  • father
  • father-in-law
  • old man
  • (surname)
  • elderly person
  • father, father-in-law
  • Ong
  1.   (玩具)不倒翁   Chinese tumbler
  2.   [俚]成为富; 飞黄腾达; 获得权力[地位]; (妇女)长得迷人、有魅力等   come into one's kingdom
  3.   [拉]感到高兴的第三者; 想得渔之利的第三者   tertius gaudens [5^C:dEnz]
  4.   [美俚]大笔金钱; 富; 珍贵的东西(如珠宝等)   heavy sugar
  5.   [谚]为了喜欢保姆而吻孩子; 醉之意不在酒   kiss the child for the nurse's sake.
  6.   [谚]塞失马, 安知非福。   M-might be a blessing indisguise.
  7.   [谚]大损失中总还有些小利益; 塞失马, 焉知非福。   No great loss without some small gain.
  8. v.  一个保养得很好的八十老   a very well-preserved man of eighty
  9. n.  不倒, 杂技演员, 平底无脚酒杯, 平底大玻璃杯, 一杯之量, 翻筋斗者, 机心, 锁的制动栓, 转臂, 滚筒, 摆动换向齿轮, 开关, 衣服干燥机, 飞鸽, 一种小猎犬, 粪车, 平底玻璃杯, (锁的)制栓, 翻筋斗的演员, 打滚的人, 大玻璃杯, 一杯量   tumbler
  10. v.  人们认为他是欧洲最大的富之一.   He's thought to be one of the richest men in Europe
  11. n.  他吹嘘的那个有钱的叔叔只是个乌有.   The rich uncle of whom he boasts is only a myth
  12. v.  他成了百万富, 可以说是白手起家的典型.   Now a millionaire, he typifies the self-made man
  13. v.  他用起钱来像个百万富似的.   He spends as if he were a millionaire
  14.   会翁港   Port Huon
  15. n.  信天, 障碍物, 海鸟绒, 细绒布, 人丝华哒呢, 信天, 沉重负担   albatross
  16.   信天翁式   albatross
  1. 在过去的几年中,科学家利用一种新型跟踪设备对信天的行为进行了监控,才得出了这一惊人的结论,并在本周于伦敦召开的一个动物学会议上将之公布。
    This alarming conclusion, to be outlined this week at a major zoological conference in London, is based on a new generation of tracking units that have been monitoring the behaviour of these giant birds for the past few years.
  2. 我祖父生前是一百万富,他把自己的全部资财遗赠出来,用以考证埃及金字塔是天外来客建造的这一臆断是否成立。
    My millionaire grandfather left all his money to research into proving that the pyramids in Egypt were built by visitors from outer space. That beats the band!
  3. 由穷人一跃变为富翁
    A leap from rags to riches.
  4. 他拥有一架私人飞机,5辆轿车并在得克萨斯有个大牧场——他一定是个大富
    He’s got a private jet, five cars and a hugs ranch in Texas—he must be worth a mint.
  5. 一个富经营农场或牧场经常赔钱,但经营工厂或从商则赚钱。
    A rich man who has a farm or ranch often runs it in the red, but makes his money with his factory or business.
  6. 慷慨的富生活依旧——傍晚散散步,用口哨吹吹说唱乐的曲调,或是开门迎接他的来客。
    The generous man kept to life much as usual taking evening strolls, whistling rap tunes, answering his door.
  7. 上述那位房地产经纪人,将她的“百万富俱乐部”证书的影本框起来,放在她的书桌上。
    My realtor friend kept a framed copy of her Million Dollar Club certificate over her desk.
  8. 丢卡利为人正直,他的妻子则虔诚敬神。朱庇特怜惜他们夫妻一生清白,品行端正,就斥令洪水退去。
    Jupiter, remembering the harmless lives and pious demeanor of this pair, caused the waters to recede.
  9. 在所有的山峰中唯有帕尔纳索斯没有被洪水的浪滔所淹没,普罗米修斯的独生子丢卡利和他的妻子皮拉——厄庇墨透斯的女儿——就躲到这个山峰上去。
    Parnassus alone, of the mountains, overtopped the waves, and there Deucalion, son the Prometheus, and his wife Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus, found refuge - he a just man and she a faithful worshiper of the gods.
  10. 请愿书说,废除征收遗产税"将使美国百万富和亿万富的继承人更富有,而那些生活拮据、勉强糊口的家庭则受到了损害。
    Repealing the levy “ would enrich the heirs of America's millionaires and billionaires,while hurting families who struggle to make ends meet,” the petition says.
  11. 瞬息间,贵族变贫民,富成乞丐,荷兰陷入一片萧条。
    Soon the nobles became poor and the rich became paupers. Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland.
  12. 近来,美国富们的腰包越来越瘪,他们的身价已经大大地缩水了。
    The rich are getting less rich in America.
  13. 他变成富翁了。
    He became a rich man.
  14. 在《百万富智慧》一书中,斯坦利对更为富有的百万富--约占家庭总数的1%--进行了研究。
    In "The Millionaire Mind," Stanley studied even richer millionaires-the top 1 percent of households. These people had an average net worth of $9.2 million and earned $749,000 a year.
  15. 也许他们听过这样的话:一人说,“某某人是个大富”,而另一人不同意地说,“是的,可是他有很大的儿女之累”,好象儿女是那人底财富底削减似的。
    For perhaps, they have heard some talk; Such an one is a great rich man; and another except to it; Yea, but he hath a great charge of children: as if it were an abatement to his riches.
  16. 达马托抬出一资格不够的候选人——百万富劳德——在共和党初选中与朱利亚尼对抗,完全是为了利用劳德来抹黑朱利亚尼,希望抹黑能收到一些效果。
    D'Amato put up an unqualified candidate against Giuliani in the Republican primary, millionaire Ronald Lauder, solely for the purpose of using Lauder as a conduit for throwing mud at Giuliani in the hope that some of it would stick.
  17. 立刻一位领港员被派出去,绕过伊夫堡,在摩琴海岬和里岛之间登上了船。
    As usual, a pilot put off immediately, and rounding the Chateau d'If, got on board the vessel between Cape Morgion and Rion island.
  18. 他渴望当富翁。
    He is acquisitive of wealth.
  19. 图书馆最近增添的书籍是一位百万富捐献的。
    The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.
  20. 终有一天他会回到他的无线电商店,为将来成为百万富而扎扎实实地从头干起。
    One day would see him back in his radio store with his foot set firmly on the first rung to millionairedom.
  21. 宪法还规定,中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。这就确定了工人、农民和其他劳动者在国家中的主人地位,使旧中国处在社会最低层的劳动人民获得法定的民主权利。
    By stating that the People's Republic of China is a socialist state of the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, the Constitution has established the status of the workers, peasants and other working people as masters of the country and thus invested the laboring people who were at the bottom rung of the social ladder in old China with lawful democratic rights.
  22. 亚洲则共有70位这样的富。其中亚洲首富沙特阿拉伯王子阿瓦里德排名第11位。
    Asia, led by Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud at No.11, notched 70 billionaires.
  23. 你知道先生被a公司挖走了吗?
    Do you know Mr. Weng have been scout out by company A?
  24. 你知道先生被a公司挖走了吗?
    Do you know Mr. Weng has been scouted out by Company A?
  25. 可以挽救信天的方法包括加重延绳钓线的重量,使它们可以迅速下沉而不会缠住鸟儿;在夜晚布钓线或在钓线上加上彩带惊吓鸟儿,使其不敢靠近等。
    Measures include weighting lines so they sink quickly and do not entice birds, setting lines at night, and setting off bird-scaring lines - made up of multi-coloured streamers to startle seabirds.
  26. 信天--传说中航海人的守护者--已经濒临灭绝了。
    The albatross - legendary protector of seafarers - is heading for extinction.
  27. 但因为卡德摩斯杀死的那条蛇是马尔斯的圣物,因此他的家族在劫难逃。他的女儿塞墨勒和伊诺,他的孙儿阿克特和彭透斯都死于非命。
    But a fatality hung over the family of Cadmus in consequence of his killing the serpent sacred to Mars. Semele and Ino, his daughters, and Actaeon and Pentheus, his grandchildren, all perished unhappily.
  28. 我们就发现自己在这地方,从基利的脊背上被放下来的。
    This is the place in which we found ourselves, once shaken from the back of Geryon.
  29.  今年初,纽约自动报价股市指数大跌,致使挂牌于其中以及在各地上市的科技股价格猛泻,众多帐面上的百万富先前手持的网络公司股票选购权实际上已分文不值。
    However, with the collapse of the US Nasdag share index earlier this year resulting in the plunge in prices of technology shares listed on it and elsewhere, the hitherto valuable share options held by numerous paper dot.com millionaires have become virtually worthless in these changed circumstances.
  30. 大海鸟任一种海鸟,如管鼻鹱、信天或剪嘴鸥
    Any of several sea birds, such as the fulmar, albatross, or shearwater.
  31. 侍者打黑色领带,而软件业的亿万富却穿着短裤和印着标语的t恤衫到处走。
    Waiters wear black tie, while software billionaires trot around in shorts and T-shirts with slogans on them.
  32. 可恶的行为;迪尼城残酷的大屠杀;道德败坏的习惯;令人厌恶的行为;近来小说中最令人厌恶的特征。
    an abhorrent deed; the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee; morally repugnant customs; repulsive behavior; the most repulsive character in recent novels.