  • contract
  • crinkle
  • draw back
  • Shrink
  • withdraw
  • withdraw
  • pull back
  • contract
  • shrink
  • reduce
  1.   (advertisement的写)广告   ad
  2.   (使)卷缩   curl up
  3.   (出于小, 贬低等动机)对某事轻描淡写, 略略提及某事   slur over sth.
  4.   (备急用的)浓食物; 军用干粮   an iron [emergency] ration
  5.   (收)缝;【地质】收节理 “Won't”   contraction joint
  6.   (消防用的)伸缩梯子   extension ladder
  7.   (写为CATV)共用天线电视   community antenna television
  8.   ..的缩写   abbreviation for [of]
  9.   N-PDU使用的协议控制信息压算法标识   Identifier of the protocol control information compression
  10.   W型往复压缩机   W-type reciprocating compressor
  11.   [商]船边交货价格(写为F.A.S或f.a.s)   free alongside vessel
  12.   [商]船边交货价格(写为F.A.S或f.a.s)   free alongside ship
  13.   [矿]孔片[冶]初缩   boot leg
  14.   [缩写 B.C.]公元前   before Christ
  15.   [美]把戏剧缩短   go tab
  16.   [美]民用无线电台频带( C.B)   citizens' band
  1. 写写一个梗概;总结归纳
    To make an epitome of; sum up.
  2. 我们在这所学校中看到的各个部门是全国各校的影。
    The division we saw in this school was the epitome of those occured throughout the whole country.
  3. 我们在这所学校中看到的各个部门是全国各校的影。
    The division we see in this school is the epitome of those occur throughout the whole country.
  4. 今天,海洋已成为一切污染物的最后归宿之后,它的这一功能,正在以惊人的速度减中。
    Today, after the oceans have become the home of all pollutants, this use of the oceans is being reduced at an alarming rate.
  5. 由于放射性元素的发现,物理学家们第一次发现自己面临许多陌生的物质——许多具有巨大的浓能量的、能够发生辐射的细微物质,如射线,即带正电荷的氦原子小射线,即带负电荷的电子。它们具有一种人力不能赋予的动能。还有,射线,它与具有极强穿透力的x射线类似。
    With the discovery of the radio-elements, physicists found themselves for the first time confronted with strange substances, minute generators of radiation endowed with an enormous concentration of energy; alpha rays, positively charged helium atoms, beta rays, negatively charged electrons, both possessed of a kinetic energy which it would be impossible to communicate to them by human agency, and finally, gamma rays, akin to very penetrating X-rays.
  6. 在敌人面前,胆小鬼们总是畏不前的。
    Cowards always quail before the enemy.
  7. 男孩看到那情景而畏
    The boy quailed at the sight.
  8. 二者结盟预计将短昆腾公司开发的环保汽车技术大规模投放市场的时间。
    The alliance is expected to shorten the time to mass market commercialisation of vehicles using the environmentally-friendly technology being developed by Quantum.
  9. 经季节性调整后与对上季度比较,本地生产总值在二零零一年第一及第二季分别实质下跌0.5%及1.4%,其后第三季稍稍回升0.3%,但第四季则再度减0.2%。
    On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, GDP fell by 0.5 per cent and 1.4 per cent respectively in real terms in the first two quarters of the year, rebounded slightly by 0.3 per cent in the third quarter, but contracted again by 0.2 per cent in the fourth quarter.
  10. 更新世的属于或标志第四纪的两个时期中较早时代的地质时期、岩石系列和沉积矿床的,这一时期以互生外貌、北方冰蚀退和人类祖先的出现为特征
    Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the earlier of the two epochs of the Quaternary Period, characterized by the alternate appearance and recession of northern glaciation and the appearance of the progenitors of human beings.
  11. 所以,敌人小根据地的计划,也是能够破坏的。
    Hence it is possible to wreck an enemy plan for reducing the size of a base area.
  12. 一种排队方法,按此方法,下一次要被检索出的项将是在队列中等待时间最长的项。firstinfirstout的写。
    A queuing technique in which the next item to is retrieved is the item that has been in the queue for the longest time.
  13. 这台机器压缩空气。
    This machine compresses air.
  14. 压缩空气断路器
    air blast circuit breaker
  15. 短握在球棒或球拍把手上短握拍距离
    To shorten one's grip on the handle of a bat or racket.
  16. 它能小飞机在雷达屏幕上的信号特征。
    It shrinks the radar “signature” of a plane.
  17. 步带海星和类似棘皮动物底部五个辐射状排列部位中的一个,触手从这里进行伸
    One of the five radial areas on the undersurface of the starfish and similar echinoderms, from which the tube feet are protruded and withdrawn.
  18. 子宫痉挛子宫的痉挛性收,比如发生在行经期,通常能导致腹部疼痛并有可能引起下背部和臀部的疼痛
    Spasmodic contractions of the uterus, such as those occurring during menstruation or labor, usually causing pain in the abdomen that may radiate to the lower back and thighs.
  19. 汤姆感到冷,所以他挨著散热器把身子成一团。
    Tom is cold so he huddle up against the radiator.
  20. 汤姆感到冷,所以他挨着散热器把身子成一团.
    Tom was cold so he huddled up against the radiator.
  21. 衰变由于放射性衰变而解体或
    To disintegrate or diminish by radioactive decay.
  22. 舌突起,齿担一种生理构造,位于大多数软体动物的嘴底部,在这之上齿舌来回收以击碎食物
    A structure at the base of the mouth of most mollusks over which the radula is drawn back and forth in breaking up food.
  23. 他们蜷着相互偎依在我家的挡风门栋里--两个衣衫褴褛的孩子,他们的衣服小得不能再小了。
    They huddled inside the storm door -- two children in ragged outgrown coats.
  24. 钢轨伸缩调节器
    expansion joint of rail
  25. 拮抗肌,对抗肌抵消肌肉作用的另一块肌肉,收
    A muscle that counteracts the action of another muscle, the agonist.
  26. 马克的导师难以将他的草稿改成一篇通顺连贯的文章,底稿漫漫地写了15页之多。
    Mark's tutor had difficulty in reducing his draft chapter to coherent shape. The orginal had rambled on for fifteen pages.
  27. 冉迪从未抱怨过,他身体更虚弱时,我总是尽量绕过那条“牛道”来短行车时间。
    Randy never complained.But as he grew weaker,I tried to circumvent that cow trail to shorten our drive.
  28. 在话音通信中,因放大器的线性范围有限,把信号幅度压到一个较小范围的处理。
    In voice transmission, to compress the signal amplitude into a narrow range be cause the amplifiers are linear over wide ranges.
  29. 一种技术,即通过某种计算方法将间接编址文件的关键字范围小到较小的地址区域,直至找到所需要的地址为止。
    A technique, by which the range of keys for an indirectly addressed file is reduced to smaller ranges of addresses by some method of computation until the desired address is found.
  30. 中国原来的劣势,经过第一阶段的消耗将更为严重,这就是土地、人口、经济力量、军事力量和文化机关等的减
    China's original inferiority will be aggravated by war losses, namely, decreases in territory, population, economic strength, military strength and cultural institutions.
  31. 统一战线没有民众充实起来,前线危机就无可避免地只会增大,不会
    Unless the united front is reinforced by the participation of the masses, the crisis on the war fronts will inevitably be aggravated, not mitigated.
  32. 温、湿度变化振幅过大,会加剧岩壁表层周期性收膨胀;
    Too great a variation of amplitude in either temperature or humidity will aggravate the periodic contraction and expansion of the surface of rock.