  • lukewarm
  • Temperature
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  • (luke)warm
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  1. n.  &a.烘烤, 烘烤, 焙固, 烧固低干燥, 二次加热, 烘烤量, 烘焙, 一次烘焙的量   baking
  2.   (园艺)在温室中   under glass
  3.   (气候、度)宜人的地区   comfort zone
  4.   (温莎宫的)镜厅   the Hall of Mirrors
  5.   100 摄氏温度计的   of or using a temperature scale with the freezing-point of water at 0 and the boiling-point at
  6. adj.  =fleurytemperature, =fleury, temperature弗洛里度, θ度   flory
  7. adj.  =homoiothermal, 恒温的   homeothermic
  8.   PID温度控制   PID temperature control
  9.   [口]尾随, 紧紧跟随; 顺地陪着   tag along
  10.   [美]短时间的突然降, 寒汛   cold snap
  11.   [谚]蠕虫被踩, 也会翻腾(意为被逼太甚, 最顺者也会反抗)。   (Even) a worm will [may] turn.
  12.   a.热的;温泉的   thermal
  13.   °C. 度升到摄氏三十九度。   The thermometer touched 39
  14.   °C.气停留在摄氏36度上下。   The mercury hovered around 36
  15.   【医】冷眠疗法; 超低体   frozen sleep
  16.   【医】旋流水浴疗法   whirlpool bath
  1. 值得庆幸的是他双亲性情非常和.
    It's lucky that his parents are so equable.
  2. 恬静的性情;没有人像他那样脾气和;尽管一再拖延还是保持平静。
    an equable temper; not everyone shared his placid temperament; remained placid despite the repeated delays.
  3. 再者,土地的需求,尤其是为了农业和林业,最初集中在土壤最肥沃和气候和的地区,而这些地方经常是生物种类最丰富的地方。
    Moreover, land acquisition, especially for agriculture and forestry, focuses initially on those areas with the most fertile soils and equable climates, which are often the areas of greatest biological diversity.
  4. 一起恐怖的汽车事故;一桩恐怖的杀人斩首的罪行;一张可怕、甚至是恐怖的照片;战争是无可言喻的恐怖——斯顿·丘吉尔;恐怖的伤口。
    an atrocious automobile accident; a frightful crime of decapitation; an alarming, even horrifying, picture; war is beyond all words horrible- Winston Churchill; an ugly wound.
  5. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的度相等。
    A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two room.
  6. 在这个方程式中,t代表度。
    In this equation T stands for temperature.
  7. 下午两三点钟的时候,因当地处赤道附近又正是1月下旬的季节,所以气高达90华氏度以上。
    It was midafternoon, and being near the equator in late January, it was above 90 degrees.
  8. 同样,在赤道和极地海区,海水度的季节变化也相当小。
    Similarly, in equatorial and polar marine regions, ocean temperatures change very little with season.
  9. 如果在表面变冷失去的热量小于所加给的热量,度将会上升直至达到一个平衡状态。
    If the cooling at the surface is less than the heat added, the temperature will rise until an equilibrium is reached.
  10. 中国发展粮食生产所取得的巨大成就,不仅使人民的饱问题基本解决,生活水平逐步提高,而且为在全球范围内消除饥饿与贫困作出了重大贡献。
    China's significant achievements in developing grain production have not only basically eradicated the problem of people not having enough to eat and wear and gradually raised the living standards of the Chinese people, but also made great contributions to the worldwide efforts to eliminate starvation and poverty.
  11. 热解使(某物)发生高分解
    To subject(something) to pyrolysis.
  12. 梅特涅,克莱蒙·泽尔·内波姆·洛泰尔·冯1773-1859奥地利政治家,帮助组织神圣同盟,最终打败拿破仑一世
    Austrian politician who helped form the Quadruple Alliance that ultimately defeated Napoleon I.
  13. 世间有各式各样的美,柔的美,文雅的美,雄壮的美,庄严的美,奇怪的美,峥嵘的美,纯然的力量的美,以及古色古香的美。
    There are so many kinds of beauty, beauty of tenderness, of gracefulness, of majesty, of austerity, of quaintness, of ruggedness, of sheer strength, and of a suggestion of the antique.
  14. 与现有工程进行类比或对比,如利用这一比较以确定水的定性变化。
    4 Analogy or comparison with existing projects (such as the use of comparison to identify the change in water temperature qualitatively).
  15. 度计用於度的定量化。
    A thermometer is used in the quantification of temperature.
  16. “我们仍然不能很客观地量化出到2100年气升高的可能性,因为问题越来越呈非线性发展,”艾伦说道。他所指的是新的措施将可能加剧或抵消升现象。
    "We are stilinot in a position to quantify likelihoods objectively to 2100, because the problem becomes more nonlinear," Allen says, referring to the possibility that new effects could amplify or counteract the warming.
  17. 国家不仅将扶贫到户作为一项重要措施,而且把解决贫困农户饱的各项指标也量化到户。
    The state has also used the individual household as the basic unit in quantifying the various indices for solving the poor peasant households' problem of food and clothing.
  18. 这些量化分析使关于全球升的不确定争论转化成为一种非常精确的结论:可能性与预期损失相乘等于我们在减轻升现象方面的开支。
    These quantitative analyses transform the yes-no debate over global warming into an actuarial decision: probability times expected damage equals how much we should spend now on mitigation.
  19. 可遵守的一项物理特性,能直接观察或测量到,如重或度,而不象功或熵等这一类,这些必须从所观测到的各种不同的量推算出来
    A physical property, such as weight or temperature, that can be observed or measured directly, as distinguished from a quantity, such as work or entropy, that must be derived from observed quantities.
  20. 与一年前同期比较,二零零一年第一及第二季本地生产总值虽然仍录得和的实质增长,增幅分别为2.2%及0.8%,但在第三及第四季已告回落,分别下跌0.4%及1.6%。
    GDP registered modest increases by 2.2 per cent and 0.8 per cent respectively in real terms in the first two quarters of 2001 over a year earlier, before receding to declines of 0.4 per cent in the third quarter and 1.6 per cent in the fourth quarter.
  21. 致密矽石一种纹理细密的石英岩,用于作耐溶炉的衬里
    A fine-grained quartzite used to line refractory furnaces.
  22. 表面渗碳硬化法通过高条件下对碳的浅层注入并紧接冷却来使(铁或钢的)表面或外壳硬化
    To harden the surface or case of(iron or steel) by high-temperature shallow infusion of carbon followed by quenching.
  23. 主要是暖海水中成群活动的类似鲤鱼的小鱼;用作鱼珥、水族馆展览或治蚊。
    small mostly marine warm-water carp-like schooling fishes; used as bait or aquarium fishes or in mosquito control.
  24. 赫奇博士和他的同事,伊利诺伊州大学的查尔斯·沃尔夫均发现克林顿先生在被问及与菜斯基小姐的关系的尴尬问题时,频繁地躲避提问者的注视,变得张口结舌而且比平时更频繁地触摸鼻子。
    Dr Hirsch and his colleague Charles Wolf of the University of Illinois both spotted that Mr. Clinton frequently broke the questioner's gaze, became tongue-tied and touched his nose far more often than normal when asked awkward questions about his relationship with Miss Lewinsky.
  25. 总温传感器
    total air temperature probe
  26. 友谊,是我痛苦灵魂的柔的安慰者。你向暴风祈求平静,你把安定还给我的心;那热血沸腾青春的偶像-我最珍贵的自由,你为我细心保存。
    Friendship is a soft consolatory person on my miserable spirit.You pray quietness to storm and turn it back to me . That youth idol burning with righteous indingnation-my precious freedom,your friendship keeps it for me carefully.
  27. 中国政府认为,积极开展扶贫领域的国际交流与合作,不仅有利于加快解决本国贫困人口的饱问题,而且有助于通过借鉴国际社会多年积累的扶贫经验和成功的扶贫方式,提高中国扶贫开发的整体水平。
    The Chinese Government believes that promoting such exchange and cooperation will not only help speed up the solving of the food and clothing problem of its own poor population, but it will also help raise the general level of China' s aid-the-poor work by learning from the international community its long years of experience and successful methods in aiding the poor.
  28. 生长于带或热带地区的兰花,叶上有斑点或条纹,花穗状、微黄、成螺旋状总状花序。
    any of several small temperate and tropical orchids having mottled or striped leaves and spikes of small yellowish-white flowers in a twisted raceme.
  29. 一个高大的禾本属,具穗状的总状花序,一年或多年生;产于暖地区。
    tall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes; warm regions.
  30. 无叶根寄生兰类的一个属,花小,略带紫色或微黄色,具全缘或分裂的唇;在带地区广泛分布。
    genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; widely distributed in temperate regions.
  31. 就在爱伦犹豫不决的时侯,楼上传来了柔、凄婉、肯切的小提琴声。音乐家和他的琴声在召唤她;
    And while she hesitated, from the room above came the soft, racking, petitionary music of a violin.
  32. 在恒定的度和压强下某物质改变状态时所吸收或放出的热量。
    heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at a constant temperature and pressure.