  • Yesterday
  • in former times, past
  1.   [用作状语]今天[天]晚上   this[yesterday, last] evening
  2. n.  一个星期前的那个星期一、 天...   Every Sunday, week in, week out, she writes to her parents. 她每个星期日都给她父母写信. a ,week last `Monday,`yesterday, etc seven days before last Monday, yesterday, etc
  3. indef det  今天比天多两个学生.   There are two more students here than yesterday
  4. lat.  他因日忘了多买些咖啡, 今晨早餐上遂成为家中众矢之的.   He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning
  5. adv.  他昨天刚到.   He arrived only yesterday
  6. n.  他天来过, 是真的! Cf 参看 fiction.   He came here yesterday, and that's a fact!
  7. n.  他天跟阿塞纳尔队签了约.   He signed for Arsenal yesterday
  8. adv.  再没那麽巧的了, 我天正碰见她.   I met her just yesterday
  9. n.  出席日会议的人很多.   There was a good turn-out at yesterday's meeting
  10. adj.  剧院昨晚几乎是空的.   The theatre was almost empty last night
  11. adv.  在前一夜, 整夜, 晚一晚上, 在夜, 在夜里, 通宵, 一夜工夫, 突然, 一下子, 在短时内, 一夜间, 在晚上, 突然地   overnight
  12. indef det  外面停的汽车比天少.   There are fewer cars parked outside than yesterday
  13. n.  她感觉比昨天好一些.   She feels a shade better than yesterday
  14. n.  她天在街上不理睬我.   She gave me the go-by in the street yesterday
  15. adj.  她天晚上喝得酩酊大醉.   got completely paralytic last night
  16. n.  她天的讲话标志著她的观点已经转变.   Her speech yesterday was a signal that her views have changed
  1. 晚小酒馆里发生了一段相当有趣的插曲。
    There was a rather amusing episode in the pub last night.
  2. 艾伦是一名兽医,晚召之即来。
    Alan was the vet on call last night.
  3. 今日的机遇可抹去日的失败。--吉恩·布朗
    Today's opportunity erase yesterday's failures.-- Gene Brown
  4. 天夜里我们看到有几个人在楼附近荡来荡去。
    We noticed sever al men loitering about the bridling last night.
  5. 天看了男子四人双桨决赛,很精彩。
    I watched the final of men's quadruple sculls. It was wonderful.
  6. 晚做了一个奇怪的梦。
    I had a queer dream last night.
  7. 晚做了一个奇怪的梦。
    I have a queer dream last night.
  8. 母亲天补了一床被子。
    Mother pieced a quilt yesterday.
  9. 他反覆盘问我夜在什么地方。
    He quizzed me about where I'd been last night.
  10. 他询问我晚在哪儿。
    He quizzed me about where I had been last night.
  11. 晚我们去玩了跑狗比赛,我老是输。最后我把全部赌注都压在跑最后一圈的那条狗上-它竟以10比1赢了。
    We went greyhound racing last night and I was losing steadily until I put my shirt on a dog in the last race – and it won at odds of ten to one.
  12. 而且,天戈尔参议员(他寄希望于三月间的南方初选)的一位助手说:戈尔助选团正寻求联邦选举委员会,对两名民主党总统竞选对手所用的避过竞选开支限制的方法做一判决。
    Also yesterday, an aide to Sen. Albert Gore Jr., who is pinning his presidential hopes on the southern primaries in March, said the campaign is seeking a Federal Election Commission ruling on a method two rival Democratic presidential contenders used to skirt campaign spending limits.
  13. 天夜里隔壁房间的那些年轻人大吵大嚷。
    The young men in the next room make such a racket last night.
  14. 黑社会头子安东尼(又称胖东尼)天又从判他犯勒索建筑商罪名的陪审团那里得到另一个信息:吐出赃款,但可以保留农场。
    Underworld boss Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno got another message yesterday from the jury that convicted him of construction racketeering: cough up the dirty money, but keep the farm.
  15. 天,在控告工会在黑社会控制下进行结伙恐吓诈财的民事诉讼开庭公数小时前,司法部与运输工人达成了和解。
    The Justice Department and the Teamsters made peace yesterday, only hours before the opening of a civil racketeering trial accusing the union of being under the thumb of organized crime.
  16. 天太阳队彻底击败了公牛队。
    The Sun racked up the Bull yesterday.
  17. 那个受刑的人,天是那样愁惨,那样垂头丧气,现在却舒展兴奋起来了。
    The sufferer, who had been so gloomy and cast down on the preceding day, was radiant.
  18. 但是在一个明天同今天根本不同并且根本无法与天相比的时代,最终结果只是一种冷冰冰的安慰罢了。
    But eventuality can be cold comfort in an era when tomorrow is radically different from today and unr ecognizable compared with yesterday.
  19. 不过,天破记录的豪雨也显现出香港的另一面。
    But yesterday's record rainfall also showed the other side of Hong Kong.
  20. 昨天是雨天。
    It was rainy yesterday.
  21. 夜我们又新添了一个儿子!他的名字叫randyjames,重7磅8盎司,身长22英寸。
    As of last night we have a brand-new son! His name is Randy James, he weights 7 pounds 8 ounces and is 22 inches long.
  22. 警方天说,小偷把九十一岁内科医生的诊所洗劫一空。在罪犯横行的哈莱姆区,诊所已所剩无几。
    Burglars ransacked the office of a 91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
  23. 天晚上的舞会拥挤不堪。
    The dance last night was a rat race.
  24. 我们的猫晚捉到一只大老鼠。
    Our cat caught a very big rat last night.
  25. 今天上午你感到不舒服我不惊奇。你晚在外面酗酒取乐,玩到凌晨3点嘛。
    I'm not surprised you don't feel well this morning. You were out on the razzle till 3 o'clock last night.
  26. 到昨天下午(晚上)
    By yesterday afternoon ( evening)
  27. 天晚上在电台播音。
    He broadcasted in the transmitter-receiver in evening yesterday.
  28. 你怎样把这个说法和你天的话统一起来?
    How can you reconcile this statement with what you said yesterday?
  29. 夜睡酣梦甜,无人叫而自醒,精神便足。
    This "divine afflatus" comes in the morning when one has had a good sleep with sweet dreams and wakes up by himself.
  30. 电视天线夜被风吹倒了。
    The TV aerial blew down last night.
  31. 请把天晚上的饭再热一下。
    Please reheat the food from last night.
  32. 留作下一餐吃的剩食物;天吃剩的汤。
    leftover food served at a later meal; yesterday's reheated soup.