n. 他第一天上学就得了一个绰号叫`胖子'--倒霉的是从此就叫开了. He got the nickname `Fatty' on his first day at school and unfortunately the name stuck, ie has been used ever since
n. 名字, 绰号 moniker
n. 姓, 姓氏, 别号, 别名, 绰号 surname
n. 姓, 家名, 第三名(例CaiusJuliusCaesar的Caesar), 别名, 绰号, 姓氏, 名字 cognomen
小伍长”(拿破仑一世的绰号) the Little Corporal “
得了...绰号 acquire the label of
v. 报刊给他们起了个绰号叫`四绝'. The papers dubbed them `The Fab Four'.
绰号名,尤指一描述性的绰号或因一段时间的习惯而得的诨名 A name, especially a descriptive nickname or epithet acquired through usage over a period of time.
竞赛的汽车影绰不清地飞驰而过。 The racing cars passed in a blur.
别名,绰号加于或代替一个人、地方或物体真正名字的描述性名字 A descriptive name added to or replacing the actual name of a person, place, or thing.
奥运会体育馆的3万个观众席位在当时显得绰绰有余,这是因为入场券2.5元(人民币)的平均价格让战后大多数的比利时人望而却步。 The Olympic stadium 30, 000 seating capacity was more than adequate, as the average price of admission, around 2.5 yuan (RMB), was beyond the reach of the majority of postwar Belgians.
一个影影绰绰出现在毒品地区边缘的身影 A shadowy figure who lived on the borderland of the drug scene.
怀特先生靠走私发了财后,他一家人生活得很阔绰。 After Mr White made a fortune out of smuggling, his family lived high off the hog.
最早称他为“漂亮朋友”的是德·马莱尔夫人的女儿洛琳娜,后来这个绰号就在他的大多数朋友中叫开了。 It was Mme. de Marelle's daughter Laurine who first called him "Bel- Ami," a nickname gradually adopted by most of his friends.
珍妮身体健美,风姿绰约。 Jane is blooming with health and beauty. (喻)
容纳,提供空间宽绰而不拥挤 To hold comfortably without crowding.
这也就是为什么cheenah这个绰号,用来形容一些人时,带着一种看不起人的口气。 Which is why every time the label cheenah is used on someone, it sounds condescending.
非正式;“约翰”是被北方联邦士兵用来戏称南方联盟士兵的绰号。 (informal) `johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `grayback' derived from their gray Confederate uniforms.
我们遇到一次又一次的危机,因为我们过着收入所不许可的阔绰生活。 Crisis after crisis comes upon us, because we are living beyond our means.
在火苗的映衬下,这间漆黑的屋子里的四壁一时变得影影绰绰。不一会儿,火苗成了星星点点,渐渐地熄灭了。 For a time the names cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room, then they nickered and died out.
在20世纪90年代,戴尔的绰号曾经是“互联网膨胀”和“增长的规模经济”。 In the 1990s, the bywords for Dell have been "international expansion" and "increased economies of scale.
加于人名的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯 A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln.
贝里克郡(苏格兰郡名)以北没有人会不认同这一绰号。 No one north of Berwick is likely to disagree.
报刊给他们起了个绰号叫`四绝'. The papers dubbed them The Fab Four'.
米卢已经指导了四支国家队,使他们在世界杯决赛阶段进入第二轮,并且他还拥有一份可以引以为荣的世界杯个人简历--这说明了为什么他会被冠以“奇迹创造者”的绰号(这是美国足协前主席艾伦·罗滕伯格为他起的)。 Milutinovic has steered four countries through to the second stage of the competition and boasts a World Cup c.v.-- that explains his nickname as " the miracle worker" , as Alan Rothenberg, the former president of the United States Soccer Federation, dubbed him.
他的怪癖已使他得到“疯子”的绰号。 His eccentricities had earned for him the nickname " the Madman ".
网络计算机,也叫internet“烤面包器”、internet装置、internet设备以及其它多少有些讨人喜欢的绰号,是一种价格低廉、无需维护的台式装置,设想让用户不费力气就能接到internet网和网络资源上。 The network computer, also known as the Internet toaster, Internet appliance, Internet device -- and other more or less flattering monikers -- is the low cost, no maintenance desktop device intended to allow users to effortlessly connect to the Internet and network resources.
布拉德利,詹姆斯·布坎南1856-1917美国金融家和慈善家,因为其酷爱钻石和挥霍无度的生活方式而获得其绰号 American financier and philanthropist who gained his nickname because of his attraction to diamonds and his extravagant lifestyle.
我向周围的树木枝叶很快地瞥了一眼,这时我能影影绰绰地看见我的家里人的身影。 I could see the figures of my family, glancing quick and smooth around all the trees and branches.
给小费是一件棘手的事情,在一个国家适当数目的小费在另一个国家可能会被认为太吝啬或是太阔绰。 Gratuity can be a tricky business: What's just right in one country can be miserly or extrava gant in another.
她容颜姣好,风姿绰约,满口甜言蜜语。 Her face is beautiful; her manner is charming; her mouth is full of honeyed words.
以令人印象深刻的阔绰的方式。 in an impressively expansive manner.
他的朋友给他起了一个“花花公子”的绰号。 He has been given a label of "playboy" by his friends.
给某人或某物(绰号或标签) To give(a nickname or label) to someone.
把耽搁考虑在内,增加十天时间是绰绰有余的了。 Ten days should be a big enough leeway to allow for delays.
罗西特在那个地方显示不出自己的才能。他们不懂得赏识他和他的工作。其实他担任那一职务,才力绰绰有余,有如鹤立鸡群。 Rossiter was lost at that place. They didn't know how to appreciate him, or his work. He was just too big a man for the position, in fact a triton among minnows.
他们给他起了个绰号叫“高个儿”, 因为他身材很高。 They nicknamed him "Lofty" because he was so tall.