  • daily
  • Japanese
  • day
  • Sun
  • time
  • Japan
  • date
  • day of the month
  • daytime
  • run
  1.   ( zhōng guó běn suǒ yòng de ) ; zhī   India ink
  2.   ( chū wàng hòu huò hǎo chù 'ér ) miǎn zuì mǒu rén ; zhēng mǒu rén hǎo gǎn   keep on the right side of sb.
  3.   ( luó rén yòng bái 'ě zài shàng xìng de shàng hào , zhuǎn wéi ) zuò wéi qìng de shū shū   mark sth. with a white stone
  4.   ( shèng dàn jié piàn shàng de zhù ) zhì jié de wèn hòu !   Season 's Greetings!
  5.   ( zài qìng zhù jié shí chū xiàn de ) hǎo tiān   King's[Queen's] weather
  6.   ( ) shòu rǎo   disturbed day
  7.   ( jiào ) zuì hòu shěn pàn de hào shēng   the last trump (=the trump of doom)
  8.   ( tiān zhù jiào ) wàn líng jié ( shí yuè 'èr )   All Souls' Day
  9.   ( tiān zhù jiào de ) jiān xíng dǎo gào   L-Hours
  10.   ( rén ) jué dìng jié hūn de   name the day
  11.   ( běn ) hǎbā gǒu   the Japanese spaniel
  12.   ( běn shì de ) pōu shā   happy dispatch
  13.   ( běn zhèng huò xíng de ) yuán gōng zhài   yen bond
  14.   ( jiù xiǎo xué ) měi zhōu xué fèi   school pence
  15.   ( yòu guān zhàn de dài děng de ) nèi xié dìng   the Geneva Conventions
  16.   ( mǒu de ) qián tiān , tóu tiān   the day before
  1. ài 'ěr guó zhōng chéng shìwèi lāi nán zuò wéi zhù jiào jiào tíng de suǒ zài gāi chéng gōng yuán 8 shì yóu shèng fèi jiàn hòu lái chéng wéi yóu de guó wáng shǔ chéng bìng wéi zhōng shì yóu ěr màn chéng shì shāng rén lián méng de chéng yuánrén kǒu 214, 231
    A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century, it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population,214, 231.
  2. zuì jìn jiàn shì jiù shēng zài jīn nián 10 yuè 1 ér tóng jié zhè tiānwéi liǎo ràng hái guò kuài de jié 'ér dài hái chū mén mǎi liǎo hěn duō dōng
    The latest episode took place on October 1, the Children's Day. My daughter took the boy out on a shopping trip.
  3. duǎn dǎo gào zài dìng suǒ niàn de duǎn de zhèng shì de dǎo wén
    A brief formal prayer that is used in various Western liturgies before the epistle and that varies with the day.
  4. zhèng zhòng shuōzhè dǎn de yǐn zhuóshí lìng rén qīn pèi rán zhèng féng de yìng miào lián zhū zàn wáng jiā hūn qìng zhè zhǒng xíng shì de zhìjiù háo huì duì shī shēng hǎi tún 'ér 'ér shēn gǎn 'ān liǎo
    Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion.
  5. zhè běn shǒu gài kuò liǎo cháng wèi shēng de yào diǎn
    This handbook is a neat epitome of everyday hygiene.
  6. dàn shì men de shí dài chǎn jiē shí dàiquè yòu diǎn : shǐ jiē duì jiǎn dān huà liǎozhěng shè huì fēn liè wéi liǎng duì de zhèn yíngfēn liè wéi liǎng xiāng zhí jiē duì de jiē : chǎn jiē chǎn jiē
    Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms: Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes, directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.
  7. dàn shì kàn dào yīng de bìng bìng zěn me yán zhòng jiù mǎn liǎo bìng wàng yīng shàng yuányīn wéiyào shì yuán jiù kāi fěi huā yuán huí jiā
    but being satisfied on seeing her, that her illness was not alarming, she had no wish of her recovering immediately, as her restoration to health would probably remove her from Netherfield.
  8.   zhè xiē lìng rén dān yōu de shù chū 3 yuè 22 shì jiè shuǐ zhī qián de lián guó bào gào
    This alarming situation was shown in a United Nations (UN) report just ahead of World Water Day, which falls on March 22.
  9. xīng xīng de shòu mìng cháng 50 niányuán chǎn nóng de dài lín zhī zhōng liàng shēng huó zài fēi zhōu xiē guó jiā zhōngzhù yào shì mài lóngjiā péngchì dào nèi zhōng fēi gòng guó
    Western lowland gorillas can live to about 50 years and come from areas of dense rain forest and swamp in African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Central African Republic.
  10. hái yòu chōng mǎn qián hòu diàn táng yuán zhù zhī jiān de shù diāo xiànghuò guìhuò zhànhuò yòu nányòu yòu 'ér tónghái yòu guó wángzhù jiàowèi shìshí diāo de shí dejīn deyín detóng deshèn zhì zhì desuǒ yòu zhè qiēshì shuí men bào sǎo guāng
    And those myriads of statues, which peopled all the spaces between the columns of the nave and the choir, kneeling,standing, equestrian, men, women, children, kings, bishops,gendarmes, in stone, in marble, in gold, in silver, in copper, in wax even,--who has brutally swept them away?
  11. zhǐ yuè huò qiū fēn hòu de mǎn yuè
    the full moon nearest the September equinox.
  12. zài cháng huì jié shù guī huí duō biān mào tán pàn zhī guǒ mǒu chéng yuán shí shī liǎo gěi quán chí yòu rén gōng píng bào chóu de zhì wéi chí zhì biànzhǐ yào zài gāi zhì xià yīn zhì pǐn de shāng xìng chū chǎn shēng shí zhì xìng sǔn hài quán chí yòu rén de zhì zhuān yòu quán de hòu guǒ
    If on 15 April 1994 a Member has in force a system of equitable remuneration of right holders in respect of the rental of phonograms, it may maintain such system provided that the commercial rental of phonograms is not giving rise to the material impairment of the exclusive rights of reproduction of right holders.
  13. yóu zhàn zhēng gēn de jīng zhèng zhí xíng kàng mín tǒng zhàn xiàn de yuán dān bǎo shāng dāng zhèng quán yóu duì jué néng huài zhè zhǒng yuán fǒu jiāng yǐng xiǎng gēn de jiàn yóu zhàn zhēng de zhī chí
    The economic policy of the guerrilla base areas must follow the principles of the Anti-Japanese National United Front by equitably distributing the financial burden and protecting commerce. Neither the local organs of political power nor the guerrilla units must violate these principles, or otherwise the establishment of base areas and the maintenance of guerrilla warfare would be adversely affected.
  14. sān měi yuán xiāng dāng duō shǎo yuán
    What is $3 equivalent to in Japanese yen?
  15. běn de děng duō shǎo yīng
    How many miles is a Japanese Li equivalent to?
  16. yòu rén zài wǎng shàng shuō dōng zhī zǒng cái de duī wài jiāo lìnghěn róng jiù ràng zhōng guó xiāo fèi zhě lián xiǎng dào běn mǒu xiē zhèng duì shǐ wèn xīn gān qíng yuàntūn tūn de xiē fǎnxǐng’。
    "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China," some pointed out.
  17. jīn tiān shì xīn 'ér shēng ?”
    Today is Xin-er's birthday. You remembered!"
  18. guāng hòu wèile gēn chú běn zhí mín wén huà de yǐng xiǎngèr zhàn hòu guó mín zhèng jìn zhǐ rén mín shuō
    After WWII, to eradicate the lingering influence of Japanese colonialism, the Nationalist government that came to Taiwan banned the speaking of Japanese.
  19. jiù tái wān de yán zhèng lái shuōguāng hòu wèile gēn chú běn zhí mín wén huà de yǐng xiǎngguó mín zhèng jìn zhǐ rén mín shuō
    Take Taiwanese language policy for example. After WWII, to eradicate the lingering influence of Japanese colonialism, the Nationalist government that came to Taiwan banned the speaking of Japanese.
  20. zài xīn de shì zhōng guó zhèng jiāng zài quán guó shēn chí jiǔ kāi zhǎn jìn dǒu zhēng pǐn juéjìn tíng
    During the new century, the Chinese government will wage an unremitting, thoroughgoing struggle against drugs nationwide and will not stop its efforts until drugs are eradicated.
  21. 1959 nián zài xīzàng jìn xíng de mín zhù gǎi chè fèi chú liǎo cháng 700 duō nián de zhèng jiào guì sēng zhuān quán de fēng jiàn nóng zhì bǎi wàn nóng huò liǎo rén shēn yóuchéng liǎo xīn shè huì de zhù rén
    The democratic reform which took place in Tibet in 1959 eradicated the feudal serf system marked by the combination of government and religion and the dictatorship of nobles and monks, thus tens of thousands of serfs and slaves under the old system got their personal freedom and became masters of the new society.
  22. jīn de zuó de shī bài 'ēn · lǎng
    Today's opportunity erase yesterday's failures.-- Gene Brown
  23. zhōng guócháo xiān běn de zhǒng zhí guàn huò xiǎo qiáo yòu jiān xíng de cháng 'ér zhí de yuán zhuī huā běn zhēn xiāng
    erect evergreen treelike shrub of China and Korea and Japan having acuminate leaves and flowers in long erect panicles; resembles Japanese privet.
  24. zhǒng yòu guāng huá de fēn zhī dehuò wān huò zhí jīng gān de guāng lán shǔ zhí
    asphodel having erect smooth unbranched stem either flexuous or straight.
  25.   9 yuè 17 , ( měi guó ) guó jiā pín dào xiàn chǎng zhí liǎo wèi kāi luó jiāo wài de " jīn " nèi de tàn guò chéngzhè dòng yǐn liǎo hěn duō rén duì kǎo de xīng
    The National Geographic Channel's live broadcast of the exploration of the Great Pyramid, outside Cairo, on September 17 has aroused lots of people's interest in archaeology.
  26. yuè rén men zài jiā shí wán rén jiān yān huǒjiē xià jiù shì shè de yān huā huì
    The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.
  27. ràng shān kāi xīn shǐ shì zài xiē zāo gāo de xià chē shí shuāi dǎo huò shì mǎn bāo de wén jiàn zài guò dào shàng de shí hòu
    He made her laugh, even on those not so good days when she would trip exiting the bus, or drop her briefcase full of papers on the aisle floor.
  28. zài 11 yuè 9~13 duō zhào kāi de cháng huì shàngzhōng guó dài biǎo tuán jiāng zài 11 yuè 11 qiān shǔ shì suǒ de quán wén jiàn
    China's head delegate signed all the related WTO documents on Nov.11 during the organization's fourth Ministerial Conference in Qatar from Nov.9 to 13."
  29. zài jìn bàng fēn biàn chū shèng ěr màn shì chǎng de biān xíng wéi qiángshí zhì jīn rán shì shì chǎng
    Close beside it one descried the quadrilateral enclosure of the fair of Saint-Germain, where the market is situated to-day;
  30. jiàn shè wán shàn chéng shì shēng huó shōu róng shè shīzuò dào qīng yùn chǎn qīng
    Domestic refuse collection facilities shall be rehabilitated to realize airtight and prompt transportation and the clearance of the waste.
  31. qiánduō shù xiàn wǎng gōng zuò zài yōng de 2.4ghz pín shuài shàngzài pín shuài shàng men yào wēi shéng diàn huà xiāo fèi lèi diàn chǎn pǐn chū de xìn hào zhēng duó kōng jiān
    Most wireless LANs currently operate at the increasingly crowded 2.4 GHz frequency, where they compete for airspace with signals from microwave ovens, cordless telephones and other consumer electronic products.
  32. jiào jìn liǎojiào shī tiáo jiànshí shī bàn
    The Ministry of Education issued the enforcement measures of the Teachers' Qualification Terms recently.