  • after all
  • investigate
  • study carefully
  • examine, investigate
  1. v.  &n.學習,研究   study
  2. n.  ' 以《循道宗教義研》為副標題的書.   a book subtitled `A Study of Methodism
  3.   (不考品質地)造來賣的   made to sell
  4.   (加強語氣用)到底,竟; 其實   in theworld
  5.   (狐狸等)逃入地穴; 追捕; 尋根底   run to ground
  6.   (用於疑問句表示驚異或憤慨)竟, 到底   in the name of common sense
  7.   (研降低成本、提高功效的)效率工程師[專傢]   efficiencyengineer [expert]
  8.   (討論, 研, 實驗的)題目[對象, 材料]   be a subject for (=be the subject of)
  9. n.  16世紀意大利的藝術傢, 16世紀意大利文藝的研者   cinquecentist
  10. n.  =devil魔鬼, 惡魔, 睏難, 竟, 到底, 魔鬼   dickens
  11.   ARPANET美國高等研計劃署網絡   Advance Research Projects Agency
  12.   [俚]咨詢會, 交流會, 非正式的學術討論會; (運動員的)策略研會議   skull practice [session]
  13.   [口]從事秘密研工作的人員; 智囊團   backroom boys
  14.   [口]你打算怎麽辦? 竟怎麽辦?   What's the ticket?
  15.   [口]打扮得漂漂亮亮; 穿得過於考   have got'em all on
  16.   [口]究竟(為什麽)   in the name of wonder
  1. 其形式性質類似道義與知識概念的一種邏輯;研必然可能與相關概念的性質的一種邏輯。
    a system of logic whose formal properties resemble certain moral and epistemological concepts.
  2. 實際上,也衹有到了過去的一個世紀,特別是在過去15年——在人們研出碳-14年代測定法以後——我們纔開始模糊地瞭解這些劃時代事件的時間。正是這些事件决定了人類的命運。
    In fact, it has only been within the past century, and especially within the last 15 years since the development of the effective radio-carbon dating systems that we have begun even vaguely to understand the timing of these epochal events which have shaped the world's destiny.
  3. 例如,生物科學方面的合成牛胰島素、酵母丙氨酸轉移核糖核酸的人工合成,農業科學方面的雜交水稻,高能物理方面的正負電子對撞機,以及原子彈、氫彈和每秒1億次運算的巨型計算機等的研製,“長徵3號”運載火箭的發射,衛星通訊和超導研等,這些方面都已躍居或接近國際先進水平。
    In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
  4. 艾倫·赫奇博士是世界上研人類鼻子方面的傑出專傢。
    Dr Alan Hirsch is one of the world's leading experts on the human nose.
  5. 流體力學關於流體的力學或關於涉及水的動態平衡法則的研
    The study of the mechanics of fluids or the laws of equilibrium and motion concerning fluids.
  6. 英國獸醫協會研馬科動物的女發言人萊斯麗-巴外斯-曼路說:"野生狀態下,矮種馬和斑馬共同相處的可能性極少,二者很少有機會相遇。"
    "Ponies and zebras very rarely share the same environment even in the wild. A meeting between the two is very rare in the natural environment," said Lesley Barwise-Munro, spokeswoman for the British Equine Veterinary Association.
  7.  對消防工作,應當加強科學研,推廣、使用先進消防技術、消防裝備。
    Science research and promotion on fire control work should be reiterated and advanced fire control technology and equipage should be adopted.
  8. 一九九八年三月,政府撥款7.50億元,設立應用研基金,取代先前兩項資助計劃,為私營機構的科技開發項目提供股本融資。
    A $750 million Applied Research Fund was established in March 1998, replacing two previous schemes to provide equity finance for technology ventures in the private sector.
  9. 國傢禁毒委員會每年都部署全國開展禁種鏟毒工作。各級政府層層落實禁種鏟毒責任製,發動群衆搞好宣傳教育和禁種檢查,做到種毒必、有毒必鏟。
    Every year, the NNCC instructs governments at all levels to promote the activities to eradicate drug cultivation and to carry out a responsibility system along that line. Anti-drug publicity and education is conducted among the people and efforts are made to investigate illegal drug planting and to see that drug growers are punished and the plants are uprooted wherever they are found.
  10. 要想弄清楚大金字塔竟有多大相當睏難。
    It is very hard to realize just how big the Great Pyramid is.
  11. 畢達哥拉斯古希臘哲學家和數學家,在意大利南部創立學派,強調對音樂和諧及幾何的研:他證明了畢達哥拉斯定理的廣泛有效,性並且被認為是世界是第一位真正的數學家
    Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded in southern Italy a school that emphasized the study of musical harmony and geometry. He proved the universal validity of the Pythagorean theorem and is considered the first true mathematician.
  12. 鶉鵪屬舊大陸的一種小的短粗尾的鵪鶉(鵪鶉),具有沙色的有條紋的羽毛,通常用於實驗室的研工作
    A small, stub-tailed Eurasian quail(Coturnix coturnix) having sandy, streaked plumage and commonly used in laboratory research.
  13. 而在這之前,1950年7月,錢學森就被美國政府取消了參加機密研的資格和自由,並被拘留。
    Prior to this, in July 1950, the US Government canceled the security clearances qualifying Qian Xuesen to participate in secret research, and he was detained.
  14. 此外,我還看到,由於國傢未來的經濟發展,將會要求經濟增長的方式要從數量轉為質量,先進的管理和徹底的市場研和高科技的發展都是必須努力做到的事情。
    In addition, we have to note that the future economic development of our country demands a shift from the quantitative approach to a qualitative one. Efforts should be made to employ advanced management skills, conduct thorough market research and develop high technology.
  15. 假如他曾有過什麽不安的話,他們就會講實際了。
    If he had had any qualms,they would have been practical.
  16. 在這裏,邏輯發生問題了,因為“魔鬼”的來源須得解釋一下,而當中世紀的神學家繼續用他們平常的學者的邏輯去研這個問題時,他們陷入了進退兩難的境地了。
    Here the logic halts, for the origin of the Devil had to be explained, and when the medieval theologians proceeded with their usual scholastic logic to deal with the problem, they got into a quandary.
  17. 行為科學主義心理學的一個流派,着重研行為中可以觀察到的、可以量化的方面,排除主觀現象,如感情或動機
    A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.
  18. 社會關係的數量研
    the quantitative study of social relationships.
  19. 商科專業大學畢業生也必須具備良好的數學能力,因為大部分學位涉及定量研法和統計學領域課程。
    Business graduates must also be numerate,because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics.
  20. 在美國各地大學和實驗室研者們的領導下,商業的芯片設計者如今將定量方法引進到計算機結構體係之中。
    Following the lead of researchers at universities and laboratories across the US, commercial chip designers now take a quantitative approach to computer architecture.
  21. 心理測量學心理學的一支,研對精神變量比如智力,能力和性格特徵等進行測量的數據化測試設計,管理和解釋
    The branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits.
  22. 如果我們先弄清兩條技術術語“應力”和“應變”,從數量上來研虎剋定律就很容易了。
    It will be easier to deal with Hooke's Law quantitatively if we pause to define a pair of technical terms:"stress" and"strain".
  23. 半導體量子點(粒)是電子學領域的發明創造,但現在卻用來探測細胞內部的生理活動。這是跨學科研活動原則的一個有力證明。
    A semiconductor quantum dot originally developed for electronics and now being deployed to detect biological activity in cells is a compelling proof of principle for these types of transdisciplinary endeavors.
  24. 弗裏德曼,傑羅姆·以撒生於1930美國物理學家。因研證實了誇剋的存在獲1990年諾貝爾奬
    American physicist. He shared a1990 Nobel Prize for research that confirmed the existence of quarks.
  25. 不能等暴亂完全平息,現在就要一面抓徹底平息暴亂,一面清理一下我們過去竟失誤在哪些方面,如何改正,以及現在急迫需要解决的是些什麽問題。
    We cannot wait until we have completely quelled the rebellion. We should, on the one hand, work to do that and, on the other hand, sort out the mistakes we have made, find ways to remedy them and identify the urgent problems.
  26. 他在國會中指出,竟哪些人才應該被稱為“外來人才”?
    His query was that who should be labeled a "foreign talent"?
  27. 追究聖杯而歷險
    The quest for the Holy Grail.
  28. 此外,教委會與語文教育及研常務委員會聯合組成的工作小組,亦進行了一項抽樣問捲調查,藉此瞭解現行教學語言政策在推行上所遇到的問題,以協助當局製定這方面的長遠政策。
    A Working Group comprising members of BOE and the Standing Commission on Language Education and Research conducted a sampled questionnaire survey to find out the problems related to the implementation of the existing policy for medium of instruction (MOI) to help the administration formulate a long-term MOI policy.
  29. 6月22日至7月10日,國際奧委會聘請專傢,研申辦城市的答捲並打分。國際奧委會將在2000年8月28-29日决定哪些城市成為"候選城市",並抽簽决定候選城市嚮國際奧委會執委會作陳述報告的順序。
    From June 22 to July 10, the IOC will invite some experts to study the questionnaires and give them scores. On September 28 and 29, 2000, the IOC will vote for the candidate cities.
  30. 全國政協還在專題研的基礎上,就實施西部大開發戰略、加緊實施南水北調工程、完善社會保障體係、加快分配體製改革、推進社區建設、深化司法體製改革、確保司法公正與社會穩定等問題,嚮中共中央和國務院提出許多意見和建議。
    On the basis of special research, the CPPCC National Committee has raised many opinions and suggestions to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on implementing the strategy for the all-out development of the western region, speeding up the project to divert water from the south to the north, perfecting the social security system, quickening the reform of the distribution system, promoting the building of communities, deepening the reform of the judicial system, and guaranteeing judicial fairness and social stability.
  31. 試驗研究機
    experimental and research aircraft
  32. 生産關係竟以什麽形式為最好,恐怕要采取這樣一種態度,就是哪種形式在哪個地方能夠比較容易比較快地恢復和發展農業生産,就采取哪種形式;
    As to what kind of relations of production is the best mode, I'm afraid we shall have to leave the matter to the discretion of local authorities, allowing them to adopt whatever mode of production that can facilitate quickest recovery and growth of agricultural production.