  • Dismantle
  • tear open
  • remove
  • tear open
  • tear down
  • tear apart
  • open
  • break up, split apart, rip open
  • destroy
  1.   【刷】自动拆版装置   distributor bar
  2. n.  一束麻或丝, 切丝, 小麻把, 收布景, 景   strick
  3. adj.  不可分开的,不可卸的   undetachable
  4.   不可拆卸控探测器   non-detachable detector
  5.   不可拆式火灾探测器   non detachable type fire detector
  6. adj.  不能分的, 不可分离的, 相连的, 不可的, 不能分离的, 不能分开的   inseparable
  7. vt.  丢弃, 废弃, 使成碎片, 扔弃, 敲碎, 毁   scrap
  8.   中国同业借市场利率   CHIBOR
  9.   中国同业借市场利率   China inter-bank offered rate
  10.   中心键拆锥楔套   center key
  11. n.  为建筑新住宅区而对贫民区的除   the clearance of slum ghettos to make way for new housing developments
  12. n.  乡间音乐, 民谣的合唱会, 以演出民谣为主的聚会, 民谣歌唱家为自己举行的非公开音乐会, 机器配件, 小机件, 除管清洗污水装置   hootenanny
  13. vt.  从板条箱中取出, 打开…的包装, 箱取出   uncrate
  14. v.  从链子上下一个链环   detach a link from a chain
  15. v.  从(一地区)撤军或除军事设施   as a result of a treaty or an agreement
  16. vt.  仔细检查, 检修, 翻修, 修, 追上, 解松绳索, 彻底检查, 大修, 赶上   overhaul
  1. 这些关厢村镇有些还是很大的。首先是从小塔作为起点的圣维克多镇,那里有一座在比埃弗尔河上的单拱桥,一座可以看到胖子路易墓志铭(épitaphiumludivicigrossi)的修道院,还有一座有着八角尖顶、尖顶旁有四个十一世纪小钟楼的教堂(这样的教堂现在在埃唐普还有一座,还没有毁);
    Some of these faubourgs were important: there were,first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bi鑦re, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~,and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed);
  2. 在旧城改造迁中,对体现老北京特色的四合院进行有区别地审慎处理和保护,并把原有各种地名的历史、内涵、事件等采取原址保留、部分保留或以雕塑、石刻等手段记录下来。
    In the renovation of the old city, the quadrangles (siheyuan), which bear the features of the old city, will be carefully dealt with and protected in different ways; and records concerning the origin, connotations, and incidents related to the historical places will be entirely or partially inscribed on the spot by permanent means.
  3. 长音节的分或替换一个韵律元素替代另一个,尤指在数量韵文中用两个短音节替代一个长音节
    The substitution of one metrical unit for another, especially the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable in quantitative verse.
  4. 破坏,毁用或象用故意损坏物品的行为毁坏或摧毁;把…变成垃圾或废物
    To wreck or destroy by or as if by vandalism; reduce to trash or ruins.
  5. 那些房子准备掉,好腾出地方修飞机场。
    Those houses are going to be pulled down to make room for an airfield.
  6. 外消旋体的拆分
    resolution of a racemic modification
  7. 他也把它们开了,并且得出结论:蓝色巨人把价值约700美元的磁盘驱动器、主板和随机存储器芯片卖到3000美元。
    Soon he switched to IBM PCs. He took those apart, too, and came to the conclusion that Big Blue was charging $3,000 for around $700 worth of disk drives, motherboards, and RAM chips.
  8. 散或绕散…的纺织结构
    To undo or ravel the knitted fabric of.
  9. 别把绳索的一头散。
    Do not ravel out the rope 's end.
  10. 别把绳索的一头散。
    Don't ravel out the rope's end.
  11. 开一点剩布的线,缝补你的衣服上的撕裂处。
    Ravel a bit of the leftover cloth to mend the tear in your dress.
  12. 拆毁;夷平
    To tear down; raze.
  13. 除,毁坏除,摧毁;
    To dismantle or raze; tear down.
  14. 摧毁除,散或摧毁,为平地
    To dismantle, take apart, or demolish; raze.
  15. 目前正计划除这幢旧建筑物。
    There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building.
  16. 现正计划除这幢旧大楼以拓宽马路。
    There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.
  17. 海事处提供免费检查和谘询服务,以推广修船、船和海上装卸货物的安全工作方法。
    The Marine Department provides a free inspection and advice service to promote safe working practices in ship-repairing, ship-breaking and cargo-handling afloat.
  18. 国务院官员今天说,里根政府除莫斯科新建美国大使馆的决定,布什政府正在考虑。这座大使馆被发现布满设计精巧的窃听装置,所以从来未使用过。
    The Bush Administration is reconsidering the Reagan Administration's decision to tear down the new American Embassy chancery in Moscow, State Department officials said today. The chancery has been found to be riddled with sophisticated eavesdropping systems and has never been used.
  19. 现有的中转房屋可分为三类:旧型层数较少的木建建筑物(当局承诺在二零零零年年底前清)、多层中转房挝括由现有一些旧型屋群大厦改建而成)及预制组件中转房屋。除此之外,当局正在屯门及天水围兴建一种新型的多层中转房屋。
    In addition to the existing three types of interim housing: old-type low-rise timber structures (to be cleared by 2000), multi-storey vertical interim housing (converted from redeveloped blocks in some older estates) and prefabricated interim housing blocks, a new form of vertical interim housing is being built in Tuen Mun and Tin Shui Wai.
  20. 计划的对象亦包括受重建和清计划影响的居民,以及合资格的初级公务员。
    This initiative is also open to tenants affected by redevelopment and clearances as well as eligible junior civil servants.
  21. 我们也要加速旧区重建,清所有临屋和平房区,安置笼屋居民;
    We will also speed up urban redevelopment, clear all temporary housing areas and cottage areas, rehouse the dwellers of bedspace apartments;
  22. 大部分单位(78%)都是编配给须承担安置的类别,例如受整体重建计划影响的租户(20%)、因发展计划而受清影响的家庭(6%),以及公屋总轮候册上的申请人(52%)等。
    The majority of these flats (78 per cent) were allocated to 'committed' categories such as tenants affected by the Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme (CRP) (20 per cent), families affected by development clearance (6 per cent), and General Waiting List applicants (52 per cent).
  23. 为鼓励受整体重建计划影响的租户和平房区清户自置居所,房屋委员会于一九九八年九月推行重建置业计划,让合资格的申请人在购买居屋或私人参建居屋单位时,可在六年内获发按揭还款补助金,总额最高可达162,000元。
    The Mortgage Subsidy Scheme was implemented in September 1998 to promote home ownership among tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme and households affected by Cottage Area clearance exercises. Under the scheme, eligible applicants buying HOS or PSPS flats are given a mortgage subsidy of up to $162,000 over a period of six years.
  24. 二零零一年,房屋委员会和房屋协会共提供70527个单位,编配给各类别的申请人,其中49900个为新单位、19700个为翻新单位,另有927个为空置单位。这些单位有56%编配给公屋轮候册上的申请人、29%编配给受房屋委员会整体重建计划影响的租户、1%编配给受清计划影响的家庭、2%编配给初级公务员。其余获编配单位的包括火灾和天灾灾民、位处危险地点的寮屋及其他搭建物的住户,以及由社会福利署推荐给予体恤安置的人士。
    In 2001, 70 527 flats were allocated by the HKHA and the HKHS to various categories of applicant. Of these flats, 49 900 were new, 19 700 refurbished and 927 being vacant flats: 56 per cent were allocated to Waiting List applicants, 29 per cent to tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme, 1 per cent to families affected by clearances, 2 per cent to junior civil servants, and the remainder to victims of fire and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures at dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  25. 他在紧急关头了我的台,成了背信弃义的人。
    He let me down at the last minute and turned out to be a broken reed.
  26. 这件衣服不合身,我要把它了,重新做。
    As the dress fits badly, I shall pick it to pieces and remake it.
  27. 枕套枕头可下的外套
    A removable covering for a pillow.
  28. 这个煮咖啡器有两个部分,可以开。
    This coffee-maker has two removable parts.
  29. 印刷机上可卸的打印部件。
    In a printer, the removable type element.
  30. 这个煮咖啡器有两个部分,可以开.
    This coffee maker has two removable parts.
  31. 箭头箭的尖状,可装能击伤的尖头
    The pointed, removable striking tip of an arrow.
  32. 赋给文件卷的一种属性,它控制该卷何时可以卸下;安装属性有:永久驻留的、保留的、可装的等。
    The attribute assigned to a volume that controls when the volume can be demounted; the mount attributes are: permanently resident, reserved, and removable.