当年杜塞尔多夫的市民得知没有足够的合金来建成他们爱戴的詹·威廉王子的骑马雕像时,他们捐出了自家的银器。 Silver spoons were donated by the citizens of Dusseldorf when they learned that insufficient alloy was avail-able to complete their equestrian statue of popular prince Jan Wellem.
在过去的数年中,他证明自己在doom和quake的世界里是无敌的,特别著名的就是他在微软赞助的一次游戏比赛中把johncarmack捐赠的法拉力赢回了家(那时开始他父母开始支持他打游戏,thresh的大名从此威震四方)。现在22岁的他从伯克利的加里福尼亚大学休学,学起了真的乔丹开始投身商海。 Over the past several years,Fong has proven unbeatable in Doom and Quake tournaments,scoring everything from a Microsoft sponsorship to a Ferrari donated by the co-creator of the games he has mastered.Now the 22-year-old University of California at Berkeley dropout is living up to the Jordan comparison by making the precipitous journey from athlete to entrepreneur.
像很多社区里藉藉无名而雄心万丈的政客一样,这位45岁的国会议虽一直奔走于律师事务所和工会。无非是寻求足够捐款以换取政治威望。 Like little-known but ambitious politicians in many communities, the 45-year-old Congressman has been making the rounds of the state's la firms and union halls, all in a quest to raise enough money to buy political respect.
为帮助饥饿的孩子们,我正在搞募捐。 I'm collecting money in aid of starving children.
以义卖捐赠来补助经费。 Finances are aided by rummage sales.
女捐助人提供帮助,尤其是钱财帮助的女人 A woman who gives aid, especially financial aid.
捐助人提供帮助的人,尤指钱财帮助 One that gives aid, especially financial aid.
募捐帮助病人 raising fund in aid of the sick
比如,一项调查显示,一个募捐人在向房主展示了一长串已经向慈善机构捐款的邻居的名单后,获得捐款的数量显著增加; For example, a study found that a fund? raiser who showed homeowners a list of neighbors who had donated to a local charity significantly increased the frequency of contributions;
慈善义卖会一种募捐性质的集市或游艺会 A fund-raising fair or carnival.
常常受到批评的比尔盖茨有一次对媒体说:“你们只指我赚钱的时候非常凶悍,为什么不讲我捐款的时候又是那么地慷慨?” For example, Bill Gates once told the media, "You criticise me for making profits aggressively, but why don't you present my generosity in giving donations?"
捐款合计达一万美元。 The donation aggregated to $10, 000.
捐款合计达一万美元。 The donation aggregated to$10,000.
这些房子的房捐所根据的数目比税金低。 The houses are rated at a sum smaller than the rent.
人们意外发现了梦露18岁时拍摄的已有50个年头的录像和录音,这让人们进一步深入了解了梦露的内心世界:她悄悄地为孤儿捐赠慈善礼物,渴望赢得宗教和社会容忍。 The unexpected reappearance of a 50?year?old home movie, shot in Monroe's late teens,give a unique insight into her secret charitable gifts to orphans and to a desire to campaign for religious and social tolerance.
教堂中征收捐款的浅的容器。 a shallow receptacle for collection in church.
在着手重建伊拉克之际,联盟国家将与其盟国、其他双边捐助国以及联合国和其他国际机构进行合作。 As the Coalition proceeds with the reconstruction of Iraq, it will work with its allies, other bilateral donors, and with the United Nations and other international institutions.
梅利莎认为,医院以后应当只接受愿意讲明身份的捐献者。 Melissa argues that in future clinics should only recruit donors willing to be identified.
捐助红十字会 Contribute to the Red Cross
有一个比较能弥补的因素,就是财富的捐出、对社会的回馈,无论是对慈善事业也好、对宗教也好、对教育事业也好,倒可能比过去要看得开。 But a redeeming tendency is emerging, too. People are more generous nowadays in giving to the public by means of donations to charity, religious bodies, or educational institutions. They are more liberal with their money than before.
很多人经常为慈善事业捐款。 Many people regularly give money to charity.
每一个主张和平的国家都必须提高警惕,更重要的是要捐弃成见,抛开私利,结合集体正义力量,毫不手软地将恐怖主义斩草除根。 Every country that advocates peace must be on the alert. More important, they should put aside their prejudices and selfish interests to root out terrorism collectively and relentlessly.
自愿捐助主义依赖志愿捐助而非政府基金,如为一个教堂或学校;自愿主义 Reliance on voluntary contributions rather than government funds, as for churches or schools; voluntarism.
请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠。 Please give generously to famine relief.
仁慈的捐助者;慈善救济;仁慈的捐献。 a benevolent contributor; eleemosynary relief; philanthropic contributions.
他认捐5镑作为水灾救济基金。 He subscribed £ 5 to the flood relief fund.
外科手术的进步使捐赠者能够提供肾脏、肝脏以及部分肺片。 Surgical advances allow donors to give kidneys and liver and lung fragments.
要确保灾区及时收到所有捐款。 he expected his contribution to be repaid with interest.
高利贷者放债给因年成不好或苛捐杂税而破产的农民,用以维持他们的生活和耕作,到下一次收获时收回贷款并得到巨额利息。 The money dealers lend to the unfortunate cultivators, when ruined by bad seasons or fiscal exactions, the means of supporting life and continuing their cultivation, and are repaid with enormous interest at the next harvest;
旧杂货义卖根本未能筹集到足够的资金来支付重新油漆教堂大厅的费用,但它至少还是筹集到了所需的捐款。 The jumble sale did not yield nearly enough money to pay for repainting the church hall, but at least it was a step in the right direction.
用(通常是刚刚死去的)捐献者健康的角膜代替患者病变的角膜的手术。 the act of replacing a damaged or diseased cornea with another cornea taken from a donor (usually a donor who has recently died).
不久前比斯尔同意到贝蒂·福特医疗中心去就医,费用又一次由美国芭蕾舞剧院的捐款人支付,据说他在那个医疗中心呆了五个星期。 Recently Bissell agreed to try the Betty Ford Center, again “at the expense ART donors, and reportedly stayed five weeks.