潘多拉赶快捂上盖子,但是,天哪,瓮里关着的东西都已跑掉,只剩下压在瓮底的一件,那就是希望。 Pandora hastened to replace the lid; but, alas! The whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope.
长久以来,我们都会为我们所经受的苦难而诅咒神灵-艾伦·格林斯潘亦不例外。 We've long cursed deities for our suffering Alan Greenspan is no exception.
这就引出了两个很有意思的问题:艾伦·格林斯潘真的是神吗? This raises two interesting questions: Is Alan Greenspan in fact a god?
这个经济学家就是年轻时候的艾伦·格林斯潘。这番话是引自1959年三月的《财富》杂志。 The economist, a young Alan Greenspan, was quoted in the March 1959 FORTUNE.
目不识丁的浙江农家女潘秀红放下面子与9岁女儿同进一个教室,同用一张书桌,以优异的成绩脱了盲,当选为全国“识字女状元”。 Pan Xiuhong who was totally illiterate entered the same classroom with her nine-year-old daughter and shared a desk with her without any airs. She finally became literate with excellent result and has been selected as the national "Best women of Learning to Read and Write."
潘趣传统滑稽木偶剧潘趣与朱迪中爱惹事生非的鹰钩鼻的木偶形象,是朱迪的丈夫 The quarrelsome hook-nosed husband of Judy in the comic puppet show Punch and Judy.
他与非常富有的舒潘齐交上了朋友,后者的室内小乐队演奏了很多他的弦乐四重奏。 He made friends too with jolly fat Schuj.panzigh, whose chamber group performed many of his string quartets.
瑞典潘趣酒一种高度混合饮料,由红酒、白兰地和雪碧酒搀合制成,并含有杏仁、葡萄干和桔皮调味料 A hot punch made of red wine, brandy, and sherry flavored with almonds, raisins, and orange peel.
美国第43届总统乔治·沃克·布什、查尔斯王子的长子及王位继承人威廉王子、曾任大不列颤首相的温斯顿·斯潘塞·丘吉尔爵士竟是同宗同祖的亲戚。 George Walker Bush,43rd President of the United States,Prince William,the eldest son and heir of his father,Charles the Prince of Wales,Sir Winston Spencer Churchill,Prime Minister of Great Britain are of the same ancestry.
想要收获自由之果的人,必须承受维护自由的劳苦。(潘恩) Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.( T. Paine)
潘太克斯声称该款相机是世间最小巧、最轻便的300万像素数码相机。其价格不到500英镑,不锈钢的机身很时髦,所以价格还算合理。 Pentax claims this is the world's smallest and lightest three megapixel digital camera and, at less than £ 500, the stylish stainless steel 330 is reasonably priced.
(希腊神话)宙斯送给潘多拉的有密码的箱子;她出于好奇心打开了箱子;全部的痛苦和灾难都折磨着人类。 (Greek mythology) a box that Zeus gave to Pandora with instructions that she not open it; she gave in to her curiosity and opened it; all the miseries and evils flew out to afflict mankind.
罗班·普斯潘和高坐在窗台上的其他学子大喊大叫。 yelled Robin Poussepain and the other scholars perched on the window-sill.
对于殖民主义的托利党人来说托马斯·潘恩的小册子《常识》一定显得具有煽动性 Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense must have seemed seditious to colonial Tories.
上个月,我们为在马扎里沙里夫牺牲的中央情报局官员、海军陆战队员米歇尔举行了葬礼,他的妻子香农·斯潘用海军陆战队的座右铭来告别她的爱人:“永远忠诚。” Last month, at the grave of her husband, Micheal, a CIA officer and Marine who died in Mazar-e Sharif, Shannon Spann said these words of farewell: "Semper Fi, my love."
通常含有酒精的准备用来服务的混合冰饮料;一般盛在盛潘趣酒的大酒杯里。 an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl.
1998年《新共和》杂志刊登了一篇文章可能最能说明格林斯潘被神化了的形象。这篇人们议论得非常多的文章说,一家纽约的债券交易公司设了一个格林斯潘的神龛来供奉他的纪念物(两支他曾经用过的大班笔,一张他曾经坐过的椅子),还在墙上写满了他的“教诲”。 The strongest case for Greenspan's deified status was probably made in the much -- talked-about 1998 New Republic article that told of a New York bond?trading firm with a Greenspan shrine, complete with relics (two Bicpens he had used; a chair he had once sat in) and a wall covered with his “teachings”.
另一是g,潘杰思,他就是在环境剧《七彩学堂》里讲着半咸不淡华语而闹出不少笑话的“红毛”。 Another ang moh, Mr John Scott Parker, acted in a local TV sitcom, The School Days, as a Westerner who makes lots of funny mistakes with his amusingly faulty Mandarin.
然后是隐没在麦田里的博潘库尔镇; then Popincourt, lost amid wheat fields;
他的弟弟约翰·斯潘塞(1437~1499)和儿子威廉·斯潘塞则分别成为布什总统、威廉王子和丘吉尔的先祖。 His brother Sir John Spencer(1437~1499)and son William Spencer are the ancestors of President Bush,Prince William and Churchill respectively.
如今,类似“都是你坏了事,格林斯潘主席!”这样愤怒的呼喊充斥着美国和全世界的股票交易市场。 Now, on trading floors across the land and around the world, the anguished cry is something along the lines of “You blew it, Chairman greenspan!
身为南大的一分子,我认为潘先生的国宝荣誉应该含括他在南大筹建、初创与刻苦经营期间的贡献,让他能与陈六使先生等人在南大史中永留美名! Speaking as a part of Nantah, I believe that the "national treasure" honour conferred upon Mr Pan should include his contributions towards the building, the foundingand the running of Nantah. Let his legacy live on in the annals of Nantah, up there with the likes of Mr Tan Lark Sye.
身为南大的一分子,我认为潘先生的“国宝”荣誉应该含括他在南大筹建、初创与刻苦经营期间的贡献,让他能与陈六使先生等人在南大史中永留美名! Speaking as a part of Nantah, I believe that the "national treasure" honor conferred upon Mr. Pan should include his contributions towards the building, the founding and the hardworking of running of Nantah. Let his legacy live on in the annals of Nantah, up there with the likes of Mr. Tan Lark Sye.
1600年,约翰·斯潘塞爵士的后裔安妮·马伯里从林肯郡迁移到美国的马萨诸塞州。 In1600,Anne Marbury the descendant of Sir John Spencer moved to Massachusetts,America from Lincolnshire.
维纳斯送给她美貌,墨丘利送给她利嘴灵舌,阿波罗送给她音乐的天赋,还有其他种种。接受了这些禀赋后她被送到地上交给了厄庇墨透斯。厄庇墨透斯的哥哥虽然早就嘱咐过弟弟要提防朱庇特和他的馈赠,但他弟弟还是欣然接纳了潘多拉。 Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Jupiter and his gift.
潘西凤铭臂搁 Arm-rest Inscribed by Pan Xifeng
在格林斯潘14年的任期里,他大多数时间只需要采取较温和的方式就达到了这个目的,而且,由于在过去的10年里伴随低通货膨胀的是长期的经济增长,因此才使他被戴上了一圈奥林匹亚神的光环。 Greenspan has been allowed the luxury of a lighter touch during most of his 14-year tenure, and it is he happy coinc idence of low inflation with sustained economic growth during the past decade th at has lent him his Olympian aura.
林德伯格,安妮·斯潘塞·莫罗生于1906美国飞行员和作家,她和她丈夫查尔斯·林德伯格共同飞行多次,作品有向北去往东方(1935年)和听这风口(1938年) American aviator and writer. She accompanied her husband, Charles Lindbergh, on many of his flights and wrote North to the Orient(1935) and Listen! the Wind(1938).
精心策划和构筑包括王府井、朝阜路、琉璃厂、大栅栏、潘家园在内的重点特色文化街群。 The streets of particular cultural importance, such as those at Wangfujing, Chaobu Road, the Azure Stone Workshop, Dashanlan and Panjiayuan are to be elaborately designed and carefully constructed.
他塑造了各种观众喜爱的人物形象,如《十五贯》中的娄阿鼠、《孙悟空三打白骨精》中的猪八戒、《长生殿》中的高力士、《枯井案》中的胡图、《潘金莲》中的西门庆,以及《下山》、《相梁刺梁》、《芦林》、《醉皂》等。 He protaryed many characters like Lou A-Su in Fifteen Strings Of Coins, Gao Li-Shi in Longevity Palace, Zhu Ba-Jie in King Monkey, Hu Tu in The Case About A Dry Well, Xi Men-Qing in Pan Jin-Lian, etc who were loved by a large number of audience and also performed other plays like Went Down The Mountian, Reeds, etc.
这使我们顿时觉得意外,潘博士继而解说,这句子还可能有悲痛的弦外之音呢0令尊是在指责50年代在大陆发生了对文化界迫害的大整风、大跃进、人民公社和所谓全国工业化之失败"。 We were astonished and he pointed out that the line also has another meaning in a more tragic context. He said, ''Your father is referring to the Da Zheng Feng movement persecution of the literati in Mainland China in the 1950's. This was followed by the Great Leap Forward, the collectivization movement and the failed attempt to promote (backyard) industrial production.''
昨天熟悉情况的人士说,声誉卓著的史密斯·巴尼股票公司里三名职员被解雇,另一名在潘恩·韦伯公司里的职员负债超过三十万,皆因华尔街非法集体豪赌所致。 Three staffers at the prestigious Smith Barney brokerage got the ax, and another at Paine Webber is more than $300,000 in hock because of an illegal highstakes gambling pool on Wall Street, sources familiar with the situation said yesterday.