  • high
  • expensive
  • upright
  • hold high
  • rise, raise
  • proud, bold
  • soaring
  • raise
  • lift
  • raise one's head
  1.   [口]贵重, 昂贵   cost a packet
  2.   [美]一种豪华舒适取费高的特别快车   limited express
  3.   [美口]发表慷慨激的爱国演说(此处eagle指美国国徽)   fly the eagle (=make the eaglescream)
  4. pron.  与形容词连用)我的廉价照相机比他贵的照相机拍出的照片好.   My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one. (
  5. n.  临作战时向士兵作慷慨激的讲话.   haranguing the troops before a battle
  6. n.  举起, 帮助, 扬,  电梯, 抬起, 提升, (飞机等的)升力, 电梯, 免费搭乘, 搭便车, 起重机, 搭车   lift
  7.   乌伊斯特勒昂   Ouistreham
  8. n.  二氯二氟代甲完, 氟里, 氟氯烷, 二氯二氟甲烷   freon
  9. n.  二氯二氟甲烷, 二氯二氟甲烷, 氟利-12, F-12   dichlorodifluoromethane
  10. adj.  亲爱的, 可爱的, 敬爱的, 贵重的, 宝贵的, 珍视的, 贵的, 索价高的, 内心的, 热切的, 真诚的, 严厉的, 急迫的DearSir先生, (用于一封信的开头, 作称谓词)亲爱的, (常与to连用)珍贵的, (常用最高级)贵的, 价高的   dear
  11.   亲爱的昂贵的   dear
  12.   他们唱 歌以保持高的士气.   They sang songs to keep their morale up
  13. v.  他有一所大房子和一辆贵汽车, 且不说在法国还有一座别墅了.   He has a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in France
  14. n.  他送给她一件贵的毛皮衣服作生 日礼物.   He gave her an expensive fur for her birthday
  15.   付出很大代价, 昂贵   at a price
  16. vi.  作慷慨激的演说, 朗诵   elocute
  1. 他走起路来是首挺胸、满怀自信,还是弯腰曲背,卑微猥琐?
    Does he walk erect and confident or is he humbly stooped?
  2. 他们激昂地起来。
    They rose with agitation.
  3. 更别忘了那些贵的抗衰老化妆品和大商场及美容店里的皮肤保养。
    And let us not forget all the fancy anti? aging cosmetic products and skin treatments in department stores and beauty salons.
  4. 群情激昂。
    Popular feeling ran high.
  5. 我从超级市场买回一只羔羊腿,价钱非常贵!
    I bought a leg of lamb in the supermarket and it cost me a king's ransom.
  6. 聒噪的精力旺盛的或者激演说的人。
    a noisy and vigorous or ranting public speaker.
  7. 咆哮说话的人;用激烈或很大声说话的人。
    someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud manner.
  8. 我们的目光继续朝这伸向远处的圆形行宫一层层往上攀登,视线越过新城圣安东街那条在鳞次栉比的屋顶之间的峡谷,便可以看到——我们总是只谈主要的文物——古莱姆府邸,一座经过好几个时期才告成的庞大建筑物。其中有些部分簇新雪白,在整体中显得有些格格不入,就好比一件蓝色短外套补了一块红补丁。
    Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground, after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town, which marked the passage of the Rue Saint-Antoine, the eye reached the house of Angoul阭e, a vast construction of many epochs,where there were perfectly new and very white parts, which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet.
  9. 雄狮昂起头来。
    The lion reared its head.
  10. 至今为止,中国已先后向"联合国停战监督组织"(untso)、"联合国伊拉克-科威特观察团"(unikom)、"联合国柬埔寨临时权力机构"(untac)、"联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团"(minurso)、"联合国莫桑比克行动"(onumoz)、"联合国利比里亚观察团"(unomil)、"联合国塞拉利观察团"(unomsil)和"联合国塞拉利特派团"(unamsil)等多项联合国维和行动派出军事观察员、军事联络官和军事顾问共522人次,派出工程兵部队两批800人次。
    So far China has sent 522 military observers, liaison officers or advisers and 800 men in two batches from engineering units to the UN peace-keeping operations, including the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM), United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ), United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL), United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL) and United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL).
  11. 氟利一种用于一些不可燃气体或液体烷属烃的商标,主要用于制冷、空气调节和推进剂
    A trademark used for a variety of nonflammable gaseous or liquid fluorinated hydrocarbons employed primarily as working fluids in refrigeration and air conditioning and as aerosol propellants.
  12. 强调"以人为本"的思想,以"体育健身,振兴中华"为主要内容,广泛吸引市民参与,动员整合各类社会体育资源,在未来六年中力争将北京建成体育组织健全,体育活动普及,体育设施完备的城市,使体育成为北京大文化的重要组成部分,向世界展示古都繁荣文明的新形象和北京市民扬向上的新风貌。
    Putting emphasis on the idea of "giving fundamental consideration to the people's interests" and taking "building health through sports activities to rejuvenate China" as its main content, it will attract a wide participation of citizens in sports activities, mobilize and integrate all kinds of sports resources and strive to build Beijing into a city with perfect sports organizations, widespread sports activities and comprehensive sports facilities so that sports becomes an important part of Beijing's greater culture and shows the world the ancient capital city's new image of prosperity and civilization and the new outlook of the citizens' spirited mood.
  13. 贵的价格相对较低的;不贵或者相对不贵的
    Relatively low in cost; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive.
  14. 礼物的贵与否并不重要,重要的是其中蕴涵的意愿:给对方以快乐。
    The cost of such gifts is not relevant. What is relevant is the underlying intention: to give pleasure to the partner.
  15. 虽然法院和律师经常不愿披露诉讼成本,frye听证会也是非常贵的。
    While courts and attorneys are often reluctant to reveal the costs of proceedings, Frye hearings are expensive.
  16. 还有卢主教堂,如果其中央尖塔的顶端不沉浸在文艺复兴带的话,那会是完完全全峨特式的。
    There is the cathedral of Rouen, which would be entirely Gothic if it did not bathe the tip of its central spire in the zone of the Renaissance.
  17. 昂贵的修理工作
    An expensive repair job.
  18. 重复地停工和重复地启动都是贵的。
    repeated shutdowns and startups are expensive.
  19. 海关严厉执法,遏止了不法之徒使用贵复制器材大规模生产盗版光碟的活动。年内,这些活动已经销声匿迹。
    As a result of the department's vigorous enforcement action, large-scale illicit optical disc manufacturing activities, for which expensive replicating machines were used, had been successfully stamped out, and no large-scale activity was detected in 2001.
  20. 香港顺利回归后,我们深感自豪,也满怀信心,首阔步,向前迈进。
    Hong Kong has indeed been moving forward with pride and confidence since the successful reunification.
  21. 微软的董事长比尔·盖茨坚持认为,转移到网络计算机将意味着要购买贵的新服务器和台式机,以及重新编写应用程序。
    Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates insists on that moving to the Network Computer well mean buying costly new servers and desktops, as will as rewriting applications.
  22. 瓦伦斯法国东南部罗纳河上的一座城市,位于里以南,建立罗马时期,分别于公元413年和730年被西哥特人和阿拉伯人所侵占。人口66,356
    A city of southeast France on the Rhone River south of Lyons. Settled in Roman times, it was captured by the Visigoths in a.d.413 and the Arabs c.730. Population,66, 356.
  23. 位于市中心的贵地段;战略固定式火炮;位于山顶的房子;很好的坐落在宁静的河堤上。
    valuable centrally located urban land; strategically placed artillery; a house set on a hilltop; nicely situated on a quiet riverbank.
  24. 从"大同和小康"的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学、《道德》的哲理,"送元二使安西"送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》英雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲哀。以不同的方式,不同的角度,反映不同的社会,表达不同的情操,但同样的引人入胜。
    From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterisation of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"; to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q"; these works portray different societiesand sentiments using different styles and different angles, but they are all equally riveting.
  25. 他以为他能说服鲁宾逊先生买些贵的设备。
    He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson into buying some expensive equipment.
  26. 精力充沛的男人精力充沛,兴致高的年轻人
    A robust or high-spirited young man.
  27. 他像鸡舍里的公鸡一样首阔步。
    He strut around like a rooster in a hen house..
  28. 从“大同和小康”的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学,“送元二使安西“送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》英雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲哀。
    From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterization of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms";to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q";
  29. 我就到坦街去打听。
    I went to the rue d'Antin.
  30. 她的车子驶到坦街九号门前停了下来。
    The carriage stopped outside 9 rue d'Antin.
  31. “那么您也住在坦街?”
    'So you live in the rue d'Antin.'
  32. 第二天,我就到坦街九号去了。
    The following day, I directed my steps towards 9 rue d'Antin.