  • 那輛勞斯斯在出口的斜坡附近趕上了我們。
    The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp.
  • 內瓦哥倫比亞中南部的一個城市,位於波哥大西南部偏南馬格達納河沿岸。養牛業和咖啡種植業地區的加工中心。人口179,609
    A city of south-central Colombia on the Magdalena River south-southwest of Bogot? It is a processing center in a cattle-ranching and coffee-growing region. Population,179, 609.
  • 警方昨天說,小偷把九十一歲內科醫生的診所洗劫一空。在罪犯橫行的哈姆區,診所已所剩無幾。
    Burglars ransacked the office of a 91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
  • 他既在獨立製作的作品中扮演角色,也在好塢大製作中亮相,如《侏羅紀公園》、《追蹤紅色十月號》、《馬語者》和高收視率的迷你劇《瑪麗恩》。
    He varies his roles from small independent outings to major Hollywood offerings like Jurassic Park,The Hunt For Red October,The Horse Whisperer and the big-rating Merlin mini-series.
  • 這時安全出口處一陣響動,隨後跳進來了為愛而瘋狂、癡迷的約翰·德尼,他企求愛倫與他一同離開,奔嚮東部海岸或布朗剋斯或者任何一個有着意大利式天空的地方。
    Then there was a rattle of the fire-escape, and into her room jumps the mad and infatuated John Delaney, entreating her to flee or fly with him to the Riviera, or the Bronx, or any old place where there are Italian skies.
  • 達基列夫,謝爾蓋·巴甫羅維奇1872-1929俄羅斯芭蕾舞團經理,其芭蕾舞團於1909年在巴黎成立,有許多特別的天才是其特色,其中有舞蹈傢尼金斯基和帕瓦洛娃、舞蹈動作指導富基尼和馬歇尼、作麯傢拉威爾和斯塔維斯基以及美術傢熱和畢加索
    Russian ballet impresario whose Ballets Russes company, founded in Paris in1909, featured the extraordinary talents of, among others, the dancers Nijinsky and Pavlova, the choreographers Fokine and Massine, the composers Ravel and Stravinsky, and the artists L間er and Picasso.
  • 我們的目光繼續朝這伸嚮遠處的圓形行宮一層層往上攀登,視綫越過新城聖安東街那條在鱗次櫛比的屋頂之間的峽𠔌,便可以看到——我們總是衹談主要的文物——昂古姆府邸,一座經過好幾個時期纔告成的龐大建築物。其中有些部分簇新雪白,在整體中顯得有些格格不入,就好比一件藍色短外套補了一塊紅補丁。
    Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground, after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town, which marked the passage of the Rue Saint-Antoine, the eye reached the house of Angoul阭e, a vast construction of many epochs,where there were perfectly new and very white parts, which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet.
  • 登妮絲特拉亞格門農的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的幫助下,在其從特洛伊戰爭返回中將其謀殺,之後她自己也為其子奧瑞提斯所殺
    The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.
  • 俄瑞斯忒斯阿加曼農和剋德姆內斯特拉的兒子,和其姐姐埃勒剋特拉通過殺其母及其母情人艾吉其塞斯而為其父報仇
    The son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, who with his sister Electra avenged the murder of his father by murdering his mother and her lover Aegisthus.
  • 梅內厄斯特洛伊戰爭期間的斯巴達王;海倫之夫及阿加門農之弟
    The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon.
  • 剋特拉阿伽門農與剋呂泰墨斯特拉的女兒,為為其父親報仇而與其弟奧瑞斯特斯殺死了他們的母親和母親的情夫埃古斯托斯
    A daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon who with her brother Orestes avenged the murder of Agamemnon by killing their mother and her lover, Aegisthus.
  • 這種現象的科學名稱為"泰多爾效應",更普遍的稱之為"雷散射"。
    The scientific name for this phenomenon is the Tyndall effect, more commonly known as Rayleigh scattering.
  • 漢諾威德國西北部、不梅東南部的一個城市。1241年獲得自治地許可證,於1386年成為漢薩同盟的一部分。在第二次世界大戰期間漢諾威受重創,但得到了廣泛的重建。人口514,010
    A city of northwest Germany southeast of Bremen. Chartered in1241, it became part of the Hanseatic League in1386. Hanover was badly damaged during World War II but has been extensively rebuilt. Population,514, 010.
  • 埃森德意志聯邦共和國西部城市,位於魯爾河和茵河交匯處,位於科隆北部建於19世紀,在第二次世界大戰遭受轟炸後重新大規模建起的一座鋼鐵工業中心。人口625,705
    A city of west-central Germany near the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers north of Cologne. Founded in the ninth century, it is a major iron and steel center that was largely rebuilt after heavy bombing during World War II. Population,625, 705.
  • 他臉上充滿了激動-姆·斯托剋;他被欲望燃燒着。
    his face all ablaze with excitement- Bram Stoker; he was aflame with desire.
  • 辛剋讓他的接待員在回答打電話預訂的顧客時多說了兩個字,從而較好地解决了這個問題。
    Sinclair solved the problem by asking his receptionist to change two words of what she said to callers requesting reservations.
  • 當然,茵科爾與布切爾之流所顯露的失態,純粹是出自他們被褻瀆的球風,與1986年世界杯四分之一决賽上被馬拉多納打敗“無關”,當時他們是英格蘭隊隊員。在那場比賽中,馬拉多納羞辱了英格蘭,不是靠上帝之恩賜,而是靠第二個進球,靠令人眼花繚亂地繞過半數的隊員,使英格蘭的後衛芬威剋斯和布切爾看上去像毫無球藝的飯桶。
    Of course, the bile displayed by the likes of Lineker and Butcher came purely from their sense of affronted sportsmanship, and had"nothing" to do with the fact that these players were part of the English team beaten by Maradona in the quarter final of the 1986 World Cup, He humiliated England in that game, not with the Hand of God, but with the second goal, the dazzling run past half of the team that made the Fenwicks and Butchers of the English defence look like the artless shit kickers they were.
  • 塢正在重新恢復老影片。
    Hollywood is reconverting old films.
  • 博若葡萄酒一種淡紅色的餐用酒
    A light red table wine.
  • 盧考特角美國北卡羅那州東海岸附近一塊多沙暗礁上的一個岬,位於哈特勒斯角西南。1859年在那裏建了一座燈塔
    A point on a sandy reef off eastern North Carolina southwest of Cape Hatteras. A lighthouse was built here in1859.
  • 喬伊和斯特的這些評論反映了普遍的態度。
    These comments by Joy and Lest are reflective of the general attitudes.
  • 喬伊和斯特的這些評論反映了普遍的態度。
    These comment by joy and lest is reflective of the general attitude.
  • 剋辛頓大道上的凱悅大酒店一位調酒師巴伯說,“我看她現在肯定成了一個小人物了。罪有應得。不知道法官和陪審員會不會把那句話考慮進去,可是上天有眼。”
    Dave Barber, a bartender at Lexington's Hyatt Regency Hotel, said: "I think she has definitely become one of the little people now. Just deserts. I don't know if the judge and the jury took that into account, but the man upstairs did."
  • 在這以前,衹要提到彬格先生的偌大財産,她們的母親就會眉飛色舞,如今跟軍官們的製服對比起來,她們就覺得偌大的財産簡直一錢不值了。
    and Mr. Bingley's large fortune, the mention of which gave animation to their mother, was worthless in their eyes when opposed to the regimentals of an ensign.
  • 在布剋普爾,霍爾特·托馬斯和格雷厄姆·懷特達成協議做一個用飛機運送郵件的實際試驗。
    At Blackpool, Halt Thomas and Graham White agreed to make a practical experiment in carrying mails by aeroplane.
  • 作為科幻小說的一種類型一而不是衹對未來做刻板如實的預言一德剋斯勒有關納米技術的作品對激發青少年對宇宙的興趣方面可與電影“星球大戰”相媲美,有異麯同工之妙。這種強烈的熱情有時會使青少年選擇以航空或天體物理學為自己的終身職業。
    As a subgenre of science fiction-rather than a literal prediction of the future-books about Drexlerian nanotechnology may serve the same function as Star Trek does in stimulating a teenager's interest in space, a passion that sometimes leads to a career in aeronautics or astrophysics.
  • 最初製定的計劃是讓飛機從布剋普爾機場飛到南港,由那裏的郵局接收郵件,再分送到各個目的地。
    The idea, as it was first worked out, was for the aeroplane to fly from Blackpool aerodrome across to South-port, and for the mails to be taken over by the post office there, and sent to their various destinations.
  • 來無蹤去無影的輕盈的、難以捉摸的身影——托馬斯·卡爾;空虛的幻想;無形的幽靈;實在的而不是無形的形式。
    figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away- Thomas Carlyle; aerial fancies; an airy apparition; physical rather than ethereal forms.
  • 斯博斯島希臘東部的一個島嶼,位於愛琴海中、土耳其西北部沿岸附近。作為伊奧利亞人的一個重要居住地,公元前7世紀時,斯博斯島以其抒情詩人、其中包括薩福而聞名。經過不同權力的占領之後,該島最終於1913年被希臘兼併
    An island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea near the northwest coast of Turkey. An important Aeolian settlement, Lesbos was noted for its lyric poets, including Sappho, in the seventh century b.c. After occupation by various powers, the island was annexed by Greece in1913.
  • 利姆諾斯希臘東北部一島嶼,位於愛琴海中,遠離土耳其海岸,斯博斯島的西北方向。古時曾被希臘人占領,該島後來相繼為波斯人、羅馬人、拜占庭人和奧斯曼土耳其人占據。直到1913年纔成為現代希臘的一部分
    An island of northeast Greece in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey northwest of Lesbos. Occupied in ancient times by Greeks, the island was later held by Persians, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottoman Turks. It became part of modern Greece in1913.
  • 達達尼爾海峽,海勒斯波特連接着愛琴海和馬爾馬拉海的海峽。在古代,它是海洛和安德傳奇功績的發生地點
    A strait connecting the Aegean Sea with the Sea of Marmara. In ancient times it was the scene of the legendary exploits of Hero and Leander.
  • 在為期5天的訪美行程中,行政長官先後到訪華盛頓及紐約,會晤了美國總統剋林頓、副總統戈爾、國務卿奧爾布特、財政部部長羅拔魯賓及國傢安全顧問桑迪貝爾熱(sandyberger)。他又與當地議會議員、商界領袖及主要的智囊團會面。
    During his five-day visit to Washington, DC, and New York, Mr Tung met President Bill Clinton, Vice-President A1 Gore, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin and National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, and had a series of meetings with US legislators, business leaders, prominent think-tanks and individuals.