  • goosefoot, weed
  • fallow field
  • Chenopodium album
  1.   C-布特超级铁素体不锈钢   C-Brite
  2.   R.S.索莱基   Solecki
  3.   m锝-博莱霉素   technetium-99m bleomylcin
  4. adj.  一架装备有罗尔斯.罗伊斯(亦译劳斯.斯)发动机的新飞机   a new aircraft powered by Rolls Royce engines
  5.   乌迪亚莱斯堡   Castro Urdiales
  6. n.  亚历山大·布莱德   Brad Alexander
  7.   人们追随勇敢者,而不是位高者。--《勇敢的心》,威廉•华士(梅尔•吉布森   “Men don't follow titles, they follow courage. ” Braveheart (1995) - William Wallace (Mel Gibson)
  8. n.  他)用尤克利琴随便弹奏曲调.   strumming tunes on his ukulele (
  9.   仿西塞莱天鹅绒   velours broderie
  10.   伊莱克特拉伞绸   electra cloth
  11. n.  伊莱恩(女子名)   elaine
  12.   伊莱石   illite
  13.   优级弗莱克斯耐纶丝   Superflex
  14. v.  伦敦与布顿之间火车班次很多.   There are frequent trains running between London and Brighton
  15. n.  伦敦的上流住宅区, 贝尔格维亚区, 典型的上层阶级, 贵族, 中上阶层的人   belgravia
  16. n.  伯克利, 贝克莱   berkeley
  1. 爱尔福特德国中部城市,位于比锡西南部。作为主教教廷的所在地,该城于公元8世纪由圣博尼费斯建立,后来成为自由的国王属城并为中世纪自由日耳曼城市商人联盟的成员。人口214,231
    A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century, it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population,214, 231.
  2. 而班纳特太太则将这一插曲看成是巩固洁英同彬格之间关系的大好机会。
    Bennet sees the episode as a great opportunity to cement relations between Jane and Bingley.
  3. 每年有数百人死于高速[警匪]追逐,情况越来越令人警惕。全国各地警察单位,各州以及联邦立法机关,正在限制疯狂的好坞式的追逐……。
    Increasingly alarmed by high-speed pursuits that are killing hundreds of people every year, police departments around the country, as well as state and Federal lawmakers, are clamping down on the wild, Hollywood-style chases…
  4. 英国兽医协会研究马科动物的女发言人斯丽-巴外斯-曼路说:"野生状态下,矮种马和斑马共同相处的可能性极少,二者很少有机会相遇。"
    "Ponies and zebras very rarely share the same environment even in the wild. A meeting between the two is very rare in the natural environment," said Lesley Barwise-Munro, spokeswoman for the British Equine Veterinary Association.
  5. 这件事过去以后,达西要求彬格小姐和伊丽莎白小姐赏赐他一点音乐听听,彬格小姐便敏捷地走钢琴跟前,先客气了一番,请伊丽莎白带头,伊丽莎白却更加客气、更加诚恳地推辞了,然后彬格小姐才在琴旁坐下来。
    When that business was over, he applied to Miss Bingley and Elizabeth for the indulgence of some music. Miss Bingley moved with alacrity to the piano-forte, and after a polite request that Elizabeth would lead the way, which the other as politely and more earnestly negatived, she seated herself.
  6. 指一般包括阿拉巴马州、乔治亚洲、福罗里达州、田纳西州、南卡罗纳州和北卡罗纳州的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including Alabama; Georgia; Florida; Tennessee; South Carolina; North Carolina.
  7. 蒙斯认为,凭借沙漠里的风力,古埃及人利用风筝来抬升石块。
    Her idea - to build a pyramid you harness the desert wind using kites to lift the stones.
  8. 不过作为一名业余埃及学家,毛瑞恩-克蒙斯提出了一个新的看法,在她看来,古埃及人借助了风筝的力量造出了金字塔。
    But amateur Egyptologist Maureen Clemmons has a theory. She thinks that kites may have been used to build the pyramids.
  9. 梅特涅,克蒙·温泽尔·内波姆·洛泰尔·冯1773-1859奥地利政治家,帮助组织神圣同盟,最终打败拿破仑一世
    Austrian politician who helped form the Quadruple Alliance that ultimately defeated Napoleon I.
  10. 在真正的化学和材料学专家中(他们已经变成纳米技术专家了),德克斯勒的预言具有某种奇特的性质;
    Among real chemists and materials scientists who have now become nanotechnologists, Drexier's predictions have assumed a certain quaintness;
  11. 考芬,维1789-1877美国废奴主义者,他的“在印度的贵格派教徒乡村”是“帮助黑人逃跑的地下渠道”的重要部分
    American abolitionist whose Quaker village in Indiana was a significant part of the Underground Railroad.
  12. 恩斯美国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于扬斯敦西南部,1805年教友派教徒定居此地,人口23,376
    A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population,23, 376.
  13. 50.《自然资源论坛》是联合国与牛津布克韦尔出版社出版的季刊,将把其2003年(5月)年度专刊题献给2003年国际淡水年。
    50. The Natural Resources Forum, a quarterly journal published by the United Nations with Blackwell Publishing in Oxford, will dedicate its annual special issue for 2003 (May) to the International Year of Freshwater, 2003.
  14. 最近汽车工业的消息每况愈下,即使通用和克斯勒已经让股东分摊亏损,福特汽车公司尽量维持股息不变。可是底特律今天发出了更坏的消息——福特说营业情况较汽车销售疲软时更困难,因此本季付出股息减少将近一半。
    As worse new piled on top of bad in the automobile industry recently, the Ford Motor Company tried hard to hold its dividend steady, even as G.M. and Chrysler passed some of the pain along to shareholders. But Detroit's third shoe dropped today as Ford, saying business conditions were even tougher than those usually encountered when car sales are soft, cut its quarterly payout nearly in half.
  15. 坞明星的快速瘦身法。
    The Hollywood quick fix.
  16. 当时是冬天,凯特-布维特等人进屋后就掀掉病童的棉被,解开病童的衣服。
    It was winter and after Blewett and company entered the room, they removed the sick child's warm cotton-batting quilt and unbuttoned the latter's clothes.
  17. 凯特-布维特自己穿着皮衣,却让病孩光着身子。他们拍摄了十五至二十分钟,拍摄完后也不给病童穿好衣服盖上被子,便扬长而去。
    Wearing a fur coat, Blewett had the sick child stripped to the waist and shot for 15 to 20 minutes.After they finished shooting, they left the child undressed and didn't even cover the latter with the quilt.
  18. 之后的这几年,席琳所录制发行的每张专辑都受到了一定的肯定,像是在法国大受欢迎推崇的法语专辑"d'eux",使席琳获得葛美奖年度专辑肯定的“fallingintoyou”,以及“let'stalkaboutlove”;
    In the years afterwards, every record of Celine was praised such as her French album "D'eux", "falling into you" which won Grammy annual album award, "let's talk about love", "S'il Suffisait D'Aimer" and a Christmas album "These Are Special Times".
  19. 当艾柯卡1979年接管危机四伏的克斯勒汽车公司时,他没有忘记他在福特公司学到的东西。
    When Iacocca took over the ailing Chrysler Corporation in 1979 he did not forget what he learned at Ford.
  20. 詹森,康奈利斯1585-1638荷兰天主教神学家,他的学说在1642年被教皇圣乌尔班八世定为异端学说,对让·拉辛和布斯·帕斯卡有一定影响
    Dutch theologian whose teachings were deemed heretical by Pope Urban VIII(1642) and influenced Jean Racine and Blaise Pascal.
  21. "这是一个种族主义很严重的国家,"托多在竞选运动的最后一站古印加帝国的首都库斯科说道:"就算最杰出的领导层也很难接受像我这样的人来统治这个国家。
    "This is a very racist society," Toledo said during his final campaign stop in the highlands city of Cuzco. "The elitist leadership still has trouble digesting the possibility that someone like us could come to govern."
  22. (小女89年入读佛士女中。
    My daughter enrolled in Raffles Girls' School in 1989.
  23. 那么,佛士还没来,新加坡就没有历史吗?
    But where does this leave the pre-Raffles days?
  24. 海外华人银行业务中心股份有限公司(ocb)及新加坡的弗斯城;
    the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Centre (OCBC) and Raffles City in Singapore;
  25. 原来他们是从佛士1819年登陆新加坡那时候算起。
    The answer is very simple. To them, the history of Singapore began in 1819 - when Stamford Raffles landed here.
  26. 佛士来之前,新加坡属于柔佛王朝,这难道不是新加坡历史的一部分吗?
    Before Raffles came to Singapore, we belonged to the Johor Sultanate. Is this not part of our early history?
  27. 1989年因小女获亚细安奖学金而和新加坡结缘(小女89年入读佛士女中。
    In 1989, my daughter received an Asean Scholarship and I began to have association with Singapore.My daughter enrolled in Raffles Girls' School in 1989.
  28. 初毕业后,负芨英伦,在牛津大学获硕士学位,98年再回到新加坡工作。)
    After Raffles Junior College, she went on to Oxford University in England where she received her Master's degree. She returned to work in Singapore in 1998.
  29. 初毕业后,负芨英伦,在牛津大学获硕士学位,98年再回到新加坡工作)。
    After Raffles Junior College, she went on to the Oxford University in England where she received her Master's degree. She returned to work in Singapore in 1998.
  30. 当然,我们也不能排除佛士书院、英华中学、圣约瑟书院、维多利亚中学、国家初级学院等英校培育出一个诺贝尔得奖人的可能性,毕竟这些英校培育了新加坡一些顶尖的人才!
    Of course, we are not excluding the possibility of having the accolades go to Raffles Institution, Anglo-Chinese School, St Joseph's Institution, Victoria School, National Junior College and other English-language schools, which have produced some of our best brains in Singapore!
  31. 全是一些令人感到沮丧的负面报道。所幸还有一则有如黑暗中指引明灯,令人感到鼓舞的正面新闻。佛士女子中学以学生的福利为重,为了让一名患上计算障碍症的学生,和其他同学一起参加“o”水准考试,导致学校无法保持往年100%的骄人及格率。
    Against such depressing backdrop, the news report of the prestigious Raffles Girls' School placing the welfare of a student with learning disability above its academic excellence shone as a beacon worthy of emulation by others.By allowing this student to sit the O-level examination, the school failed to repeat its proud record of 100% passes.
  32. 切莉先于布尔到达德克萨斯,4月4日她在德州东北部城市达拉斯参加公益活动时对观众们说道:"我们的乳房在哺乳和性生活中都有很重要的作用,所以如果发现乳房中有了肿块,女性魅力大打折扣,该会是多么痛苦啊!"
    Cherie, who arrived in Texas before her husband, told the audience in Dallas on Thursday: "We associate our breasts with our nurturing, our sexuality. To find a lump and to think of having that femininity removed is agonising."