"两个确保"(确保国有企业下岗职工的基本生活,确保离退休人员的基本生活,保证按时足额发放基本养老金) "two guarantees" (guaranteeing that the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full)
"船民"(20世纪70年代末期)被越南当局强迫乘船离境的难民 boat people
pron. ' 你打算下周离开吗?'`有可能.' Will you be leaving next week?' `Possibly
例如,管制员离开岗位后,仍然能从经历性记忆中叙述出那些曾发生的困难的情况下所做出的一系列管制行为和有关的航空器。 The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
可怜楼上月徘徊应照离人妆镜台 Alas! The moon is lingering over the tower; It should have seen the dressing table of the fair.
但是一看到吉英的病并不怎么严重,她就满意了;她也并不希望吉英马上复元,因为,要是一复元,她就得离开尼日斐花园回家去。 but being satisfied on seeing her, that her illness was not alarming, she had no wish of her recovering immediately, as her restoration to health would probably remove her from Netherfield.
到各个末端的距离相等。 equally distant from the extremes.
“让他心情愉快。在我们离开之前,我不想让他惊慌。”“慢慢来,不着急,是吗?”“说得对。” "Keep him in a good humour. I don't want him alarmed till we're ready to move." "Softly, softly, catchee monkey?" "That's the idea."
双极性的等同地适用于正负离子的 Applying equally to both positive and negative ions.
(听说)你打算脱离这个公司,我有些担心。 I'm rather alarmed (to hear) that you're planning to leave the company.
某天体赤道与平行于该赤道的天体周围的一条虚构线之间的角距离。 the angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself.
把地图投影到一个圆锥上的地图;离赤道越远的地区显得越大。 a map projection of the earth onto a cylinder; areas appear greater the farther they are from the equator.
太阳离天赤道的距离最远时的两次中的任何一次。 either of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator.
从观测者所在的子午线到给定天体的子午线沿着天赤道的角距离。 the angular distance along the celestial equator from the observer's meridian to the hour circle of a given celestial body.
纬度地球赤道北或南的角距离,例如在地图或地球仪上沿着子午线用度数测量 The angular distance north or south of the earth's equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a map or globe.
1953年,在姐姐伊丽莎白的加冕仪式上,玛格丽特帮皇家空军成员、已故父王的侍从武官汤森除去军服上的一个线头,这一瞬间的亲昵举动暴露了一个隐藏两年的秘密:22岁的公主与38岁的汤森相爱。当时汤森刚刚离婚,是两个孩子的父亲。 At her sister's 1953 coronation Margaret sparked a scandal by brushing a bit of lint off the uniform of Townsend, a member of the Royal Air Force and equerry to her late father. The momentary, intimate flick exposed a two-year-old secret:The princess, 22, and Townsend, 38 and the newly divorced father of two sons, were having an affair.
到每一处的距离都相等并且不相交的。 being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting.
这两个公园离火车站的距离差不多相同。 The two parks are about equidistant from the station.
距离相等的属于、有关或指出曲线之间或平面之间处处等距的 Of, relating to, or designating curves or surfaces everywhere equidistant.
我们的房子离村中两家酒馆距离相等。 Our house is equidistant from the two pubs in the village.
圆,圆形从定点(圆心)等距离到任一点的平面曲线 A plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center.
一个到线段末端或图形边缘距离都相等的点。 a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure.
表面上每个点到中心的距离都相等的一种三维的闭合表面。 a three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center.
想象中环绕地球表面距南北两极距离相等的大圆。 an imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles.
赤道地球赤道想象中环绕地球表面的大圆,距南北两极距离相等,与地轴垂直,它将地球分为北半球和南半球 The imaginary great circle around the earth's surface, equidistant from the poles and perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation. It divides the earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
(天文学)从穿越地球的时圈的交叉点到春分点的顺着天体赤道向东的角距离;用时、分、秒来表示;同赤纬一起指定天球上的位置。 (astronomy) the angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second; used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere.
于是,他就一直等着阿拉丁离开那幢房子,然后他对公主说:“把你的旧灯给我,我给你新灯。” When he waited till Aladdin went out of the house, he said to the Princess, "Give me your old lamps and I will give you new lamps."
判决;裁定指衡平法庭,海事法庭,遗嘱检验法庭或离婚法庭的裁决 The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce.
向奖学金得主询问毁约的可能性,如同在婚礼上不怀好意询问新人离婚的机率。 Actually, quizzing the scholars about the probability of their bond-breaking is akin to asking a pair of newlyweds how likely it is that they will end up divorcing.
裂解气分离 separation of pyrolysis gas
裂解气深冷分离 cryogenic separation of pyrolysis gas
裂解气油吸收分离 oil absorption separation of pyrolysis gas
她缓慢地推开玻璃门,步履蹒跚地走到离她最近的货架之间,迈出每一步似乎都在忍受着疼痛。 Walking as if each step were painful, she slowly pushed open the glass door and hobbled down the nearest aisle.
45.典型的鹌鹑都长有短而圆的翅膀,凭此他们可以在受惊时一跃而起,飞离它们的躲藏地。 45. Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places.
离奇有趣的方言词;新奥尔良市奇怪的街道,美国城市中最具异国情调的地方。 quaint dialect words; quaint streets of New Orleans, that most foreign of American cities.