  • develop
  • open up
  • expand
  • support on palm
  • develop
  • open up
  • rubbings
  • make rubbing
  • support or push
  1.   vt.开垦,开拓;回收   reclaim
  2.   【数】拓扑的子基   subbase for a topology
  3.   【数】拓朴学   analysis situs
  4. adj.  为了宽道路只好将人行道弄窄.   In order to widen the road they had to narrow the pavement
  5. adj.  他的小说开了想像力新天地.   His stories opened up new worlds of the imagination
  6. vt.  伸出, 拉开, 展开, 扩展, 扩大, 扩张, 扩散, 给予, 寄与, 发挥, 推广, 传播, 写出全文, 引伸, 延伸, 延续, 延长, 致, 提供, 赠送, 估价, 没收, 扣押, 使疏散, 使散开, 搀杂..., 填充, 开, 会计把转入另一栏, 算出...的总额, 使拼命, 勉强   extend
  7. vt.  使屈服, 征服, 镇压, 压制, 驯化, 开, 根除, 弄低, 减淡, 克服, 使缓和, 使平静   subdue
  8. n.  先锋, 荒者, 开劈者, 开辟者, 先驱, 提倡者, 创始人, 轻工兵, 耐蚀镍合金, 先驱生物, 首创者, 倡导者, 先遣兵   pioneer
  9.   出口市场拓展计划   export market development programme
  10. n.  剥削者, 开者, 开发者   exploiter
  11. n.  剥开, 开, 剥离, 剥离覆盖层, 煤粉   baring
  12. n.  剥离, 开拓   uncovering
  13. n.  发展, 显影, 发育, 生长, 进化, 改善, 展开, 扩张, 开发, 开, 发达事物, 发展阶段, 发展结果, 研制, 研制成果, 推导, 发生, 产生, 形成, 出现, 显影, 冲洗, 设计, 加工输出, 新设备, 开区, 进展, 成长, 发展量, 进展程度, 发展物, 生长物, 开发区, 社区, 新情况, 新闻   development
  14. adj.  同形的,同构造的,显示异质同形或同扑的   homeomorphous
  15. vt.  在...开拓殖民地   colonise
  16. vt.  在某处开殖民地, 移民于殖民地, [美]把选民非法移入(某地区以扩大其政党的势力), (为政治目的)打入, 混入(某机构), 移植, (在某地区)开殖民地, 垦殖(亦作colonise), 殖, 殖民   colonize
  1. 艾伦开了一条到新野餐区的路,我们都跟着他。
    Alan blazed a trail to the new picnic area and we all followed.
  2. 博恩,马克斯1882-1970德裔物理学家。因在量子力学方面的开性工作而获1954年诺贝尔奖
    German-born physicist. He shared a1954 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in quantum mechanics.
  3. (六)宽资金筹集渠道,加快社会保障体系建设。
    Widening the Channel of Fund-raising and Quickening the Pace of the Construction of Social Security System.
  4. 针对市场约束增强的新情况,去年加大了开国内市场特别是农村市场的力度。
    Aiming at the new circumstances of increased market constrains, we intensified the efforts on tapping domestic market, especially the rural market last year.
  5. 结果,在公司计划要开移动应用商机时,就得选择可以极大地简化开发、部署和管理应用程序和门户方式的软件平台。
    As a result, as companies plan to exploit mobile application opportunities, they need to choose a software platform that will radically simplify how they develop, deploy and manage mobile applications and portals.
  6. 新闻出版、广播影视集团要大力展对外业务,扩大国际知名度;
    Businesses in news and publications, in broadcasting and movie-making shall all aggressively expand themselves overseas so as to raise their name recognition on the international markets.
  7. 第四,为继续开国外市场和吸引外资,进一步保持国际收支的良好状态,中国政府分批提高了纺织品、煤炭、水泥、钢材和部分机电产品的出口退税率,并调整了进口设备税收政策,降低了关税税率,对国家鼓励发展的外商投资项目和国内投资项目,在规定范围内免征关税和进口环节增值税。
    Fourth, to boost China's exports, attract more foreign investment and maintain a sound balance-of-payments position, the Chinese government has in succession raised the export tax rebates for textiles, coal, cement, steel and some machinery and electronic products. At the same time, the Chinese government adjusted the tax policies regarding equipment imports by reducing or exempting tariff and VAT for those foreign and domestic invested projects encouraged by the national policies.
  8. 现正计划拆除这幢旧大楼以宽马路。
    There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.
  9. 年内,当局按照与新市镇及市区展区腹地相关的植林计划,广植了超过170万棵树木。
    Under the afforestation programme associated with the hinterland of the new towns and urban development areas, more than 1.7 million trees were planted by the TDD during the year.
  10. 美国“自由军团”将招募20多万名新的自愿者,来展和完善以前“美国军团”和“老年人军团”的好做法。
    USA Freedom Corps will expand and improve the good efforts of AmeriCorps and Senior Corps to recruit more than 200,000 new volunteers.
  11. 美国“自由军团”将招募20多万名新的自愿者,来展和完善以前“美国军团”和“老年人军团”的好做法。
    USA Freedom Corps will expand and improve the good efforts of American Corps and Senior Corps to recruit more than 200,000 new volunteers.
  12. 每一次这样的机会双方都达成一种共识,即我们可以通过共同推动知识的发展来展人类自由的疆界。
    In each occasion there is an affirmation that by together advancing knowledge we can extend the frontiers of human freedom.
  13. 新市区展区的建筑工程及可行性研究,大致上遵照都会计划内土地用途的一般模式和指椅垃并与毗邻旧区的重新规划和重建工程互相配合。
    Construction works and feasibility studies on new urban development areas generally follow the broad pattern of land use and guidelines in the Metroplan, and integrate with the replanning and redevelopment of adjoining old areas in a co-ordinated manner.
  14. 展署现正就数项大型填海计划进行可行性研究和详细设计工作,目标是提供发展用地和调迁现有人口,并提供或改善设施,方便重建旧区和失修地区。
    The Territory Development Department (TDD) is conducting feasibility studies and detailed design of several major reclamation projects to provide new land for growth, to decant existing population and to provide or upgrade facilities to enable the redevelopment of old and run-down areas.
  15. 各级政协组织、各民主党派和无党派人士开展民主监督的渠道进一步宽。
    The channels for the CPPCC committees at all levels, all democratic parties and all personages without party affiliation to engage in democratic supervision have been further widened.
  16. 既有的媒体集团要深化改革,调整结构,扩大规模,展业务。
    Existing media enterprises shall be further reformed, restructured, expanded and developed.
  17. 内尔维,皮尔·卢伊戈1891-1979意大利建筑师和钢筋混凝土装饰用途方面的开
    Italian architect and pioneer in the decorative use of reinforced concrete.
  18. 文物传拓技术
    Rubbing Technique of Cultural Relics
  19. 既然有如此大的热情,你或许会认为像赛尔福这样的开者会大张旗鼓地宣传他们在领导生物林业所做的突破性进展方面所起的作用。
    Given such enthusiasm, you might think that pioneers like CellFor would be eager to advertise their role in the breakthroughs that are leading the way for bioforestry.
  20. 各发展区的土地平整及基础设施的设计及建筑工程,在展署的监督及统筹下相继进行。
    About 31 hectares of land will be reclaimed by 2006 to provide sufficient land for urban renewal, housing development and transport infrastructure.
  21. 国会新大厦的启用,也显示新加坡的议会民主制度,已经臻于成熟的阶段,今天,各阶层的人民对自由民主政治的认识,已经大大的提高,加上国人大多数有机会接受较高教育,资讯的发达等,对政治的觉醒开了更大的视野,对民主自由有着更实际角度的看法。
    As symbolized by the new building for the House, Singapore's parliamentary democracy has grown into adulthood. Today, blessed with better opportunities of education and easier access to information, people have gained a wider and more realistic understanding of politics, freedom and democracy.
  22.  文物的复制、印、拍摄等管理办法由国家文化行政管理部门制定。
    Measures governing the production of replicas, rubbings and photographs of cultural relics shall be formulated by the state department for cultural administration.
  23. 要力保现有市场,开新的市场。
    We will retain existing markets for China's exports and open new ones.
  24. 因此,我认为现在是时候重新研究展德国和香港两地的夥伴关系,研究如何作出更具雄心壮志的发展大计。
    I feel it is time to rethink the scope of the German-Hong Kong partnership. To think bigger.
  25. 香港的前景一片光明,我认为现在是时候重新研究展法国和香港两地的夥伴关系,研究如何作出更具雄心壮志的发展大计。
    With the future of Hong Kong assured, I feel it is time to rethink the scope of the French-Hong Kong partnership. To think bigger.
  26. 香港人富有不屈不挠、勇往直前的精神,加上中国中央人民政府领导人决意贯彻「一国两制」的构想,香港的前景是一片光明的。因此,我认为现在是重新研究展日本和香港两地伙伴关系的时候,研究如何作出更具雄心壮志的发展大计。
    With the indomitable spirit of the Hong Kong people, and a strong commitment from the leadership of the Central People's Government to the full implementation of the 'one country, two systems' concept, Hong Kong's future is assured, I feel it is time to rethink the scope of the Japan-Hong Kong partnership. To think bigger.
  27. 二是大力开城乡市场,积极扩大出口。
    Second, to vigorously tap urban and rural markets and actively expand export.
  28. 使光滑或更光滑好象是通过摹
    make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing.
  29. 开拓城乡市场
    Develop urban and rural markets
  30. 开拓农村消费市场
    Develop consumer markets in rural areas
  31. 当你开自己的道路时,不要总选择最安全的那一条,即使它能保证你轻而易举获得成功。
    As you build your path, don't always take the safest way, even if it assures easy success.
  32. 在〔美国〕西部荒时代的早期,"redeye"是在大部份的酒廊就有的非常普遍的酒。喝了过多就使眼睛充血了。
    In the early days, on the western frontier, red eye was the common alcoholic drink found in most saloons. Over-consumption made the eyes red!