adj.  Hun de , mán de , xiōng de , xiōng shìde   hunnish
  2.   [ měi ] huāng mán de ( zhǐ zǎo wèi kāi shí chǔyú zhèng zhuàng tài de měi guó )   Wild West
  3.   [ měi ] zhǔn bèi dòng ; zhǔn bèi mán gān   be on the muscle
  4. v.   qiē kàng huó dòng zāo dào dāng de mán zhèn .   All protest is brutally repressed by the regime
  5. n.   rén dào , cán bào , qíng , cán rěn , mán , cán rěn xíng wéi , cán , bào nüè   inhumanity
  6. adj.  cóng lín de , mán huāng de   jungle
  7. n.   men kào mán jìn mén zhuàng kāi liǎo .   They used brute force to break open the door
  8. adj.   dài shí fēn mánhèng .   His treatment of his wife is outrageous
  9.    mán héng , yào ràng cháng cháng tóu !   I'll make him pay for his insolence
  10. adj.   zhēn shí de , de , shuō mán xiàng huí shì de , hǎo xiàng yòu dào de , néng de , zhēn shí de , xìn de , zuǐ qiǎo de , shàn huā yán qiǎo de , de , shàn yán néng biàn de , néng shuō huì dào de , shì 'ér fēi de   plausible
  11. n.  ào màn , , mán héng , ào màn de tài , xìng de yán xíng   insolence
  12. adj.  ào màn de , jiāo 'ào de , mán héng de , de , zhuān héng de , zhòng yào de , zhuān zhì de   overbearing
  13.   guān měi guó mán huāng de de yǐngpiān .   films about the Wild West
  14. n.  xiōng měng , bào , mán , , cán , hàozhàn , zhì mìng xìng   truculence
  15. adj.  chū de , xiǎn yǎn yào mùdì , mán luò de , zhěng jié de , piào liàng de , jué miào de , zuì de , ān de , hǎo kàn de , luò de   spiffy
  16. n.  xiōng , huài zhě , mán rén , xiōng rén , xiōng , mán rén , guó bīng , guó lǎo , rén   hun
  1. men sàn lún de wāi xié shuōquè mán héng zhǔn bié rén biǎo yòu yòu de tóng jiàn
    Unbridled in advocating the absurd heresies and fallacies of Falun Dafa themselves, they have willfully obstructed others from airing different opinions, though reasonable and substantiated.
  2. zhěng qiú róng de rén kǒuzhào mán shí dài liè zhě men de suàn kǒng dào bǎi wàn rénzhào xùmù shí dài yáng rén de suàn kǒng dào qiān wàn rénzhào yuán shǐ nóng shí dài nóng mín de suàn kǒng huì dào rén
    The savage, the hunter, and the fisherman, according to his own calculation, would not find room enough for one million persons, the shepherd not for ten millions, the raw agriculturist not for one hundred millions on the whole globe; and yet two hundred millions are living at present in Europe alone.
  3. jiā běn guó jiē duì zhōng guó mín fǎn kàng de yīn zhàn zhēng zhī tuì xìng mán xìng yīn shàng wèi zào chéng gēn běn fáng 'ài jìn gōng de qíng kuàng
    The reactionary and barbarous nature of his war, a factor which intensifies both class antagonisms within Japan and the resistance of the Chinese nation, has not yet brought about a situation which radically impedes his advance.
  4. lìng rén xiǎng shí rén de cán rěn xíng wéi wéi diǎntān lán mán
    marked by barbarity suggestive of a cannibal; rapaciously savage.
  5. men qiáng liè kàng zhè zhǒng mán de qīn lüè xíng wéi
    We protested strongly against such barbarous aggression.
  6. shì de què shí mán lěi de
    Yes, I am, rather.
  7. shòu dào péng yǒu de mán gōng píng de duì dài gōng píng de jiāo
    received raw treatment from his friends; a raw deal.
  8. míng xiǎn de xīnmíng xiǎn de bào mán zǒng yòu tiān huì hài mǒu rén de
    naked ambition; raw fury; you may kill someone someday with your raw power.
  9. hǎo zài jiāng shéngbiān chē wèi shì de lián xíng dòng yòu xuān liǎo fèn zhàn zhēng wén jiàn de dào wén jiàn jìn zhǐ shàn xíng dòngyīn wéi zhù cháng mán dòng yòu xiǎng de lùn
    Reins and whip and coachman and guard, however, in combination, had read that article of war which forbad a purpose otherwise strongly in favour of the argument, that some brute animals are endued with Reason;
  10. zài shì jiè shàng duì chóu shì de guó jiā zài bìng mán de zhàn zhēng pāo jìn shǐ de xiāng de zhì gāo shàng de rèn zhōngào lín jīng shén zhe fēi cháng zhòng yào de zuò yòng
    Olympism plays a vital part in the supreme task of binding together rival nations, and relegating the barbarism of wars to the past.
  11. rán 'ér 'èryóu běn shè huì jīng de guó zhù xìngjiù chǎn shēng liǎo běn zhàn zhēng de guó zhù xìng de zhàn zhēng shì tuì de mán de
    Secondly, however, the imperialist character of Japan's social economy determines the imperialist character of her war, a war that is retrogressive and barbarous.
  12. ruò shì zuò jiā jiān dǎo yǎn kūn tíng · lún nuò zài bǎi máng zhī zhōng chōu chū 12 xiǎo shí shuō yuē hàn · 'ěr zài de xiǎo shuōzhōng shì yǎn yǐn jūn zhí shā shǒu wén sēn · wēi zhè wèi qián chāo xīng xiàn zài hái shì wèi shǔ xíng gāo gēn xié jīn biǎo liàn shí dài de ràng rén huí lái hái mán huān de wàn
    If it weren't for the fact that writer-director Quentin Tarantino took 12 hours out of his hectic1 life to convince the former superstar to play heroin-addicted hit man Vincent Vega in his Pulp Fiction,Travolta might have remained a fond throwback to the era of platform shoes and gold chains.
  13. de 'ér men suǒ yòu de zuò duì zhēn shì mán jiǎng de rén
    Your son is making enemies of all our customers; he's a real rogue elephant!
  14. mán rén zhēng liǎo luó
    The barbarians conquered Rome.
  15. luó bèi mán rén zhēng
    Rome went down by the barbarians.
  16. jīng mán héng duì dài de zhí yuán menjiēguǒ hǎo wèi bùgànliǎoyīn wéi men rěn shòu zhǒng dài
    The manageress rode roughshod over all her staff and several left because they couldn't stand such treatment.
  17. mán de zuì xíngcán rěn de tòng cán rěn de kǎo lín duì nóng de cán rěn duì dài mán de gōng mán de jiǎo
    a barbarous crime; brutal beatings; cruel tortures; Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks; a savage slap; vicious kicks.
  18. dào chéng wèi wēi tuō chéng de kān zhōu nán chéng shìbàng 'ā kěn 。 1872 nián jiàn chéng shèng fěi xiǎo dào zhī shàng jiǔ chéng wéi mán ér cáo de niú zǎi chéng shì mín zhōng yòu huái · 'ěr · 'ěr sēn zhè yàng de chuán rén rén kǒu 21, 129
    A city of southwest Kansas on the Arkansas River west of Wichita. Laid out on the Santa Fe Trail in1872, it soon became a wild and rowdy cow town whose residents included such legendary figures as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. Population,21, 129.
  19. zhù mán héng chuǎng jìn
    The landlord entered rudely into the room.
  20. mán de mán decán rěn de
    Extremely ruthless or cruel.
  21. xiōng bào de rén mán héng dexiōng cán de rén
    An unprincipled, ruthless person.
  22. cán bào díshì bīng mán chōu
    The brutal soldiers beat their prisoners ruthlessly.
  23. mán rén huì tiào
    Every savage can dance."
  24. wèi kāi huà deyuán shǐ de mán de
    Uncivilized or barbarous; savage.
  25. zhǒng cán rěn mányuán shǐde xíng wéi
    a brutal barbarous savage act.
  26. bào xíng máncán bào xíng wéi
    A cruel or savage act.
  27. mán de cháng xiāng xiōng 'è de huò miàn zhēng níng de
    Savage or threatening in appearance.
  28. hǒu shēng mán xìng zuò
    thundered Heathcliff with savage vehemence.
  29. xuè mán de jiā bié de shā chuō shā
    Savage, indiscriminate killing; a massacre.
  30. xiōng měng decán rěn de yòu mán de cán rěn de xìng zhì dexiōng měng de
    Having a savage and violent nature; ferocious.
  31. xìn shèng xíng mán zhī jiān
    Superstition is rife among the savage tribes.
  32. máncán bàosàng shī rén xìng mán cán bào de zhǐ xíng wéi
    Savage brutality or cruelty in actions or conduct.