现在,当我们由于新的历史环境而进入于一个新的时代——无产阶级革命的时代,舍米契在这一切以后却引证斯大林在俄国资产阶级民主革命时期所写的那本小册子中的一个地方,这能有什么意义呢? After all this, what significance can Semich's reference to the passage in Stalin's pamphlet, written in the period of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, have at the present time, when, as a consequence of the new historical situation, we have entered a new epoch, the epoch of proletarian revolution?
变得强硬的渔夫;这个农夫,黑皮肤,瘦脸,能适应强风-罗伯特.林德;我们的继承者…可以是雕刻师,是更坚强和更稳定的人-v.s普瑞切特。 hardened fishermen; a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured- Robert Lynd; our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men- V.S.Pritchett.
再者,土地的需求,尤其是为了农业和林业,最初集中在土壤最肥沃和气候温和的地区,而这些地方经常是生物种类最丰富的地方。 Moreover, land acquisition, especially for agriculture and forestry, focuses initially on those areas with the most fertile soils and equable climates, which are often the areas of greatest biological diversity.
他对此感到气愤,也有所警觉,就在他张口提出抗议之时,一只巨大的动物忽然出现在飞机的航道上,飞机被逼迫降在了丛林的树梢上。 Angry and alarmed,Grant begins to protest when out of nowhere an enormous creature appears in the path of the plane,forcing it to crash into the jungle treetops.
森林失火使我们大为惊慌。 We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest.
赤道附近一片难以穿越的森林。 an impenetrable equatorial forest.
赤道附近的非洲森林中有些智能的树栖类人猿。 intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests.
西部低地大猩猩的寿命可以长达50年,原产于浓密的热带雨林之中,大量生活在非洲一些国家中,主要是尼日利亚、喀麦隆、加蓬、赤道几内亚和中非共和国。 Western lowland gorillas can live to about 50 years and come from areas of dense rain forest and swamp in African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Central African Republic.
长久以来,我们都会为我们所经受的苦难而诅咒神灵-艾伦·格林斯潘亦不例外。 We've long cursed deities for our suffering Alan Greenspan is no exception.
这就引出了两个很有意思的问题:艾伦·格林斯潘真的是神吗? This raises two interesting questions: Is Alan Greenspan in fact a god?
这个经济学家就是年轻时候的艾伦·格林斯潘。这番话是引自1959年三月的《财富》杂志。 The economist, a young Alan Greenspan, was quoted in the March 1959 FORTUNE.
我们在树林的进口处停了下来,等待我们装备的到来。 We stop at the entrance of a wood, wait for the arrival of our equipage.
工程的基本思路是以从根本上遏制生态环境恶化,保护生物多样性,促进社会、经济可持续发展为宗旨,通过森林分类经营,调整森林资源结构,使经济及资源平衡服从于生态环境改善,服从于水土保持、水源涵养需要。 The basic idea for the project, with the purpose of putting the ecological environment deterioration under control, conserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable socioeconomic development, is to subordinate the equivalence of economy and resources to the improvement of ecological environment and the need for water and soil conservation and water resources conservancy through practicing classified management of forest resources and readjusting the structure of forest resources.
但是,她发誓要以取得法律学位来拯救哥哥的这种途径对她来说是一个非常严峻的挑战,当时,贝蒂·安妮住在罗得岛的东格林威治,只有普通同等学历证书。 But her vow to help him by getting a law degree posed a daunting challenge for Betty Anne, then living in East Greenwich, R.L., who had only a General Equivalency Diploma.
茂密的丛林黝黑幽暗散布其下。 From o'er the woods that darkly spread below.
最严重的火灾痕迹可以通过全面的再造林计划予以消除;太大了的声音不能通过消音磁头一次给抹去。 the fire's worst scars were effaceable by a comprehensive program of reforestation; a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head.
(二)在林区设置防火设施; 2) To erect fire prevention facilities;
在美国、挪威、德国、比利牛斯山和阿尔卑斯山的森林中,伐木工人砍伐的主要是自然生长的树木。 In the forests of America, Norway, Germany, the Pyrenees and Alps, this sort of labour is largely employed on trees of spontaneous growth.
阿拉伯半岛亚洲西南部的一个半岛,位于红海与波斯湾之间。政治上它包括沙特阿拉伯、也门、阿曼、阿联酋、卡塔尔、巴林及科威特。据估计,阿拉伯半岛拥有世界储油量的三分之一 A peninsula of southwest Asia between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Politically, it includes Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Arabia has an estimated one third of the world's oil reserves.
最后,远处东边是樊尚林苑及其七座四角塔楼;南边是比塞特及其尖顶小塔; Finally, far away to the east, Vincennes, and its seven quadrangular towers to the south, Bic阾re and its pointed turrets;
由于第一次世界大战,原定于1916年在柏林举行的四年一度的奥林匹克运动会被迫中断。这次战争历时4年,28个国家卷入其中,近1000万军人在战火中丧生。 The Olympic quadrennial,scheduled for Berlin in 1916,was interrupted by World War I which had involved 28 countries and killed nearly 10 million troops in four years.
布满石块的森林地被;撒满花瓣的走廊。 the forest floor strewn with boulders; the petal-strewn aisle.
有同志反映:在同林彪、“四人帮”的斗争中,政治干部上当受骗甚至陷进去的,从数量上说,比其他干部多。 Some comrades say that in the struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, more political cadres were duped -- or even "trapped in the quagmire" -- than others.
飞机在丛林中的简易机场降落。 The plane landed on a jungle airstrip.
格林一定会通过这次资格考试。 Green is certain to pass the qualification examination.
齐柏林飞艇一种由内部气囊支持着长圆筒机身的硬式飞艇 A rigid airship having a long cylindrical body supported by internal gas cells.
1996年美国奥运选拔赛,格林百米列第四名,也无缘参加奥运会。 In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race.
1996年美国奥运选拔赛,格林百米列第四名,也无缘参加奥运会。 In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race. He was not lucky enough to participate in the Olympics.
王平:冬去春来,第二年是世界锦标赛年,8月在雅典举行世锦赛,7月美国举行选拔赛,格林竞以9秒90的好成绩夺得第一名。 Wang Ping: Winter went and spring came. The following year was a year of world championships. In August, the World Champion-ships was held in Athens. In July, the qualifier was held in America.
王平:冬去春来,第二年是世界锦标赛年,8月在雅典举行世锦赛,7月美国举行选拔赛,格林竟以9秒90的好成绩夺得第一名。 Wang Ping: Winter went and spring came. The following year was a year of world championships. In August, the World Championships was held in Athens. In July, the qualifier was held in America. Greene won the first place by 9.90 seconds.
植树造林工作的开展,使西藏人民实现了由千百年来被动适应自然,进入主动改造自然的质的飞跃。 Such afforestation efforts enabled the Tibetan people to achieve a qualitative leap from the centuries-old passive adaptation to natural conditions to remaking nature on their own initiative.