爱尔福特德国中部城市,位于莱比锡西南部。作为主教教廷的所在地,该城于公元8世纪由圣博尼费斯建立,后来成为自由的国王属城并为中世纪自由日耳曼城市商人联盟的成员。人口214,231 A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century, it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population,214, 231.
最近一件事就发生在今年10月1日儿童节这一天,为了让孩子过一个愉快的节日,我女儿带孩子出门买了很多东西。 The latest episode took place on October 1, the Children's Day. My daughter took the boy out on a shopping trip.
短祷告在特定日子里所念的短的正式的祈祷文 A brief formal prayer that is used in various Western liturgies before the epistle and that varies with the day.
我郑重地说,这个大胆的隐喻着实令人钦佩,既然正逢一个大喜的日子,理应妙语连珠,礼赞王家婚庆,故这种戏剧形式的博物志,就丝毫不会对狮子生个海豚儿子而深感不安了。 Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion.
这本手册概括了日常卫生的要点。 This handbook is a neat epitome of everyday hygiene.
但是,我们的时代,资产阶级时代,却有一个特点:它使阶级对立简单化了。整个社会日益分裂为两大敌对的阵营,分裂为两大相互直接对立的阶级:资产阶级和无产阶级。 Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms: Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes, directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.
但是一看到吉英的病并不怎么严重,她就满意了;她也并不希望吉英马上复元,因为,要是一复元,她就得离开尼日斐花园回家去。 but being satisfied on seeing her, that her illness was not alarming, she had no wish of her recovering immediately, as her restoration to health would probably remove her from Netherfield.
这些令人担忧的数字都出自3月22日世界水日之前发布的一个联合国报告。 This alarming situation was shown in a United Nations (UN) report just ahead of World Water Day, which falls on March 22.
西部低地大猩猩的寿命可以长达50年,原产于浓密的热带雨林之中,大量生活在非洲一些国家中,主要是尼日利亚、喀麦隆、加蓬、赤道几内亚和中非共和国。 Western lowland gorillas can live to about 50 years and come from areas of dense rain forest and swamp in African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Central African Republic.
还有昔日充满前后殿堂各个圆柱之间的无数雕像,或跪,或站,或骑马,有男,有女,有儿童,还有国王、主教、卫士,石雕的,大理石刻的,金的,银的,铜的,甚至蜡制的,所有这一切,是谁把它们粗暴地一扫光呢? And those myriads of statues, which peopled all the spaces between the columns of the nave and the choir, kneeling,standing, equestrian, men, women, children, kings, bishops,gendarmes, in stone, in marble, in gold, in silver, in copper, in wax even,--who has brutally swept them away?
指月日或日秋分后的满月。 the full moon nearest the September equinox.
在部长级会议结束乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判之日,如果某成员已实施了给权利持有人以公平报酬的制度,则可以维持其制度不变,只要在该制度下录音制品的商业性出租不产生实质性损害权利持有人的复制专有权的后果。 If on 15 April 1994 a Member has in force a system of equitable remuneration of right holders in respect of the rental of phonograms, it may maintain such system provided that the commercial rental of phonograms is not giving rise to the material impairment of the exclusive rights of reproduction of right holders.
游击战争根据地的经济政策,必须执行抗日民族统一战线的原则,即合理负担和保护商业,当地政权和游击队决不能破坏这种原则,否则将影响于根据地的建立和游击战争的支持。 The economic policy of the guerrilla base areas must follow the principles of the Anti-Japanese National United Front by equitably distributing the financial burden and protecting commerce. Neither the local organs of political power nor the guerrilla units must violate these principles, or otherwise the establishment of base areas and the maintenance of guerrilla warfare would be adversely affected.
三美元相当于多少日圆呢? What is $3 equivalent to in Japanese yen?
日本的一里等于多少英里? How many miles is a Japanese Li equivalent to?
也有人在网上说:“东芝副总裁的那一大堆外交辞令,很容易就让中国消费者联想到日本某些政客对于历史问题心不甘情不愿、吞吞吐吐的那些‘反省’。” "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China," some pointed out.
今天是新儿生日,你也记得吗?” Today is Xin-er's birthday. You remembered!"
光复后为了根除日本殖民文化的影响,二战后国民政府禁止人民说日语。 After WWII, to eradicate the lingering influence of Japanese colonialism, the Nationalist government that came to Taiwan banned the speaking of Japanese.
就以台湾的语言政策来说,光复后为了根除日本殖民文化的影响,国民政府禁止人民说日语; Take Taiwanese language policy for example. After WWII, to eradicate the lingering influence of Japanese colonialism, the Nationalist government that came to Taiwan banned the speaking of Japanese.
在新的世纪里,中国政府将在全国深入持久地开展禁毒斗争。毒品一日不绝,禁毒一刻不停。 During the new century, the Chinese government will wage an unremitting, thoroughgoing struggle against drugs nationwide and will not stop its efforts until drugs are eradicated.
1959年在西藏进行的民主改革,彻底废除了长达700多年的政教合一、贵族僧侣专权的封建农奴制度,昔日百万农奴和奴隶获得了人身自由,成了新社会的主人。 The democratic reform which took place in Tibet in 1959 eradicated the feudal serf system marked by the combination of government and religion and the dictatorship of nobles and monks, thus tens of thousands of serfs and slaves under the old system got their personal freedom and became masters of the new society.
今日的机遇可抹去昨日的失败。--吉恩·布朗 Today's opportunity erase yesterday's failures.-- Gene Brown
中国、朝鲜、日本的一种直立灌木或小乔木,具有尖形的叶和长而直立的圆锥花序;和日本女贞相似。 erect evergreen treelike shrub of China and Korea and Japan having acuminate leaves and flowers in long erect panicles; resembles Japanese privet.
一种具有光滑的、无分枝的、或弯曲或直立茎干的日光兰属植物。 asphodel having erect smooth unbranched stem either flexuous or straight.
9月17日,(美国)国家地理频道现场直播了位于开罗郊外的"大金字塔"内部的探秘过程。这一举动引起了很多人对考古的兴趣。 The National Geographic Channel's live broadcast of the exploration of the Great Pyramid, outside Cairo, on September 17 has aroused lots of people's interest in archaeology.
七月四日,人们在家里食完人间烟火,接下去就是社区的烟花会。 The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.
他让苏姗开心,即使是在那些糟糕的日子里,她下车时摔倒或是把满包的文件撒在过道上的时候。 He made her laugh, even on those not so good days when she would trip exiting the bus, or drop her briefcase full of papers on the aisle floor.
在11月9~13日于多哈召开的第四次部长会议上,中国代表团将在11月11日签署入世所需的全部文件。 China's head delegate signed all the related WTO documents on Nov.11 during the organization's fourth Ministerial Conference in Qatar from Nov.9 to 13."
在其近旁,可以分辨出圣日耳曼集市场的四边形围墙,时至今日,依然是个市场; Close beside it one descried the quadrilateral enclosure of the fair of Saint-Germain, where the market is situated to-day;
建设和完善城市地区生活垃圾收容设施,做到密闭清运,日产日清。 Domestic refuse collection facilities shall be rehabilitated to realize airtight and prompt transportation and the clearance of the waste.
目前,多数无线局域网工作在日益拥挤的2.4ghz频率上,在此频率上,它们要与微波炉、无绳电话和其他消费类电子产品发出的信号争夺空间。 Most wireless LANs currently operate at the increasingly crowded 2.4 GHz frequency, where they compete for airspace with signals from microwave ovens, cordless telephones and other consumer electronic products.
教育部近日发布了《教师资格条件》实施办法。 The Ministry of Education issued the enforcement measures of the Teachers' Qualification Terms recently.