  • supervise
  • supervise, oversee, direct
  • reproof
  • reproval
  1.   (基教 《聖經》中的)大先知   major prophet
  2.   (基教)最後審判日的號聲   the last trump (=the trump of doom)
  3.   (基教《聖經》中的)四騎士(指戰爭、饑饉、瘟疫、死亡四大害)   Four Horsemen
  4.   (基教《聖經》中的)小先知   minor prophet
  5.   (基教會為接濟教士所設的)資助基金   sustentation fund
  6.   (基教徒的)三德(即: faith 信; hope 望; charity 愛)   the theological virtues (=Christian virtues)
  7.   (基督教徒的)天堂   C-of God
  8.   (基督教新教)浸禮會   the Baptist (Church)
  9.   (基督教的)七守護神   Seven Champions
  10.   (天主教徒對)教皇的尊稱; (基教)聖父(指上帝)   Holy father
  11.   (對天主教而言的)基教派; (對路德派而言的)基教新教(喀爾文派)   The Reformed Church
  12. n.  Galilee人,基教徒,耶穌   galilean
  13.   [宗](基教的)萬聖節(十一月一日)   All H-s
  14.   [美]銀行督察(官)   commissioner of banking
  15.   [英]代理總, 副總, [美]代理州長, 副州長   lieutenant governor
  16. n.  bishop下一級的聖職者, 副監, 副主教, (英國國教)副主教, 會吏總, 執事長   archdeacon
  1. 立基於羅馬教廷,羅馬教皇和大主教主持的基教。
    the Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy.
  2. 烏普薩拉瑞典東部一城市,位於斯德哥爾摩的西北偏北方向。在中世紀初是基之前王國的首都,在1164年變為主教教區。烏普薩拉大學建於1477年。人口152,579
    A city of eastern Sweden north-northwest of Stockholm. Capital of a pre-Christian kingdom in the early Middle Ages, it became an episcopal see in1164. The University of Uppsala was founded in1477. Population,152, 579.
  3. 加力力地區的居民(耶穌基的稱號)。
    a resident of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ).
  4. 反基教者早期教會認為在基復活之前的最後幾天反對基的對抗者
    The epithet of the great antagonist who was expected by the early Church to set himself up against Christ in the last days before the Second Coming.
  5. 教時代從耶穌誕生起算。
    The Christian era starts with the birth of Christ.
  6. 公元是從基的生年算起的。
    The Christian era is counted from the birth of Christ.
  7. 政府的中樞機關構成一個金字塔,底層是國民大會,而總是居於頂端。
    The central organs of government formed a pyramid, with the General Assembly at its base and the doge (duke) at its apex.
  8. (基教)公誼會教友
    BFriendbmember of the Society of Friends; Quaker
  9. 此外,這些接受調查的青少年還填寫了關於自己和父母以及祖父母關係的調查表,問題涉及的內容主要是關於放學後傢人對他們的監情況以及是否允許他們在傢裏接待朋友等等。
    The teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents, how well they were supervised after school and whether they were allowed to meet friends at home.
  10. 面對壓力,巴釐島的總終於在6月取消了此項配額,對海龜貿易和消費施以禁令。
    Responding to this pressure, the Balinese governor withdrew the quota in June an d banned turtle trading and consumption.
  11. 他的工作由政府監機構———國傢輻射防護委員會授權進行。
    His work was commissioned by the National Radiological Protection Board(NRPB), the government’s radiation watchdog.
  12. 教堂的西門廊早期基教或拜占庭式教堂或羅馬天主教長方形教堂的西門廊或門廳,早期用圍欄或屏幕與中殿分開
    A portico or lobby of an early Christian or Byzantine church or basilica, originally separated from the nave by a railing or screen.
  13. 一九九八年九月至一九九九年九月期間,導級或以下級別日薪及月薪雇員的平均工資,以貨幣計算下降了0.8%。
    The average wage rate for employees up to the supervisory level, including daily-rated and monthly-rated employees, fell by 0.8 per cent in money terms between September 1998 and September 1999.
  14. 者監或指導另一情報人員的情報人員
    An intelligence agent who supervises or instructs another agent.
  15. 西方從18世紀理性主義擡頭,發展唯物論、無神論,還有哲學家說“上帝已死”,但不斷調適的天主教與基教也沒有被壓縮得消失。
    In the 18th century, following the emergence of rationalism in the West, materialism and atheism began to spread, so much so that even some philosophers went as far as to proclaim that "God is dead." Even then, Catholicism and Protestantism, which have been constantly adapting to changing environment, have not been reduced to non-existence by these external pressures.
  16. 當基教思想在18世紀被啓蒙思想擊敗的時候,封建社會正在同當時革命的資産階級進行殊死的鬥爭。
    When Christian ideas succumbed in the 18th century to rationalist ideas, feudal society fought its death battle with the then revolutionary bourgeoisie.
  17. 按照精簡、統一、效能的原則和决策、執行、監相協調的要求,繼續推進政府機構改革,科學規範部門職能,合理設置機構,優化人員結構,實現機構和編製的法定化,切實解决層次過多、職能交叉、人員臃腫、權責脫節和多重多頭執法等問題。
    Following the principle of simplification, uniformity and efficiency and meeting the requirements of coordination in decision-making, execution and supervision, we will continue to promote the restructuring of government departments, standardize their functions in a scientific manner, rationalize their set-ups, and optimize their composition in order to delimit the structures and sizes statutorily and solve the problems of too many levels, overlapping functions, overstaffing, divorce between powers and responsibilities and duplicate law enforcement.
  18. 市民預算委員會(工商界財力支援之監市政府預算團體)會長霍頓說,“我認為下一步在於市府。大傢對市府希望如何相當明顯——要看市長提議如何處理市府過於龐大的員工人數了。
    Raymond D. Horton, president of the Citizens Budget Commission, a watchdog group financed by businesses, said: "I think the ball is in the city's court, and I think it's pretty clear what that expectation is, and it has to do with what the Mayor proposes to do with the size of the municipal work force."
  19. (基教神學)作為末日審判官的基的來臨。
    (Christian theology) the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment.
  20. 神秘解釋對可查出的關於天堂或死後典故的基教經文的詞、段落或文章的神秘解釋
    A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife.
  21. 埃塞俄比亞語古代埃塞俄比亞使用的一種閃語,現在仍在埃塞俄比亞基教會禮拜儀式中使用
    The Afro-Asiatic language of ancient Ethiopia that is still used as a liturgical language in the Christian Church in Ethiopia.
  22. 精神純潔與復活的基教聖禮。
    a Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.
  23. 長久以來,基徒都以蛋作為基復活的象徵。
    Christians have long used the egg as the symbol of Christ's rebirth.
  24. 八十年代以來,中國基教每年恢復、新建教堂約600所;
    Since the 1980s, approximately 600 Protestant churches have been reopened or rebuilt each year in China.
  25. 八十年代以來,中國基教每年恢復、新建教堂約600所;到1996年底,纍计印刷發行《聖經》達1800多萬册,並受到多種免稅優惠;中國基教協會自1983年起編輯出版的《贊美詩》纍计發行達800多萬册。
    Since the 1980s, approximately 600 Protestant churches have been reopened or rebuilt each year in China. By the end of 1996 more than 18 million copies of the Bible had been printed, with special tax exemption treatment speeding their publication. In addition, more than eight million copies of a hymn book published by the China Christian Council in 1983 have been distributed.
  26. 代表大會常任製的最大好處,是使代表大會可以成為黨的充分有效的最高决策機關和最高監機關,它的效果,是幾年開會一次和每次重新選舉代表的原有制度所難達到的。
    The greatest merit of a system of fixed terms for the congresses is that it will make the congresses the Party's highest policy-making and supervisory organs operating with an effectiveness which is hardly possible under the present system whereby congresses are held once in a number of years, with deputies elected afresh each time.
  27. 她宣佈放棄原有信仰,成為一名基徒。
    She recanted her faith and became a Christian.
  28. 在11-13世紀歐洲基教勢力想從穆罕默德教徒那裏奪回聖地的任何連續的軍事遠征。
    any of the more or less continuous military expeditions in the 11-13th centuries when Christian powers of Europe tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims.
  29. 上級林業主管部門應當定期促、檢查下級林業主管部門組織植樹造林、恢復森林植被的情況。
    The competent forestry authorities at a higher level shall periodically urge and inspect the competent forestry authorities at a lower level in the organization of afforestation and recovery of forest vegetation.
  30. 阿施,肖洛姆1880-1957波蘭裔美國意第緒語作傢,在其有爭議的小說中試圖使猶太教和基教得到和解,如拿撒勒人(1939年)
    Polish-born American Yiddish writer who sought to reconcile Judaism and Christianity in his controversial novels, such as The Nazarene(1939).
  31. 二零零一年四月,導委員會再次召開會議,討論多個工作小組推行更大型的金融服務網絡、直通式交易程序和無紙化市場的工作進展。
    The Steering Committee reconvened in April to discuss the progress of its various working groups tasked with the implementation of the larger financial services network (FinNet), straight-through processing and a scripless market.
  32. 鑒於赤角新機場將於一九九八年啓用,香港海關共召開了3次遴選委員會,為新機場招聘500名察及關員。
    With the new airport at Chek Lap Kok opening in 1998, three selection boards were held to recruit the 500 people required.