  • billows
  • large waves
  • big wave
  1. n.  以橹反推的水, 浪, 逆流, 回流, 逆浪, 尾流, 遗留情况, 后响, 回卷波, 离子交换柱的反洗, 反浪, 回浪, 后果, 反响, 余波   backwash
  2. adj.  冲激的鸣, 轰鸣的(波等), 哀鸣的, 悲哀的, 轰鸣的, 凄切的   plangent
  3. v.  在浪中或如同波浪般前进   move forward in or like waves
  4.   埃尔尼诺/南方涛动   ENSO
  5.   埃尔尼诺/南方涛动   El Nino/Southern Ocillation (ENSO)
  6. n.  巨涌, 汹涌, 澎湃, 巨浪, 波, 滚流, 起伏, 一阵, 一批, 一股, 电流急冲, 电涌, 缆绳滑脱, 急速松缆, 锥形部, 波动, 湍振, (感情的)起伏, 高涨   surge
  7. adj.  巨轮在滚滚浪中沉没.   The great ship sank below the waves
  8. adj.  有暴风雨的, 暴乱的, 大风暴的, 暴风雨的, 骚动的, 动乱的, 有狂风暴雨的, 狂暴的, 波汹涌的   tempestuous
  9. adj.  波浪形的, 起伏的, 波状的, 动摇的, 摇摆的, 卷曲的, 波汹涌的, 波形的, 起浪的, 波动的, 不稳的   wavy
  10.   波汹涌的海; 混乱状态   troubled waters
  11.   浪涛   surfy billows
  12. adj.  浪多的, 波多的, 波汹涌的, 多碎浪的, 浪花似的   surfy
  13. v.  浪滚滚而来拍打著岸边.   The breakers came tumbling onto the shore
  14.   浪涛牌手表   Giotto
  15. comb form  海上波 涌. (Cf 参看 There's a rough sea.)   The sea is rough.
  16.   海上的汹涌浪; [俚]借衣着时髦而显示的人   a heavy swell
  1. 吞没了那条小船。
    The raging sea devoured the boat.
  2. 燃烧的房子冒出滚滚浓烟;滚滚的浓烟;波起伏的海面;翻腾的急流。
    billowing smoke from burning houses; the rolling fog; the rolling sea; the tumbling water of the rapids.
  3. 翻腾以上下起伏、沸腾或荡漾的形式运动,就象波一样
    To move in a tossing, bubbling, or rippling manner, as choppy water.
  4. 那雾粘乎乎的,冰寒彻骨,缓缓地在空中波浪式地翻滚,一浪一浪,清晰可见,然后宛如污浊的海,彼此渗诱,融合成了一片。
    A clammy and intensely cold mist, made its slow way through the air in ripples that visibly followed and overspread one another, as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do.
  5. 汹涌的波拍打着那块巨石。
    Roaring waves thrashed against the huge rock.
  6.  哈佛产生了约翰·亚当斯、约翰·昆西·亚当斯、西奥多及富兰克林·德来诺·罗斯福、罗斯福德·b、·海斯和约翰·弗斯杰罗·肯尼迪六位美回总统,并产生了三十四位诺贝尔奖获得者。
    Six presidents of the United States-John Adams, John Quincy Adams,Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt,Rutherford B. Hayes,and John Fitzgerald Kennedy-were graduates of Harvard. Its faculty have produced 34 NobeI Laureates.
  7. 汹涌的波掀翻了划艇。
    The rough waves capsized the rowboat.
  8. 当营救队奋力划着船穿越惊骇浪时,村民们都在岸边焦急地等候,手持灯笼以便照亮他们的归途。
    While the team launched their rowboat and fought their way through the wild waves, the villagers waited restlessly on the beach, holding lanterns to light the way back.
  9. 骇浪,方显英雄本色。
    The good seaman is known in bad weather.
  10. 海面波汹涌,半数旅客晕船。
    The sea is rough and half the passengers are seasick.
  11. 他们冒着惊骇浪去拯救遭遇海难的人。
    They ventured out on the stormy sea to rescue the shipwrecked people.
  12. 怒涛冲击海岸。
    Towering waves impinged upon the shore.
  13. 于六月六日出生,母子平安。
    Wang tao bear june sixth both well.
  14. 于六月六日出生,母子平安。
    Wang Tao born June sixth both well.
  15. 我们能听到浪拍击船舷的声音。
    We can hear the smack of wave against the side of the ship.
  16. 林荫道;阴暗的波上奔跑的是夜晚——亚力山大·坡。
    shaded avenues; o'er the shaded billows rushed the night- Alexander Pope.
  17. 时间的每一波都将其冲积土堆放起来,每一种族都将其沉淀层安放在文物上面,每个人都添上一块石头。
    Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone.
  18. 海洋公园的旅游点很多,计有吊车、多个世界级的展览馆,包括海洋馆、海馆、鲨鱼馆、雀鸟天堂和蝴蝶屋;还有可容纳3500名观众欣赏海洋哺乳动物表演的海洋剧场,以及紧张刺激的过山车。
    The park's attractions include a cable car system, various world-class features such as the Atoll Reef, Wave Cove, Shark Aquarium, Bird Paradise, the Butterfly House, and the 3500-seat Ocean Theatre for marine mammal shows, and an exciting array of thrill rides.
  19. 司法宫宏伟的峨特式③正面的中央有一道高大的台阶,两股人流不停上上下下,这是因为人流在居中的台阶底下碎散后,又以波翻腾之势,向两侧斜坡扩散开来。
    In the centre of the high Gothic facade of the Palais was the great flight of steps, incessantly occupied by a double stream ascending and descending, which, after being broken by the intermediate landing, spread in broad waves over the two lateral flights.
  20. 在另一方面,一个人如果和自然界伟大的东西发生联系,他的心会真正变得伟大起来。我们可以把一片风景看做一幅活动的图画,而对于不象活动的图画那么伟大的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把地平线上的热带的云看做一个舞台的背景,而对于不象舞台的背景那么伟大的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把山林看做私人花园,而对于不成为私人花园的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把怒吼的波当做音乐会,而对于不成为音乐会的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把山上的微风看做冷气设备,而对于不成为冷气设备的东西不能感到满足。
    On the other hand, by association with nature's enormities, a man's heart may truly grow big also- There is a way of looking upon a landscape as a moving picture and being satisfied with nothing less big as a moving picture, a way of looking upon tropic clouds over the horizon as the backdrop of a stage and being satisfied with nothing less big as a backdrop, a way of looking upon the mountain forests as a private garden and being satisfied with nothing less as a private garden, a way of listening to the roaring waves as a concert and being satisfied with nothing less as a concert, and a way of looking upon the mountain breeze as an air-cooling system and being satisfied with nothing less as an air-cooling system.
  21. 在决胜局中王用他凶狠的进攻和绝妙的反手球战胜佩尔森,实现了中国重夺最令人瞩目的斯维思林杯的梦想。
    In the decisive match, Wang Tao smashed Persson with his fierce attacks and excellent backhand to realize China's dream of winning back the most coveted Swaythling Cup.
  22. 基督徒以血肉之躯的轻舟渡过世间底波的决心,这故事很生动地描写出来了。
    that saileth, in the frail barque of the flesh, through the waves of the world.
  23. 在小的港湾里,永远也不会形成大的波
    In a small bay big waves will never build up .
  24. 在小的港湾里,永远也不会形成大的波
    In a small bay big waves will never build up.
  25. 波涛滚滚涌上海滩。
    Waves rolled in on the beach.
  26. 轮船沉没于波下面。
    The ship sank beneath the waves.
  27. 河水波汹涌地翻滚着。
    the river rolls turbulently boiling.
  28. 他们设法使船在波汹涌的海面上不突然横转。
    They managed to keep the boat from broaching to in the heavy seas.
  29. 这艘船在波中奋勇前进。
    The ship buffeted through the big waves.
  30. 汹涌的波猛烈地冲击着礁岸。
    The foaming waves chafe against the rocky shore.
  31. 风暴中波翻腾;愤怒得胃疼
    Waves churning in the storm; so angry it made my stomach churn.
  32. 由于强海流的作用,冲绳有着异常清澈的海水,即使海面波汹涌或者有大量的浮游生物,海水也能保持清洁。
    The clarity of the water in Okinawa is striking.Thanks to strong-flowing currents,the wa-ter stays quite clear,even when surface waters are rough or there is a large growth of plankton.