  • father
  • uncle
  • grandfather
  • grandpa
  • old gentleman
  • master
  • grandpapa
  1. n.  ' 大人, 阁下, 爵, 老(称呼或提到有爵位身分的人时用的敬称)   title used in speaking to or about a man of the rank of `Lord
  2.   (=Lord bless my soul!)老天保佑! 哎呀!(表示惊讶)   Lord bless me!
  3.   (或my lord)大人, 老(对贵族、主教、法官等的尊称)   My Lord
  4.   [废]当着上帝的面! 老天作证!   By(God's)nails!
  5.   [美、俚]破车, 老爷车   old relic
  6. n.  上帝, 主, 封建领主, 贵族, 地主, 勋爵, 君主, 主, 大老板, 巨头, 老, 丈夫, 英国上议院全体成员, 首座星, 统治者, 领主, (某行业的)巨头, 大王, 上帝, (某些官员职衔的一部分), 上帝   lord
  7. n.  主人, 硕士, 母机, 主子, 户主, 指挥者, 雇主, 有控制权的人, 统治者, 家长, 船长, 男教师, 校长, 师傅, 大师, 名家, 专家, 名家作品, 硕士, ...少, 子爵的长子, 耶稣, 胜利者, 学生宿舍主任, 助理法官, 御马长官, 宴务局长, 丈夫, 原版录音片, 主盘, 用机械复制的东西, 能自由行动者, 校对规, 靠模, 主导装置, 长官, 院长, 哲学导师, 受尊敬的宗教领袖, 主持人, 高尔夫球锦标赛, 控制者, 家主(女性=mistress), 校长(女性=mistress), 能手, 教师, 熟练技工, 少   master
  8. n.  五分硬币, 五分硬币, 镍币, 五分钱一次的公共汽车, 便宜货, 次等品, 破车, 老车   jitney
  9.   他们的轮船去见龙王了(沉没了).   Their ship was sent to Davy Jones's locker, ie was sunk
  10.   侃,北京人嘴贫善侃,故有“侃”之称   Beijingers are very good at talking and have been the nicknamed big talkers.
  11.   北京人嘴贫善侃,故有“侃”之称   Beijingers are very good at talking and have been the nicknamed "big talkers."
  12. n.  叹词, 感叹语(如`啊!'`好哇!'或`看在老天的面上!').   word or phrase used as an exclamation (eg Oh!, Hurray! or For goodness sake)
  13.   哎呀!好家伙! 老天爷!   Good Lord !
  14. n.  大人, 阁下, 先生, 老, 先生, 绅士, (旧时印度对欧洲人的尊称)先生, 欧洲官员或欧洲移民   sahib
  15. n.  小君子, 小公子, 小贵族, 小贵族, 小老   lordling
  16. n.  常用於印度, 旧时用作对欧洲男子直接或间接的称呼)老(通常用以指有社会地位或官职者).   male European, usu with some social or official status (
  1. 我看她的儿子没有什么了不起,他自高自大,装腔作势,活像个少
    I don't think much of her son—he's so conceited, and as full of airs and graces as a young lord.
  2. 王大滔滔不绝地谈着,发表对这案件的看法。
    Uncle Wang ran on, airing his views about the cases.
  3. 阿Q在赵太面前显得呆头呆脑。
    Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao.
  4. 两位舅都是身列黉门,读书明理的君子。
    Both brothers were mandarin scholars, learned and rational gentlemen.
  5. 我想那辆老车即使马达掉了也还能嘎拉嘎拉地前行。
    I believe that old car would rattle on even if the engine fell out.
  6. 他的老车还在嘎拉嘎拉地前行吗?
    Is his old car still rattling along?
  7. 喜欢饭后跟几位老人叙旧。
    Grandfather likes to reminisce with other old people after supper.
  8. 是喜欢坐在公园里跟别的老人们一起话旧。
    Grandfather liked nothing better than sitting in the park, reminiscing with the other old men.
  9. 刘大禁不住要开小红的玩笑。
    Uncle Liu could not resist teasing Xiao Hong.
  10. 里查德的坚持让他上法律学校。
    Richard 's grandfather insisted on that he attend a law school.
  11. 车一种破旧的,吱吱作响的交通工具
    A rickety, worn-out vehicle.
  12. 用在教名前,旧时表示对葡萄牙和巴西皇室、贵族、宗教集团人物的尊称
    Used formerly as a title for men of Portuguese and Brazilian royalty, aristocracy, and hierarchy, preceding the given name.
  13. 伯内特,弗朗西丝·伊丽莎·霍奇森1849-1924英裔美国作家,以她的流行儿童作品而出名,特别是方特勒罗伊小爵(1886年),其中描写的自命不凡的主角穿着带皱边领子的黑天鹅绒服装,留着炫耀的金黄色的长卷发
    British-born American writer famous for her popular children's books, especially Little Lord Fauntleroy(1886), whose priggish title character dressed in black velvet with ruffled lace collars and sported long golden curls.
  14. 如果再纵目从东向西,从小塔向纳勒塔远望,只见长长一带房舍,雕梁画栋,彩色玻璃窗户,层层叠叠,突出在石路上方;还可以看见一派市民房舍的山墙,曲曲折折,望也望不到尽头,时常被一道街口所切断,也不时被一幢石墙大楼的正面或侧面所切割;大楼四平八稳,连同庭院和花园,厢房和主体,夹在那彼此紧挨着的狭窄民舍当中,犹如一个领主老夹在一大堆平民百姓中间。
    Then, if your view ran along the bank, from east to west, from the Tournelle to the Tour de Nesle, there was a long cordon of houses, with carved beams, stained-glass windows, each story projecting over that beneath it, an interminable zigzag of bourgeois gables,frequently interrupted by the mouth of a street, and from time to time also by the front or angle of a huge stone mansion,planted at its ease, with courts and gardens, wings and detached buildings, amid this populace of crowded and narrow houses, like a grand gentleman among a throng of rustics.
  15. 你一辈子也见不到她那样一个过时的王
    You never saw such a rusty Prince in all your born days as he was.
  16. 有时候,当我想"抄近路"或者躲避责任时,我就想起在"收割月"的光亮下拿着大镰刀收割大片玉米地的情景。
    Sometimes, when I'm tempted to cut corners or to put off responsibilities, I think of my grandfather with his scythe cutting wide arcs of corn in the light of the harvest moon.
  17. 况且,朱庇特老的服装那么华丽,吸引了全场的注意,对于安定观众的情绪也是起了不小作用的。
    For the rest, the costume of Seigneur Jupiter was very fine, and had contributed not a little towards soothing the crowd by occupying its whole attention.
  18. 现在有少数人就是做官当老,有些事情实在不像话!
    We have a few people now who act like overlords, and some of their behaviour is truly shocking.
  19. 你知道我又不是财神
    I'm not made of money, you know!
  20. 我去找余大爷。
    I'll run and fetch Uncle Yu.
  21. 爸爸走了进来,后面跟着吴大
    Daddy entered, followed by Uncle Wu.
  22. 姚大赶紧走上前来[走了出来]。
    Uncle Yao hastened forward [out].
  23. 甚至在俄国和葡萄牙的法庭上,t老也被认为是非常放荡的,仅仅在他当葡萄牙大使期间他就有三个妻子和十四个孩子。
    Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal; he acquired three wives and fourteen children during his Portuguese embassy alone.
  24. 如果你敢打我耳光老天作证,我就宰了你!
    If you dare to slap my face--by God, I'll lay you out!
  25. 献给奶奶:新年快乐!
    To Grandpa and Grandma happy new year!
  26. 我不知道我是什么样的人,我更关心的是,他的孙子会成为什么样的人。(美国总统 林肯.A.)
    I don'nt know who my grandfather was. I' m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. (Abraham Lincoln, American president)
  27. 回忆起旧时的一些逸事。
    Granddad fetched up some anecdotes of the old days.
  28. 我爷爷患有关节炎。
    My grandfather is afflicted with arthritis.
  29. 那天傍晚,在我和父亲动身回家之前,霍但托特族的小牧童詹杰交给我一封信,他说是那位英国老留给我的。
    Late that afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter , which he said the English baas had left for me.
  30. 是个给小费慷慨的人;上帝慷慨的仁慈;大方的称赞;豪爽的主人;大方的零用钱;星期六的孩子可爱又大方;豪爽的艺术支持者;慷慨的礼物;她那可爱、慷慨的
    was a big tipper; the bounteous goodness of God; bountiful compliments; a freehanded host; a handsome allowance; Saturday's child is loving and giving; a liberal backer of the arts; a munificent gift; her fond and openhanded grandfather.
  31. 她把哄骗得(答应)把她嫁出去。
    She bamboozled Grandfather into marrying her.
  32. 高傲的,贵族的以符合老或作为老的尊贵的、高贵的方式的或具之特点的
    In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.