我想,你的床单需要晾晒一下了。 The sheets for your bed will want airing, I suppose.
请定期晾晒。 Regular airing is recommended.
被单晒得不够是不会干的。把它们放在烘衣柜里吧。 If the sheets aren't aired properly, they won't be dry; put them in the airing cupboard.
如果在这么潮湿的天晒被子,被子就会把湿气都吸去。 If you air your quilt on such a wet day, it'll soak up the moisture.
你晒得相当黑。 You are quite brown.
他脸儿晒得红通通的。 His face is aglow from exposure to the sun.
无核小葡萄干一种产于地中海地区的无核小葡萄干,主要用来晒干 A small, seedless raisin of the Mediterranean region, used chiefly in baking.
小的、晒干的无核葡萄干,生长在地中海地区和加利福尼亚州;用于烹调。 small dried seedless raisin grown in the Mediterranean region and California; used in cooking.
胆固醇加上吸烟和日晒可导致衰老。 Cholesterol joins smoking and sunbathing as an ageing agent.
我很不情愿地合上了保险栓,跳在被炎夏毒日晒得发焦的草地上。 Reluctantly,I put the safety on and let myself down onto the summer seared grass.
她看到他晒成青铜色的脖子被浆硬的领子磨出的红印时差点笑了出来。 She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck.
有一次我们机构举办一项活动,我除了负责宣传海报和分发说明书,也负责“防晒”工作,我出了一个主意,就是订购大量的绿帽子送给客人和官员,当日我们准备了数以千计的绿帽子作礼物,这引起了我的男同事们的抗议。 In my enthusiasm to synchronise posters, brochures and sunshades for a community event, I authorised the production of green sunshades for guests and officials. Thousands of green hats were delivered on the eve of the event and upon their distribution, unleashed loud wails of objection from my male colleagues that must have resonated throughout the island.
请用棉药签把药膏敷在晒伤的地方。 Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab.
他们躺在海滩上晒太阳。 They lay on the beach roasting in the sun.
两三座水塔,两三个钉广告牌的铜架,一两座尖塔,一望相连的沥青的屋顶材料和砖头,形成一些四方形的、矗立的、垂直的轮廓,完全没有什么组织或次序,点缀着一些泥土,退色的烟突,以及几条晒着衣服的绳索和交叉着的无线电天线。 Two or three water towers, the backs of two or three steel frames for billboards, perhaps a spire or two, and a stretch of asphalt roofing material and bricks going up in square, sharp, vertical outlines without any form or order, sprinkled with some dirty, discolored chimneys and a few washlines and crisscross lines of radio aerials.
因寒冷或暴晒而皱裂的。 used of skin roughened as a result of cold or exposure.
大的、白色的、圆形的亚洲豆荚;通常晒干。 large white roundish Asiatic legume; usually dried.
红脸的,日晒的面容粗糙的、泛红的和肿胀的 Having a coarsely ruddy and bloated appearance.
对牙痛的一项万无一失的疗法是:把作痛的一根牙齿放进醋里洗净利,然后置于阳光下半小时使之晒干。 An infallible remedy for toothache: wash the root if an aching tooth in vinegar, and let it dry half an hour in the sun.
咸鱼在太阳下就要晒干了。 The salted fish is frizzling up in the sun.
(南非)腌渍后切成片在日下晒干的肉。 (S Africa) meat that is salted and cut into strips and dried in the sun.
突来的寒流使得一些季节性商品如冰淇淋和防晒箱等的销售锐减。 This sudden cold spell has knocked the bottom out of the market for seasonal items like ice cream and suntan oil.
极其芬芳的叶子,新鲜或晒干时用作肉食的调味品。 extremely pungent leaves used fresh or dried as seasoning for especially meats.
暴晒暴露于自然条件之下,如使风干、风化或褪色 To expose to the action of the elements, as for drying, seasoning, or coloring.
他晒黑的面孔呈现出一种海洋、高山和海藻的混合特征。 His face was a sunburned mixture of sea, mountains and seaweed.
我必须晒干一些海草并把这个裂缝塞好。我就会非常舒服了。 I must dry some seaweed and line this crevice. I could be as snug as a bug in a rug.
紫菜任一种紫菜属(红藻)和石藻属(绿藻)的晒干的、可食用海草 Any of several dried, edible seaweeds of the genera Porphyra(the red algae) and Ulva(the green algae).
那些小苗都让太阳给晒死了。 Those seedlings are all dried dead by the sun.
翻印通过使光线穿过胶片投射到感光板,尤指感光照相纸上,从而晒制出(底片上的)图象 To produce a photographic image from(a negative, for example) by passing light through film onto a photosensitive surface, especially sensitized paper.
我们可不能让小孩晒在太阳里,要给他们找个荫凉的地方才行。 We must not have the sun beating down on the children, and have got to look for a shady place for them.
她焦急地摇着他被太阳晒黑的肩膀,唤醒了他。 She woke him anxiously shaking at his sunburnt shoulders.
未成熟时豆荚可以食用,晒干后豆可以食用。 eaten fresh as shell beans or dried.