  • Fast
  • give alms
  • keep a fast
  • room
  • studio
  • vegetarian diet
  • study
  • house
  • lent diet
  • home
  1. n.  vi.禁食, 绝食, 戒, 戒期, 禁食期, 禁食   fast
  2.   《聊斋志异》   Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
  3. n.  值夜, 守夜, 熬夜, 警戒, 戒的前夜, 节日前夕所作的祈祷仪式, 值夜班   vigil
  4. n.  兄弟, 会友, 修道院食堂或堂   frater
  5. n.  净化, 净化, 纯净法, 提纯, 精制, 涤罪, 戒, 洁身礼, 祓, 洁杯式   purification
  6. n.  四旬前的星期日, 复活节前的第五十日   quinquagesima
  7. adj.  四旬的, 四旬时举行的, 素菜的, 大期的, 适合于四旬的, 简朴的, 严肃的, 不开朗的, 无肉食的, 大戒的, 大戒期间的, 不丰盛的, 郁闷的   lenten
  8. n.  四旬节, 四旬的第一个星期日, 四旬节(四旬的第一个星期日)   quadragesima
  9. n.  在大期戒巧克力、 烟、 肉.   give up chocolates, smoking, meat for Lent
  10.   大期的前一日或前几日的节日.   or days before Lent
  11. n.  大期的第一个星期日.   the first Sunday in Lent
  12. n.  大节前的星期日(复活节前50天).   the Sunday before Lent (50 days before Easter)
  13. n.  安息日, 安息日, 主日, 安宁, 安息, 休息期, 其它宗教的日, 休假时间   sabbath
  14. n.  宗教节日的前夕(尤指戒的)   eve of a religious festival, esp one observed by fasting
  15.   忏悔节(大首日的前一天, 人们曾常在此日忏悔请求赦罪). Cf 参看 Ash Wednesday (ash2).   day before the beginning of Lent, on which people were often shriven
  16.   斋, 素菜   Lenten fare
  1. 至于主教的额外开支,以及请求提早婚礼费、特许开费、婴孩死前洗礼费、宣教费、为教堂或私立小堂祝圣费、行结婚典礼费等等,这位主教都到有钱人身上去取来给穷人;取得紧也给得急。
    As for the chance episcopal perquisites, the fees for marriage bans, dispensations, private baptisms, sermons, benedictions, of churches or chapels, marriages, etc., the Bishop levied them on the wealthy with all the more asperity, since he bestowed them on the needy.
  2. 我避开吃药;在月期间,穆斯林教徒避开烟草。
    I keep off drugs; During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day.
  3. 标志着伊斯兰月开始的新月还有出现。
    The new moon, marking the beginning of Ramadan, had yet to appear.
  4. 当每年的月到来时,穆斯林教徒从清晨到黄昏都要禁食。
    When the month of Ramadan comes round each year, Moslems have to fast from dawn to dusk.
  5. 施瓦茨科夫将军坚持他决心在下令发动地面攻击以前,要从容不迫。有人问他是否受到炎热天气的来临以及三月间穆斯林度拉玛丹月的限制,他回答说:“我不觉得有过分的压力。显然这些都重要,都在考虑中。但有一件事比什么都重要:就是以最少的人命损失来达成我们的目标。”
    General Schwarzkopf insisted he was determined to take his time before ordering a ground attack. Asked whether he was constrained by the approach of hot weather and of the Islamic religious observances of Ramadan in March, he replied:"I feel no hot breath down my neck. All of those things are important, obviously, and we're taking all of them into consideration. But the one thing that's more important than anything else is that we accomplish our objectives with a minimum loss of human life."
  6. 还有那堂,建筑师把它造得非同凡响,其气派、美观、花瓣格子窗的壮丽,都像是主教堂似的;
    that refectory, upon which the architect had bestowed the air, the beauty, and the rose window of a cathedral;
  7. 一个用于学习或放松的僻静房间
    A secluded room for study or relaxation.
  8. 特免修道士戒律的放宽,如戒的免除
    Relaxation of monastic rules, as a dispensation from fasting.
  9. 邻居们厨艺都不错,令人回味无穷的有那荷兰血统的欧亚裔人用粗面粉烘制的香喷喷的大蛋糕、有马来邻居亲手烘制的开节糕点、有淡米尔族邻居在屠妖节做的精美点心,还有一个葡萄牙血统的欧亚裔人烘制的漂亮又别致的生日蛋糕。
    It was richly multi-cultural, our families aligned in our terrace houses in this colourful sequence-Dutch Eurasians with pink Honolulu's and grest semolina cake, Malays with great Hari Raya food platters, Tamils with equally great Deepavali platters, and then, a Portuguese Eurasian family with the most beautifully decorated iced birthday cakes.
  10. 艺术馆内展示当代香港艺术、中国古代文物、历史绘画和中国书画的长期展览厅,以及虚白藏中国书画馆,继续轮流展出精选的艺术馆藏品。
    The permanent galleries of contemporary Hong Kong art,Chinese antiquities, historical pictures, Chinese fine art and the Xubaizhai collection of Chinese painting and calligraphy continued to feature selected works from the museum's collection on a rotational basis.
  11. 严寒季节便成了他夜间生活的地方。他叫那做“冬”。
    Here he passed his evenings during seasons of severe cold: he called it his winter salon.
  12. 在冬里,和在餐室里一样,除了一张白木方桌和四张麦秸心椅子外,再也没有旁的家具。
    In this winter salon, as in the dining-room, there was no other furniture than a square table in white wood, and four straw-seated chairs.
  13. 万一他同时接见七八个人,省长、将军或是驻军的参谋,或是教士培养所的几个学生,他们就得到牛棚里去找冬的椅子,经堂里去找祈祷椅,卧室里去找围椅。这样,他们可以收集到十一张待客的坐具。
    When, by chance, he received seven or eight persons at one time, the prefect, or the general, or the staff of the regiment in garrison, or several pupils from the little seminary, the chairs had to be fetched from the winter salon in the stable, the prie-Dieu from the oratory, and the arm-chair from the bedroom: in this way as many as eleven chairs could be collected for the visitors.
  14. 在文物工作方面,五六十年代的重点是对故宫博物院旧藏的清宫文物重新清点核对,登记造册,进行鉴别、分类和建档,纠正了过去计件不确之处并增补了遗漏的文物,例如从杂物堆中发现了用草帘裹着的象牙席、修复漱芳戏台时发现在地板下存放的传为唐代卢棱伽的《六尊者像》册等。
    As for the collection of antiquities, a systematic inventory was completed during the 1950s and 1960s, redressing the legacy of inaccurate cataloguing of former times. The collection was moreover augmented, for example by the salvage of a number of precious artefacts from a jumble of apparently worthless objects.
  15. 忏悔星期二的戒日。
    the pre-Lenten festival of Shrove Tuesday.
  16. (英)在四旬、复活节或圣诞节里吃的一种果糕(有时上盖杏泥)。
    (British) a fruitcake (sometimes covered with almond paste) eaten at mid-Lent or Easter or Christmas.
  17. 他们也可以自由地上供、僧布施、煨桑、诵经。
    They are also free to offer sacrifices, give food or alms to Buddhist monks and nuns, burn incense and chant scriptures.
  18. 对一年一度的拉萨传召大法会,传统的马年转大雪山、羊年转纳木神湖和热振寺坝子等活动,政府有关部门都前往僧布施。
    Government department officials attend such religious activities as the annual Grand Summons Ceremony in Lhasa, the pilgrimage to Snow Mountain in the Year of the Horse, the pilgrimage to the Holy Lake of Nam Co in the Year of the Sheep and the Walking-Around-Religious-Rock Festival at the Razheng Monastery, and offer alms each time.
  19. 学者的天地在书斋。
    A scholar belong in his study.
  20. 他们在某些天斋戒。
    They fast on certain days.
  21. 圣灰星期三(大首日)
    Ash5Wednesdaybfirst day of Lent
  22. 一直坚持到死的斋戒
    A fast unto death.
  23. 浦尔印度西北部城市,位于德里西南以南。建于1728年,曾是12世纪建立的古国的中心,并且以其城墙、防御工事和许多房屋呈粉红色而闻名。人口977,165
    A city of northwest India south-southwest of Delhi. The center of a former state established in the12th century, Jaipur was founded in1728 and is noted for its walls and fortifications and the pink color of many of its houses. Population,977, 165.
  24. 格里利美国科罗拉多州中北部一城市,位于丹佛东北偏北。1870年始建时为一个合作农场和戒场所,并以其保护人赫拉斯·格里利命名。人口60,536
    A city of north-central Colorado north-northeast of Denver. It was founded in1870 as a cooperative farm and temperance center and named for its patron, Horace Greeley. Population,60, 536.
  25. 节,封期从圣灰星期三(大节的第一天)到复活节的四十天,基督徒视之为禁食和为复活节作准备而忏悔的季节
    The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.
  26. 一次,在封节,有个年轻的助理主教来到迪涅,在天主堂里讲道。
    In the course of one Lent, a youthful vicar came to D----, and preached in the cathedral. He was tolerably eloquent.
  27. 星期五是斋日。
    Friday is a fast day.
  28. 此外各地的小禁令还很多,如醴陵禁傩神游香,禁买南货果送情,禁中元烧衣包,禁新春贴瑞签。
    Besides these, many other minor prohibitions have been introduced in various places, such as the Liling prohibitions on incense-burning processions to propitiate the god of pestilence, on buying preserves and fruit for ritual presents, burning ritual paper garments during the Festival of Spirits and pasting up good-luck posters at the New Year.
  29. 宗教教职人员履行的正常教务活动,在宗教活动场所以及按宗教习惯在教徒自己家里进行的一切正常的宗教活动,如拜佛、诵经、礼拜、祈祷、讲经、讲道、弥撒、受洗、受戒、封、过宗教节日、终傅、追思等,都由宗教组织和教徒自理,受法律保护,任何人不得干涉。
    All normal clerical activities conducted by the clergy and all normal religious activities held either at sites for religious activities or in believers' own homes in accordance with usual religious practices, such as worshipping Buddha, reciting scriptures, going to church, praying, preaching, observing Mass, baptising, monkhood initiation, fasting, celebrating religious festivals, observing extreme unction, and holding memorial ceremonies, are protected by law as the affairs of religious bodies and believers themselves and may not be interfered with.
  30. 天主教教徒在四旬期间禁食。
    Catholics sometimes fast during Lent.
  31. 狂欢大节前的狂欢作乐和宴饮
    Merrymaking and feasting just before Lent.
  32. 属于、关于或适合于大节的。
    of or relating to or suitable for Lent.